
The previous few blogs focused on the use and principles of Apache Thrift. With the popularity of microserver architectures today, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud naturally come to mind as basic frameworks for microservices. However, Spring Cloud has been a lightweight Restful API based on the HTTP protocol as a means of communication between services since its inception.

In the design of microservices architecture, it can be divided into external services and internal services. The main differences between the two are:

  • External servicesBased on:RestfulIn the style ofHTTPAgreement, approvedThe networkProviding services externally, relatively speakingSimple and versatile.
  • Internal serviceBased on:RPCmessage-communicationTCP/IPAgreement, offerIntranetCalls between services to achieveTo reduce the bandwidth,Lower latency rate,To improve performance.

In some application scenarios, especially internal services that need to be invoked frequently, it is necessary to consider whether to transform RPC implementation to improve throughput and system performance, such as authentication services.

The body of the

The paper

Download spring-cloud-starter-thrift and import IDEA development environment. The project address is…

Spring Cloud
Apache Thrift

Spring-cloud-starter-thrift includes two modules, spring-cloud-starter-thrift-client and spring-cloud-starter-thrift-server. The spring-Cloud-starter-thrift -examples submodule provides three sample projects: Calculator, deposit, and test.

  • Calculator: Sample hands-on project.
  • Deposit: complex business scenario project example.
  • Test: performance test project example.

The service side

  1. supportApache ThriftA variety of primitiveThreaded service model, includingSingle-thread blocking model(simple),Single-threaded non-blocking model(nonBlocking),Thread pool blocking model(threadPool),Semi-synchronous and semi-asynchronous model(hsHa) andThread selector model(threadedSelector).
  2. supportApache Thrift 0.10.0Available after versionMultiplexing processorTo provide unified registration and management of services.
  3. Supported by theService signature(serviceID+ clientStubInterface name + Service version) uniquely identifies the serviceStubtheConcrete implementation classTo support the service versionA smooth upgrade.
  4. supportServer GroupForm the boot mode for eachService instanceYou can turn on more than oneThrift Server, through differentThe port numberExposure to the client.

The client

  1. Supported by theService signature(serviceID+ clientStubInterface name + service version number) uniquely identifies and invokes the serverStubConcrete implementation class.
  2. supportApache ThrifttheTransportLayer of theConnection Pool Management.To reduceBetween the client and the serverThe connectionThe frequency ofcreateandThe destruction.
  3. Support andSpring Cloud ConsultheSeamless integrationThe client passesThe heartbeat detectionwithService RegistryConsulStay connected, dynamically timedRefreshing the Service List,monitoringThe service ofTo enable the,Shut downandA healthy state.
  4. supportClient load balancing, includingrandom,pollingLoad balancing policies for clientsThriftProgram through localService cache listImplement dynamic forwarding of calls.

Quick learning

Project Structure:

  • calculator
    • calculator-client
    • calculator-iface
    • calculator-server

Spring-cloud-starter-thrift uses version 0.10.0 of thrift. Start with Calculator project, first, compile client Stub Stub and server Skeleton through Thrift IDL (Interface description Language), define interface specification through. Thrift file.

Start with the spring-cloud-starter-thrift root directory, where pum.xml is defined as follows:


    <version>1.5.8. RELEASE</version>
    <relativePath/> <! -- lookup parent from repository -->

<version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>


Copy the code

Package and install the project into a local Maven repository:

mvn clean install
Copy the code

Thrift IDL to write

namespace java com.icekredit.rpc.thrift.example
service CalculatorService {
    i32 add(1: i32 arg1, 2: i32 arg2)
    i32 subtract(1: i32 arg1, 2: i32 arg2)
    i32 multiply(1: i32 arg1, 2: i32 arg2)
    i32 division(1: i32 arg1, 2: i32 arg2)
Copy the code

Download and install 0.10.0 Thrift of IDL compiler generator, download address:… . Java Stub class file generated by the compiler.

thrift -gen java ./CalculatorService.thrift
Copy the code file generated by the compiler. has thousands of lines of code. For developers, there are only four core interfaces/classes to focus on: Iface, AsyncIface, Client, and AsyncClient.

  • Iface:The service sideBy implementingHelloWorldService.IfaceInterface to theThe clientProvide specificsynchronousBusiness logic.
  • AsyncIface:The service sideBy implementingHelloWorldService.IfaceInterface to theThe clientProvide specificasynchronousBusiness logic.
  • Client:The clientthroughHelloWorldService.ClientTo the instance object ofsynchronousThe way ofAccessing the serverThe service method provided.
  • AsyncClient:The clientthroughHelloWorldService.AsyncClientTo the instance object ofasynchronousThe way ofAccessing the serverThe service method provided.


Introduce thrift’s Maven dependency into the intermediate contract module, and copy the CalculatorService source file generated by the thrift compiler generator from the previous step into this module.


