Recently, I discussed how to work efficiently with my team members and summarized some personal opinions

Attitude adjustment

  • Take everything seriously
  • How do you handle your job and how does it reward you
  • No pretentious, to do their own work is everyone should do, get paid to do things for the company
  • Break down thinking barriers, avoid excessive emphasis on boundaries, such as their own ability to achieve the goal, do not care too much
  • Keep your sense of crisis and make yourself useful
  • Proactive, responsive and helpful to the best of your ability
  • What you pay now determines your career ceiling for years to come

Efficient time management

  • Prioritizing, like the traditional four quadrants, recommends the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Increase effective working time, 100% working time, recommended pomodoro technique (25-40 minutes work, 5 minutes rest)
  • Focus on one thing at a time, but don’t use that as an excuse to say no to other things
  • Be punctual. Try not to be late for meetings, work, parties, etc

Effective communication

  • Don’t argue about right or wrong, just focus on the goal
  • Look beneath the surface to understand the logic behind it
  • Don’t be afraid of trouble from others. The outcome of each matter may determine your future opportunities
  • Focus on emotional accounts. How do you treat others, and how will they treat you
  • Respond to everyone in a timely manner
  • Don’t be afraid to apologize. If you’ve made a mistake, there’s no need to hide it. Most people enjoy working with people who are responsible

Efficient execution

  • Do not delay, do not overthink, feel feasible immediately to do, start up the difficulties disappear more than half
  • Once you have promised something, do everything you can to keep it
  • Align goals and synchronize progress regularly
  • There is a sense of responsibility and no excuses
  • Standing in a higher position to think, do not compromise
  • Be transparent about your work, and actively participate in networking, sharing, etc
  • Give yourself a goal. Give yourself a deadline for any task

Efficient output

  • The ability to process tasks concurrently
  • Deliberately train their writing, coding, communication and other skills
  • Use all the time to fix your weak spots
  • Delegate or ask for help