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A anti already a year later, when the college entrance examination after the madness of the young, to parents now mature senior professional college career short (computers), and this year, has experienced a lot of things, lost, have experienced life and learning have to face the future at a loss, also harvest a sweet love, learned a good jianfa, won many awards, I have not wasted my time in the whole year. I am writing this record not only to give some experience to freshmen who are about to enter campus life, but also to make some summaries for me this year.

Note: All content is biased towards software development based on your major and interests.

Problems you might encounter

  • Q: Postgraduate entrance examination or employment?

    A: It’s such a classic question, I think a lot of people would say: Insurance research > > one’s deceased father grind > other large and medium-sized factory, but each person’s choice finally, I have also thought about this question for a long time, until I found out that our school seniors, those who take an examination of grinding was mostly because their level is not enough, don’t know what to do to choose one’s deceased father grind, so I resolutely decided I want to learn more technology, into the company, But will go into big first step is to resume, education may be the somebody else see don’t see (a specialist uncle to push will not give the opportunity, finally went to the small factory), and high degree of perhaps the interviewer will give you a water, the last salary may be slightly higher (there will be other distinction between), it is must consider, If your school competitiveness is relatively low, postgraduate entrance examination may be a helpless choice, but in any case, technology is still the most critical, with technology, the impact of education may be reduced, conversely, if the technology is not up to the standard, the impact of education is huge. In addition, in software, the employment gap between graduate and undergraduate students is also slowly narrowing, which is a trend, so I suggest that if the school is still good, still regard employment as the main choice, study hard technology, take early study, later will be late. If there is a chance to go to a higher grade school, it is also very good. For schools with little competitiveness, they still take learning technology as the main goal, and choose their own way according to their knowledge mastery in the second year or other stages.

  • Q: Is GPA important?

    A: If you choose to stay in graduate school, it is very important. Please study hard. If you choose to employment, freshman and please don’t fall, don’t make an excuse for his cowardice, give yourself a posterior also is very be necessary, perhaps because you learn later not found through a technical grade point is not bad, conveniently to cover research way, if you really sure, so please make sure not to fail, and put the extra time to learn technology.

  • Q: Can I skip classes in college?

    A: If you do ask this question, I assume you are planning to use your time in class to study hard and work your way to the big factory. My answer is to quote the common answer to computer questions: It depends. If this is one of those classes that you don’t attend, or if you’re sure you’ll get it in the last few weeks, skip it without getting caught!

  • Q: Is it necessary to join the club?

    A: My answer is to quote the usual answer to computer questions: it depends. It’s ok not to join some clubs if they really don’t offer you something useful. The advice is to join an authoritative technical club and an interest-based club in the first year of college, and to quit the interest-based club in the second year of college. The technical club sometimes does provide some platform, in addition to gather a group of talents, the circle is also very important.

  • Q: Do you need a relationship?

    A: Fencing with me!

  • Q: Game book or light book?

    A: It is recommended to buy A light book. It is convenient to carry it when participating in activities, competitions or studying by yourself. The suggestion buys a few better, the performance still is more important.

  • Q: Do you need a tablet?

    A: It’s not necessary. If you’re not interested in e-books or don’t have A budget, you don’t have to buy one. If you can accept e-books and have a budget, you can buy a hand, the book to read is still very much, keyboard – tablet – computer three points one line, you can read books (online classes) while typing code, or very cool.

  • Q: Online courses or books?

    A: if you are learning ability is good, the efficiency of reading is absolutely than online classes, if it is for A piece of knowledge does not understand, at this time to see net class was very helpful, for example you algorithm < < algorithm XXX > > the red-black tree did not understand, at this time alone to go to the red and black tree that A video is ok. Of course, if there is how to read a book do not understand the situation, at this time or look at the network course better!

  • Q: Do YOU want to call ACM? Do you want to enter the contest?

    A: Play ACM or to consider carefully, input and report ratio is too low, if there is no strong interest, not recommended to play, but anyway, algorithm is must learn, but do not need to learn the level of competition, about force buckle weekly contest 2000 points is enough. The competition is still to be played (not ACM competition). No matter what you do in the future, it will be very helpful, but don’t put too much energy into it. More experiences should be put into learning. Challenge Cup, Discovery Cup, innovation and entrepreneurship projects, Internet +, etc., all suggestions for doing problems should take part in the competition, and I suggest holding thighs for creative works.

  • Q: Do you take notes when you study technology?

