Give a song name, search and download the song

Song site, crawl mp3 and Lyric

This article introduces the song resource path to the song site, download the song

The main differences,

  • I’ll give you the name of the song, I’ll get the name of the song, I’ll search for the song ID,

Through the song ID, get lyrics, song resource path, and finally download song resources

  • I’ll give you the URL of the song, the ID of the song, I need to find the name of the song,

You have the song ID, take the lyrics, the song resource path, and the song resource

Take ID from the url

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Use ID to get the name of the song

        songInfoUrl = "{}&ids=%5B{}%5D".format(song_id, song_id)
        songInfoResponse = self.crawler.session.get(songInfoUrl)
        songInfoJSON = songInfoResponse.json()
        song_name = songInfoJSON['songs'][0]["name"]

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The idea was to take the web URL of the song, download the entire page,

Find the song title from the page


Because some music sites, the song information is loaded later

Get the lyrics with ID

        csrf = ''
        lyricUrl = '{}&lv=-1&csrf_token={}'.format(song_id, csrf)
        lyricResponse = self.session.get(lyricUrl)
        lyricJSON = lyricResponse.json()
        lyrics = lyricJSON['lrc']['lyric'].split("\n")
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Get the song resource path with ID

url = '' csrf = '' params = {'ids': [song_id], 'br': Csrf_token: CSRF} result = self.post_request(url, params) # song_url = result['data'][0]['url']Copy the code

Download song (omitted)

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