Spring Boot 2.1.5 has been released on March 15, 2019.

The official announcement is as follows:

Spring. IO/blog / 2019/0…

Warehouses have caught up:

What’s new in this version?

1. Added automatic configuration of Spring Session DefaultCookieSerializer;

2. Increased the cache of MimeTypes to improve performance;

What the hell are these two? They haven’t been used.

In addition is to fix a push of bugs, and update some dependency packages. For details, please refer to here:


There is no major update to this version, just a routine update, so you should pay attention to the following, the official notice again.

Here we go!!

Friendly reminder:

Spring Boot 1.5.x will end on 2019/08/01. It is recommended that you migrate to Spring Boot 2.x.

Spring Boot 1.x supports JDK 8+. If you are using JDK 1.7 for Spring Boot 1.x, you should pay attention to the compatibility of the upgrade. “Spring Boot 2.x new features summary and migration Guide”, in the public account background reply: “Boot” to get more Spring Boot tutorial, are practical dry goods, the following is only part of the preview.

  • Several ways for Spring Boot to read configurations
  • How to verify Spring Boot parameters?
  • Spring Boot most core 25 notes!
  • Spring Boot 2.x startup process source code analysis
  • Spring Boot 2.x new features summary and migration guide

The stack manager will continue to push the latest progress and hot technology tutorials of Spring Boot on the official account as soon as possible. Finally, which version do you use? Welcome to leave a message