    A: Normally, it’s not necessary. When you don’t understand something, you can learn it by reading other people’s blogs or searching for information. You can spend more time coding. Of course, note-taking can be beneficial for programming basics or for things that are really hard to understand, such as: Network, operating system, computer composition, JVM, etc. It is very helpful to take notes and review them frequently. There is no need to take notes for language learning. Whether you take notes or not, please pay more attention to principles in the learning process, rather than tangled with some superficial knowledge.

If you have any other questions, welcome to discuss!


  1. Early learn, never waste time.
  2. Networking is also important. Take part in more meaningful activities and meet more people.
  3. More hands, less talk.
  4. Start brushing as early as possible.
  5. Be in a relationship when you can, and enjoy college while you study.

Learning path

Knowledge to be learned in one year: C, C++, Java, data structure, algorithm, operating system, computer network, computer composition, database system.

The ultimate goal is to develop learning ability, and lay a good programming foundation, so that the future can be developed in any direction.

Only summarizes three summer vacation to the freshman summer (August ~ August) of course, before all of the recommended segment to the period of time, almost all the books I read it again, should be not more than () should still can learn some other knowledge during the period of, there is no can’t finish this claim, in addition, I also with several other bosses in exchange for a moment, The conclusion is as follows.

Note: for reference only, electronic resources are provided at the end of all recommended books

August to August 15 Start C language

  • Recommended reading: Aha C — 8.3 on Douban

  • Recommended reasons: Easy to understand, humorous.

  • With practice: go through the problem sets in the book and you should get interested in programming.

August 15~ October C language introduction

  • C Primer Plus — douban score 9,4

  • Why you should check it out: This book is a bible of THE C language, full of examples, perfect for those who want to get started and consolidate C.

  • Accompanying practice: Hangdian OJ100

Oct ~ Oct 10 Entry algorithm

  • Recommended reading: Aha algorithm — Douban score 7.7

  • Why you should recommend it: It’s easy to read, humorous, and mostly entry-level algorithms, but it also involves a little higher thinking.

  • Alternative reading Materials: Dahua data structure — Douban rating 7.9 — easy to understand.

  • Accompanying practice: Hangdian OJ100

October 10~ October 20 In-depth C language

  • Recommended reading: C and Pointers — Douban score 9.0
  • Why you should check it out: With 18 chapters covering data, statements, operators and expressions, Pointers, functions, arrays, strings, structures, and unions, it’s a good book to reinforce the C language.
  • Alternative reading materials: C expert programming — Douban score 9.2 — ranked among the top three Bibles of C language.
  • Alternative reading: C Traps and Defects — douban score 8.9 — is one of the top three bibles in C.
  • Accompanying practice: C language to achieve student management system

October 20~ November 20 in-depth algorithm

  • Recommended reading: Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis — Douban score 8.9
  • Why you should check it out: This book refines and reinforces his innovative approach to algorithms and data structures. Through the realization of C program, the concept of abstract data type is emphasized, and the efficiency, performance and running time of the algorithm are analyzed.
  • Reading Method: Skip the mathematical proofs.
  • Alternative reading Materials: Algorithms Contest Entry Classic (2nd edition) — Douban score 8.9 — Classic algorithms from Entry to Abandonment.
  • Alternative reading Materials: Introduction to Algorithms (the third edition of the original book) — Douban score 9.3 — Excellent instant noodles cover.
  • Question Bank – LeetCode, the world’s geek favorite technology growth platform (
  • Accompanying practice: C language to achieve student management system

November 20 to February introduction to computer Systems world

  • Recommended reading: An In-depth Understanding of Computer Systems (3rd edition) — Douban rating 9.8

  • Why we recommend it: This book perfectly runs through the principles of two and eight, and gives an important explanation of the key points of knowledge in computer systems. This book is not really in-depth, but it is very broad, and will bring you into the world of computers. After reading this book, you will have a good foundation for reading other black books.

  • How to read: THE CPU and performance chapter is not necessary to understand, the network chapter can be skimped or skipped, this book is not a good explanation of the network principles, but more like API calls.

  • Accompanying practice: supporting experiments

January ~ February introduction to C++

  • C++ Primer Chinese version (5th edition

  • Why you should recommend it: a large and comprehensive C++ bible, enough to get started.

  • How to read: The last chapters of the advanced chapter can be skipped, please cooperate with LeetCode during the use.

  • In-depth study: STL source code analysis – Douban score 8.7 – a book can let you see bald.

  • Question Bank – LeetCode, the world’s geek favorite technology growth platform (

  • With practice: C++ to achieve intelligent man-machine backgammon

February to February 20 Getting Started

  • Recommended reading: Introduction to Operating System — Douban score 9.4
  • Recommended reason: too vivid, simply than big bong dozen more people also good-looking, a person can’t stop. This book can be read on wechat for free.
  • How to read: Chew repeatedly.

