Description Given a matrix of m x n size (m rows, n columns), return all elements of the matrix in spiral order. Example 1 input: [[1, 2, 3], [4 and 6], [7,8,9]] to copy the return value: copy,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5 [1]Copy the code


  1. When there is only one row or column, access all of them directly
  2. If there is more than one row and more than one column, the access order is left-right, up-down, right-left, down-up
  3. Pay particular attention to the scope of the access index
Def spiralOrder(self, matrix): def spiralOrder(self, matrix) # write code here if len(matrix)==0: return [] left=0 right=len(matrix[0])-1 top=0 down=len(matrix)-1 res=[] while left<=right and top<=down: if top==down: #one line for ele in matrix[top][left:right+1]: res.append(ele) break elif left==right: # one colomn for row in matrix[top:down+1]: res.append(row[left]) break else: # left-right; top-down; right-left; down-top for ele in matrix[top][left:right]: res.append(ele) for row in matrix[top:down]: res.append(row[right]) for ele in matrix[down][right:left:-1]: res.append(ele) for row in matrix[down:top:-1]: res.append(row[left]) top=top+1 right=right-1 down=down-1 left=left+1 return resCopy the code