Spring Cloud Finchley was officially released on June 19 on the Spring blog, and we saw the latest update in the Maven central repository.

Finchley’s official release has taken quite a while, but it’s been a long time coming. Here are four major updates for this major release.

Major update

1. Add Spring Cloud Gateway component

Spring Cloud Gateway is a next-generation API Gateway based on Spring Webflux and responsive Netty to replace Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul. It provides simpler dynamic routing, with per-route filters (such as address rewriting, circuit breakers, add/remove request headers, traffic limiting, and security).

2. Added the Spring Cloud Function component

The main functions of Spring Cloud Function are as follows:

  • Through a series of functions to promote the implementation of business logic;
  • Separate the development life cycle of business logic from any specific run goal so that the same code can be run as a Web endpoint, a stream processor, or a task;
  • Supports a unified programming model across Serverless providers and has the ability to run independently (native or PaaS platform);
  • Enable Spring Boot features on serverless providers, such as automatic configuration, dependency injection, and indicators.
3, Compatible with Spring Boot 2.0.x

Finchley builds on Spring Boot 2.0.x and is officially advised not to work with Spring Boot 1.5.x and previous releases.

4. JDK 1.8 is supported at minimum

JDK bar has been raised, 1.8 is the mainstream after all.

For more details on the updates, please refer to the Official Spring blog.


Other version life cycles

The release of the new version signals the gradual withdrawal of other historical versions, as Spring officially announces the end of service deadlines for other versions.

  • Camden

Now start ending the life cycle.

  • Dalston

It will end its life cycle in December 2018.

  • Edgware

The end of the life cycle comes with the end of Spring Boot 1.5.x.

The last

If you don’t know what these versions mean, please read my previous article, “How to choose multiple Versions of Spring Cloud?” For more technical articles on Spring Cloud, please see the Spring technical tutorial summary in the topics menu of our official account.

What version are you using now, and what do you think about upgrading this version? Welcome to leave a message!

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