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Many friends have asked me for the Spring Boot open source project, so in this issue we will write an article like this. I found some popular Spring Boot open source projects on GitHub. If you like, we can share a video tutorial next time. It is not easy to just look at the code, especially a set of systems written by others. It is difficult for beginners to read without video, so we choose to learn.

The following projects are downloaded and packaged, baidu cloud link to take it

Link: extraction code: cu3n

Spring Boot official project


The project name


Introduction to the

Spring Boot is the official open source project, want to have a look at spring Boot source partners can study this project

Spring Boot component integration Project 1


The project name


Introduction to the

The Spring Boot project integrates many common components in the market, such as: Freemarker, Thymeleaf, JPA, Mybatis, Redis, Ehcache, Email, Quartz, Zookeeper, RabbitMQ, Kafka, WebSocket, ElasticSearch, etc. I won’t give you one example.

If you need to integrate any components into your Spring Boot project, you can copy them directly from this project. Very convenient

Spring Boot component integration Project 2


The project name


Introduction to the

This project is the same as above. We mainly look at these two projects, which will be of great help to our future work.

Mall project


The project name


Introduction to the

You can look at it selectively, don’t get too tangled up in this thing, after all, it’s not easy to look at other people’s code

Springboot integrates multi-data source projects


The project name


Introduction to the

Is a fast integrated multi-data source launcher based on SpringBoot. Data source grouping, suitable for a variety of scenarios pure multi-library read and write separation of a master multi-slave mixed mode. Provide pure read and write separation scheme in Mybatis environment.

Spring Boot/Shiro permission Project 1


The project name


Introduction to the

Provides a set of permission management ideas based on Springboot-Shiro-vue. Both front and back ends are controlled to achieve button/interface level permissions

Spring Boot/Shiro permission Project 2


The project name

FEBS – Shiro – 2.0

Introduction to the

Febs-shiro is a simple and efficient background rights management system, built using Spring Boot, Shiro and Layui. FEBS means Fast, Easy use, Beautiful and Safe. Febs-shiro is a good choice for enterprise applications, private development scaffolding or permission system building learning.

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