February 20~ March consolidate the operating system

  • Recommended reading: Modern operating systems — Douban score 8.4
  • Why you should recommend it: Dictionary books are good for consolidating knowledge, and several well-known algorithms are very good.
  • In-depth learning: 30 days self-made operating system — Douban score 8.3 — Self-made MiniOS, in-depth details.
  • In-depth study: Operating system image restoration — Douban score 8.4 — self-made MiniOS, in-depth details.
  • In-depth study: design and implementation of a 64-bit operating system — Douban score 8.4 — Self-made MiniOS, in-depth details.

March to March 20 Introduction to Java

  • Recommended reading: JAVA Core Technology (Volume 1) — Douban Rating 9.0
  • Why you should read it: it’s not very lively and may be unfriendly to beginners, but if you have some C++ background, this book is the best way to get started with Java.
  • How to read: Don’t knock, understand, don’t understand the time again.
  • This book is for beginners without a foundation.
  • Alternative reading: OnJava8 – this book should be of the highest quality, and may be a bit difficult, with ebook resources at the end.
  • Question Bank – LeetCode, the world’s geek favorite technology growth platform (
  • Side practice: Implement a Web server or proxy server.

March 20~ April 20 introductory computer network

  • Recommended reading: The Top-down Approach to Computer Networking (7th edition) — Douban score 9.3
  • Recommended reading: Read and agree.
  • How to read: Dive into the details of the link layer and learn the rest.
  • Accompanying practice: Programming assignments for Computer Networks – Top-down Approach (original book 6th edition), translation and solution of Wireshark experimental documents.

April 20~ May consolidate the computer network

  • Recommended reading: TCP/IP Volume 1: Protocol (original book 2nd edition) – Douban rating 7.3
  • How to read: If you don’t understand the IP section, then move on to the TCP section of the book. You don’t need to read the whole book.

May to May 5 Start MySQL

  • MySQL must know must know — Douban score 8.4
  • Why we recommend it: A quick start that will teach you the basics of MySQL.

May 5~ May 15 Start MySQL

  • Recommended reading: inside MySQL Technology — Douban score 8.5
  • Recommended reasons: From the perspective of source code in-depth analysis of InnoDB architecture, implementation principle, working mechanism, and a number of best practices, it will help you to systematically and deeply grasp InnoDB, more importantly, it will provide you with excellent guidance for the design and management of high performance, high availability database system.
  • How to read: Focus on chapters 5,6,7 and 8.
  • Question Bank – LeetCode, the world’s geek favorite technology growth platform (

From May 15 to June 10, I started database system

  • Recommended reading: Database System concept — Douban score 8.4
  • Recommended reasons: The famous sailing book, development may not use, but if you want to learn the design of database or operation and maintenance can not do without it, the main disadvantage of the feeling is too thick and too wide, the book also extensively explained a lot of basic computer knowledge, although they may not be very associated with the database.
  • How to read: Read only the first 16 chapters for the first time. Read the following chapters as a dictionary if you are interested.

June 10~ July Java concurrent programming

  • Recommended reading: Java concurrent programming practice – Douban score 9.0
  • Why we recommend it: The Bible is a must-see, and it’s a good guide to concurrent programming in general, but some details may need to be learned by reading the source code later.
  • Read instead: The Art of Concurrent Programming in Java — Doubanscore 7.4 — a rigorous but boring book.
  • Read instead: The Beauty of Concurrent Programming in Java – Douban rating 7.6 – this is a good one and worth a look.
  • Question Bank – LeetCode, the world’s geek favorite technology growth platform (

July ~ August start HTML and CSS

  • Recommended reading: Head First HTML and CSS (2nd edition) — Douban rating 9.2
  • Why you should check it out: Very lively, a 700-plus page book that can be read in 3 days is better than the Sword of dawn!
  • Instead read: Rookie Tutorial – Learn not only the technology, but also the dream!
  • Companion practice: Find a beautiful website and copy it!

July ~ August entry JS

  • Recommended reading: JavaScript Advanced Programming (4th edition) – Douban rating 9.0
  • Recommended reasons: the famous little Red Book, JS learning this should be a bible.
  • Instead read: Rookie Tutorial – Learn not only the technology, but also the dream!
  • Companion practice: Find a beautiful website and copy it!

Note: Alternate reading refers to books that are also recommended at the same time. Normally, you can choose one of the recommended reading and alternate reading, but it is best to refer to each other to deepen your understanding.


All book resources in the article:

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Sorting out resources is not easy, if can help you, but also hope to support!

The road ahead is still very long, I hope you and I encourage each other!