Spring Boot + Vue3 front and rear end separation Wiki knowledge system today learn chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 10, chapter 11 and chapter 13.

Chapter 3 back-end architecture improvement and interface development
3-1 ZhangJie
3-2 Preparing the database
3-3 IDEA Database plug-in configuration
3-4 Integrated persistence layer framework Mybatis
3-5 Integrate Mybatis official code generator
3-6 E-book list query interface development
3-7 Encapsulate request and return parameters
3-8 Make CopyUtil encapsulate BeanUtils

Chapter 4 Vue3 + Vue CLI project construction
4-1 ZhangJie
4-2 Understand Vue and Vue CLI and their relationships
4-3 Creating a Vue CLI project
4-4 Vue CLI project structure Analysis
4-5 Integration with Ant Design Vue
4-6 Website home page layout development
4-7 Making custom Vue components

Chapter 5 Front and rear end interaction integration
5-1 ZhangJie
5-2 Integrate THE HTTP library Axios
5-3 Vue3 Data binding Displays list data
5-4 Display of e-book list interface
5-5 Vue CLI Configuration in multiple environments
5-6 Print front-end logs using Axios interceptor
5-7 Using the SpringBoot filter
5-8 Use of SpringBoot interceptors
5-9 Use of SpringBoot AOP

Chapter 6 e-book management function development
6-1 ZhangJie
6-2 Added the page for managing e-books
6-3 Ebook table display
6-4 Use PageHelper to implement back-end paging
6-5 Encapsulates paging request parameters and return parameters
6-6 Integration of the front and back end paging functions
6-7 Make an ebook form
6-8 Complete the e-book editing function
6-9 Snowflake algorithm and new functions
6-10 Added the function of deleting e-books
Validation does parameter verification
6-12 E-book management function optimization

Chapter 10 Views & Likes
10-1 ZhangJie
10-2 Document read number updated
10-3 Development of document thumbs-up function
10-4 Research on e-book information update scheme
10-5 Example of a SpringBoot scheduled task
10-6 Complete the e-book information periodic update function
10-7 Usage of log serial numbers
10-8 WebSocket Example
10-9 The thumbs-up notification function is complete
10-10 Use asynchronous decoupling to like notification
10-11 Use MQ decoupling to like the notification feature

Chapter 11 knowledge base function development
ZhangJie 11-1
Discussion on statistical scheme of 11-2 report forms
11-3 Ebook snapshot table design
11-4 Script writing for ebook snapshot collection -1
11-5 Ebook snapshot collection script writing -2
11-6 The ebook snapshot function is complete
11-7 Home page statistics function development
11-8 Echarts integration and usage examples
11-9 30-day trend chart function development
11-10 Website optimization

Chapter 13 Course Summary