Technical side (first, second, third side)

  1. What lock types do Java have?
  2. Do you know Spark? Why is Spark faster than Hadoop?
  3. Talk about poll and epoll, and whether epoll is synchronous or asynchronous
  4. JMM, under what circumstances can GC be triggered by older generations, and can GC on older generations cause the program to stall? (Optimal throughput and minimum pause times)
  5. How does TCP disconnect
  6. Let’s talk about red black trees
  7. The time complexity of inserting a node in a red-black tree
  8. What do you know about the time complexity of algorithms? What is the complexity of quicksort? Why is that?
  9. Implementation of HashMap, why nodes inserted at the head of the list are prone to deadlock?
  10. A HashMap capacity
  11. String A and b, assuming that a consists of 26 lowercase letters and a is longer than B, check whether all characters in B appear in A
  12. The JDK11 ZGC
  13. Java class loading process
  14. Rip code: bidirectional ordered linked list, remove all nodes with duplicate values
  15. Name a few design patterns you are familiar with, the handwritten singleton design pattern
  16. What is the implementation of ConcurrentHashMap
  17. Draw the bottom block diagram of the B+ tree. What is the structure of the leaves of the B+ tree
  18. Select * from B+ tree where index 0 to 99 exists; select * from B+ tree where index 3 to 30 exists
  19. How to ensure the consistency of cache and database double-write?
  20. What’s the difference between Redis and Memcached?
  21. What is the threading model of Redis? Why is single-threaded Redis so much more efficient than multi-threaded Memcached
  22. How to deal with the id primary key after the database is divided into tables?
  23. How to design a RPC framework like Dubbo?

HR side

  1. Which project gained the most and how were the problems solved during the project?
  2. Tell me one of your weaknesses
  3. Would you rather be in steady business or go into new business?
  4. Do you think it’s harder to go from zero to one or from one to 100?
  5. Plans for your future position

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