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Sphinx SQL_ATTR_MULTI configuration reference

In Sphinx, there is an MVA property declared in the following format (backslashes are used just for clarity, you can still declare it in one line) : Sql_attr_multi = attr-type attr-name 'from' source-type \ [;QUERY] \ [; range-query] where attr-type is' uint 'or 1. The dataset is ranged in the form of 'field ',' query ', or' ranged in the form of 'ranged ', or' ranged in the form of 'ranged ', or' ranged in the form of 'ranged'. 1. Space for other segmentation can identify query is used to obtain all (document ID, attribute values) sequence of SQL query ranged - query is used to obtain the document ID minimum and maximum of SQL query examples:  sql_attr_multi = uint tag from field; sql_attr_multi = uint tag from query; \ SELECT id, tag FROM tags sql_attr_multi = uint tag from ranged-query; \ SELECT id, tag FROM tags WHERE id>=$start AND id<=$end; \ SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id) FROM tags

** Note that when we use the field type, the field field’s value should be in unsigned 32-bit integers separated by English commas, such as 1,2,3,4. In the case of Query or ranged -Query, we have one value per row, and one id for multiple (ranged)tag values **