
Today, we will discuss optimization techniques in Python. In this article, you’ll learn how to speed up your code by avoiding recalculation in lists and dictionaries.

Let’s first write a decorator function to calculate the execution time of the function, which is convenient to test the speed of different code:

Avoid reevaluating in lists

Within the loop


In the above function. Append recalculates the function reference each time through the loop. Total time taken by the above function after execution:

Outside the loop


In the above function, we evaluate nums.append outside the loop and use append as a variable inside the loop. Total time:

As you can see, when we append to a local variable outside the for loop, this takes much less time and can speed up the code by 201 ms.

Avoid reevaluating in the dictionary

Inside the loop


Total time taken by the above function:

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Outside the loop


Total time taken by the above function:

As you can see, our code here is 211 milliseconds faster.