    <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>

Copy the code

The server (calculator – server)

In the server module:

  • spring-cloud-starter-thrift-server:thriftserver-sidestarterThe program.
  • calculator-iface: Intermediate contract module, here as server skeleton (Skeleton) program.


    <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>

        <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
        <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>

Copy the code

Configure the thrift server run parameters in application.yml:


## HTTP port number of the Restful service
  port: 8080

## Used for Consul health check
    sensitive: false
    enabled: true
    enabled: false

## Spring Thrift server configuration
      service-id: thrift-rpc-calculator # #
      service-model: hsHa  ## Semi-synchronous/semi-asynchronous service model
      port: 25000  Server Indicates the TCP port number of the RPC service
      worker-queue-capacity: 1000
      Semi-synchronous/semi-asynchronous service model parameter configuration
        min-worker-threads: 5  Minimum number of working threads
        max-worker-threads: 20  ## Maximum number of working threads
        keep-alived-time: 3  ## Idle thread lifetime
Copy the code

Implement the internal interface Iface of the Skeleton class CalculatorService generated by Thrift IDL and write specific business logic:

A few things to note here:

  • implementationCalculatorService.IfaceInterface.
  • Implementation class tag@ThriftServiceAnnotations, containing the following properties:
    • nameThrough:namelogoThe service name, the default value isThe class name starts with a lowercase letter.
    • versionThrough:versionlogoThe service version, the default value is1.0That is to say the sameThe service nameYou can haveMultiple version implementation.

@ThriftService(name = "rpcCalculatorService", version = 2.0)
public class RpcCalculatorService implements CalculatorService.Iface {
    public int add(int arg1, int arg2) {
        BigDecimal arg1Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg1);
        BigDecimal arg2Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg2);
        return arg1Decimal.add(arg2Decimal).intValue();

    public int subtract(int arg1, int arg2) {
        BigDecimal arg1Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg1);
        BigDecimal arg2Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg2);
        return arg1Decimal.subtract(arg2Decimal).intValue();

    public int multiply(int arg1, int arg2) {
        BigDecimal arg1Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg1);
        BigDecimal arg2Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg2);
        return arg1Decimal.multiply(arg2Decimal).intValue();

    public int division(int arg1, int arg2) {
        BigDecimal arg1Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg1);
        BigDecimal arg2Decimal = new BigDecimal(arg2);
        returnarg1Decimal.divide(arg2Decimal).intValue(); }}Copy the code

Package the server application:

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Copy the code


FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ADDThe target/spring - the boot - thrift - server - 0.0.1 - the SNAPSHOT. Jar calculator - server. The jarENTRYPOINT ["java"."-jar"."calculator-server.jar"]
Copy the code

Copy Dockerfile and target/spring-boot-thrift- server-0.0.1-snapshot. jar to thrift server.

docker build . -t icekredit/calculator-server
Copy the code

The client (calculator – the client)

Introduced in the client module:

  • spring-cloud-starter-thrift-client:thriftThe client’sstarterThe program.
  • calculator-iface: Intermediate contract module, here as client pile (Stub) program.


    <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>

        <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
        <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>


Copy the code

Configure the thrift client’s running parameters in application.yml, which must be consistent with the server configuration:

## HTTP port number of the client Restful service
  port: 8080

## Used for Consul health check
    sensitive: false
    enabled: true
    enabled: false

## Spring Thrift Client configuration (Automatic configuration of Thrift Client depends on the correct configuration of Spring Cloud Consul)
    name: thrift-calculator-client
      host: 192.16891.128.  ## Consul's IP address
      port: 8500  ## Consul HTTP port number
        register: false  ## do not use the service-based application registration provided by SpringCloud
        register-health-check: false  ## Do not use Spring Cloud for health checks
        max-attempts: 3
        max-interval: 2000
  ## Thrift Client configuration
      package-to-scan: com.icekredit.rpc.thrift.example.rpc  ## Marks the package path annotated by the @thriftClient interface
      service-model: hsHa  ## Server thread model (this must be consistent with server, default is hsHa)
      Client connection pool configuration
        retry-times: 3  Number of retries after connection timeout
        ## key consists of IP and Port, which uniquely identifies a service instance
        pool-max-total-per-key: 200 The maximum number of connections maintained by the client, including different services and service instances
        pool-min-idle-per-key: 10  Minimum number of idle connections per service instance
        pool-max-idle-per-key: 40  The maximum number of idle connections per service instance
        pool-max-wait: 30000  Maximum idle connection lifetime
        connect-timeout: 2000  Connection timeout
Copy the code

There are two considerations for writing the Thrift Client’s Client proxy interface:

  • Interfaces need to be inherited fromThe parent interface ThriftClientAwareAnd,ThriftClientAwareIn theThe generic parameterFill in forThrift IDLThe generatedStubCalculatorServiceIn theClientInner classes.
  • Interface Requirement Identification@ThriftClientAnnotations,@ThriftClientContains the following attributes:
    • serviceId: bound to this client proxy interfaceThrift The service sidetheService Registration ID(With the serverconsistent).
    • refer: Client pileStubFor example, here isCalculatorService.class.
    • version: of the concrete business implementation classThe version number(No default value1.0), needed with the serverconsistent.

