Spring Cloud Gateway is a new component of Spring Cloud Finchley that replaces the service Gateway: Zuul.

What are the differences between Spring Cloud Gateway and Zuul?

1. Open source organizations

Spring Cloud Gateway is a sub-project of the Spring Cloud microservices platform. It belongs to the Spring open source community and relies on the name: Spring-Cloud-starter-Gateway.

Spring. IO/projects/sp…

Zuul is an open source project of Netflix. Spring Cloud has been integrated with Zuul in Netflix project, relying on the name: Spring-Cloud-starter-Netflix-Zuul.


2. Low-level implementation


According to the author of Spring Cloud Gateway:

Zuul is built on Servlet 2.5, is 3.x compatible, uses a blocking API, and does not support long connections such as WebSockets. In addition

The Spring Cloud Gateway is built on Spring 5+ and is based on Spring Boot 2.x’s responsive, non-blocking API. Also, it supports WebSockets, tightly integrates with the Spring framework, and the development experience is relatively good.

3. Performance

This is nothing compared to Zuul 2.x, which has a big underlying change with asynchronous non-blocking apis and improved performance, but now Spring Cloud doesn’t integrate Zuul 2.x, so it’s nothing compared to Zuul 2.x.

How to choose?

Netflix has already released the latest version of Zuul 2.x, but it seems that Spring Cloud has no plans to integrate Zuul 1.x.

Spring Cloud launched its own service gateway after Zuul 2.x failed: Spring Cloud Gateway, stack length, is easier to use than Zuul, configuration is more convenient, so it is right to choose Spring Cloud Gateway, after all, is the son of Spring Cloud, will not start chaos eventually abandoned.

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