How to Quickly get familiar with the Spring Technology Stack

Talk is cheap, show me the picture. There is a picture and there is a truth

The diagram only shows the main request flow. If you can’t see it clearly, please open the original diagram (or look at it first and then).

From the picture, you can see:

  • The difference between a filter and an interceptor is when a servlet is processed
  • What Spring has helped us do, For example, HandlerMapping of request URL and Bean Method, parsing of HTTP protocol, conversion and verification of parameter type, invocation of specific Bean Method (which may pass dynamic proxy interceptor before invocation), Return data processing, turn to page rendering, etc
  • Spring Validation validates parameters
  • Additional instructions for initialization of DispatchServlet on container startup (see top)
  • Some basic processing class configuration, can search DispatcherServlet. Properties configuration file
  • Good abstraction, no worries for extension

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