If the local open is blank after packaging, it indicates that the address is not configured during packaging. You can configure the address in vue.config.js after vue-CLI 3.2

publicPath: '/', configure static resources and JS filesoutputDir:'.. /learn-cordova/www'To configure the location where the package file is generated after the build command is executedCopy the code

Static resources can run normally, but dynamic resources cannot run normally, that is, the request error. The reason is that android 6 prohibits plaintext transmission, that is, HTTP protocol is disabled. Update project\platforms\ Android \app\ SRC \main\ androidmanifest.xml as follows

<application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">
Copy the code

Make sure you don’t have a single application that will report an error. The android: directly to the usesCleartextTraffic = “true” to the application behind it!!!!!!!!!! The application as a HTML tags and android: usesCleartextTraffic = “true” is one of his attributes Wasted my time three hours, giao!!!!!!!!!!