@ThriftClient(serviceId = "thrift-rpc-calculator", refer = CalculatorService.class, version = 2.0)
public interface CalculatorThriftClient extends ThriftClientAware<CalculatorService.Client> {}Copy the code

Inject CalculatorThriftClient into the Controller of the client using the @thriftreferer annotation. When used by CalculatorThriftClient. ThriftClient () method, you can call Thrift Server service method.

public class RpcCalculatorController {
    private CalculatorThriftClient calculators;

    public int add(@RequestParam("arg1") int arg1, @RequestParam("arg2") int arg2) throws Exception {
        return calculators.client().add(arg1, arg2);

    public int subtract(@RequestParam("arg1") int arg1, @RequestParam("arg2") int arg2) throws Exception {
        return calculators.client().subtract(arg1, arg2);

    public int multiply(@RequestParam("arg1") int arg1, @RequestParam("arg2") int arg2) throws Exception {
        return calculators.client().multiply(arg1, arg2);

    public int division(@RequestParam("arg1") int arg1, @RequestParam("arg2") int arg2) throws Exception {
        returncalculators.client().division(arg1, arg2); }}Copy the code

Consul’s address can be configured in the local development environment and run the client program. For container environment tests, configure to package the client program:

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Copy the code


FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ADDTarget/spring - the boot - thrift - the client - 0.0.1 - the SNAPSHOT. Jar calculator - client. The jarENTRYPOINT ["java"."-jar"."calculator-client.jar"]
Copy the code

Copy Dockerfile and target/spring-boot-thrift-client-0.0.1- snapshot. jar to the server and create a service image of thrift Client.

docker build . -t icekredit/calculator-client
Copy the code

A simple test

Publish the server program

To facilitate the test, start three Thrift Server Docker containers on a host with different ports and specify the corresponding port number and Consul registration information:

Thrift Server Instance 1(port 25001) :

docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -p 25001:25000 --name calculator-server-01 \
    -e "SERVICE_25000_NAME=thrift-rpc-calculator" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TCP=/" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_INTERVAL=30s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TIMEOUT=3s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_TAGS=thrift-rpc-calculator-25001" \
Copy the code

Thrift Server Instance 2(port 25002) :

docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -p 25002:25000 --name calculator-server-01 \
    -e "SERVICE_25000_NAME=thrift-rpc-calculator" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TCP=/" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_INTERVAL=30s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TIMEOUT=3s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_TAGS=thrift-rpc-calculator-25002" \
Copy the code

Thrift Server instance 3(port 25003) :

docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -p 25003:25000 --name calculator-server-01 \
    -e "SERVICE_25000_NAME=thrift-rpc-calculator" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TCP=/" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_INTERVAL=30s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_CHECK_TIMEOUT=3s" \
	  -e "SERVICE_25000_TAGS=thrift-rpc-calculator-25003" \
Copy the code

Check the startup logs of each container. If the following information is displayed, it indicates that the Thrift Server is started successfully and provides RPC services normally.

The 2017-11-19 22:28:47. 12960-779 the INFO [main] C.I.R.T.S.C ontext. ThriftServerContext: Build thrift Server from HsHaServerContext 2017-11-19 22:28:47.820 INFO 12960 -- [main] c.i.r.t.s.p.TRegisterProcessorFactory : Processor bean org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.CalculatorService$Processor@445bce9a with signature [thrift-rpc-calculator$org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.CalculatorService$2. 0] is instantiated 22:28:47 2017-11-19. 12960-822 the INFO [main] C.I.R.T.S.P.T RegisterProcessorFactory: Single processor org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.CalculatorService$Processor@445bce9a register onto multiplexed processor with signature [thrift-rpc-calculator$org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.CalculatorService$2. 0] 22:28:47 2017-11-19. 12960-822 the INFO [main] C.I.R.T.S.P.T RegisterProcessorFactory: Multiplexed processor totally owns 1 service processorsCopy the code

Consul and Registrator containers are started and three service instances of Thrift Server are successfully registered with Consul service list:

For details on how to install Consul and Registrator, see Docker+Consul+Registrator.

The server program runs successfully and the Thrift RPC service publishes normally!

Start the client program

Start the Thrift client on local port 8080. After the Thrift client is started normally, the following startup logs are displayed:

The 2017-11-20 11:00:20. 4052-025 the INFO [main]. R.T.C.T hriftClientBeanScannerConfigurer: Base package org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.rpc is to be scanned with Com. Icekredit. RPC. Thrift. Client. Scanner. ThriftClientBeanScanner @ 37496720 2017-11-20 11:00:20. 4052-029 the INFO [main] c.i.r.t.c.s.ThriftClientBeanScanner : Packages scanned by thriftClientBeanDefinitionScanner is [org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.rpc] 2017-11-20 11:00:20. 4052-029 the INFO [main] C.I.R.T.C.S.T hriftClientBeanScanner: Scanned and found thrift client, bean calculatorThriftClient assigned from org.ostenant.springboot.learning.examples.rpc.CalculatorThriftClient The 2017-11-20 11:00:20. 4052-050 the INFO [main] F.A.A utowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor: JSR - 330'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported forAutowiring 2017-11-20 11:00:20.134 INFO 4052 - [main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean '' of type [] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible forAuto - proxying) 11:00:20 2017-11-20. 4052-136 WARN [main] C.I.R.T.C.S.T hriftClientFactoryBean: Bean class is not found the 2017-11-20 11:00:20. 142 INFO - 4052 [main] C.I.R.T.C.S.T hriftClientFactoryBean: Succeed to instantiate an instance of ThriftClientFactoryBean: Com. Icekredit. RPC. Thrift. Client. Scanner. ThriftClientFactoryBean @ 7 bac686b 11:00:20 2017-11-20. 4052-142 the INFO [main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'calculatorThriftClient' of type [com.icekredit.rpc.thrift.client.scanner.ThriftClientFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible forAuto-proxying) 2017-11-20 11:00:20.411 INFO 4052 -- [main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean '$MetricsRestTemplateConfiguration' of type [$MetricsRestTemplateConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$a9ef18dc] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible forAuto-proxying) 2017-11-20 11:00:20.423 INFO 4052 -- [main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean '' of type [$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$93dc7598] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible forAuto - proxying) 11:00:21 2017-11-20. 4052-592 the INFO [main] S.B.C.E.T.T omcatEmbeddedServletContainer: Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http)Copy the code

During startup, all interfaces marked with @thriftClient annotation generate proxy objects and inject them into the Controller with @thriftreferer annotation.

At the same time, a ServerUpdater is enabled when the client is started. The server obtains healthy service node information from the Consul registration list periodically and dynamically and caches it to the local service list.

The 11:02:26 2017-11-20. 4052-726 the INFO [erListUpdater - 0] T.C.L.T hriftConsulServerListLoadBalancer: Refreshed thrift serverList: [thrift-rpc-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25001], host='', port=25001, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25002], host='', port=25002, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25003], host='', port=25003, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8301: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=8301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=9301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=10301, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8302: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=8302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=9302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=10302, address='', isHealth=true}], thrift-rest-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8081], host='', port=8081, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8082], host='', port=8082, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8083], host='', port=8083, address='', isHealth=true}]] 2017-11-20 11:02:56. 752 INFO - 4052 [erListUpdater - 0] T.C.L.T hriftConsulServerListLoadBalancer: Refreshed thrift serverList: [thrift-rpc-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25001], host='', port=25001, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25002], host='', port=25002, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25003], host='', port=25003, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8301: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=8301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=9301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=10301, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8302: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=8302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=9302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=10302, address='', isHealth=true}], thrift-rest-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8081], host='', port=8081, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8082], host='', port=8082, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8083], host='', port=8083, address='', isHealth=true}]] 2017-11-20 11:03:26. 764 INFO - 4052 [erListUpdater - 0] T.C.L.T hriftConsulServerListLoadBalancer: Refreshed thrift serverList: [thrift-rpc-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25001], host='', port=25001, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25002], host='', port=25002, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rpc-calculator', tags=[thrift-rpc-calculator-25003], host='', port=25003, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8301: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=8301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=9301, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8301', tags=[udp], host='', port=10301, address='', isHealth=true}], consul-8302: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=8302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=9302, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='consul-8302', tags=[udp], host='', port=10302, address='', isHealth=true}], thrift-rest-calculator: [ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8081], host='', port=8081, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8082], host='', port=8082, address='', isHealth=true}, ThriftServerNode{node='node1', serviceId='thrift-rest-calculator', tags=[thrift-rest-calculator-8083], host='', port=8083, address='', isHealth=true}]]
Copy the code

Accessing the local Thrift client:

Access to the address Parameter arg1 Parameter arg2 Page output result
/rpc/add 200 100 300
/rpc/subtract 200 100 100
/rpc/multiply 200 100 20000
/rpc/division 200 100 2


This article briefly introduces how to use starter to integrate Apache Thrift into Spring Cloud. For more complex application scenarios and the internal design and implementation principle of starter, detailed introduction will be given step by step.

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