• On Terrible UX Trends for 2017
  • Originally by Christian Beck
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Translator: Ruixi
  • Proofreader: L9m, Bobmayuze

Some of the UX trends of 2017 are biting

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More than the gray ash

Instagram upends the design world with black and white redesigns. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a design that’s all about these two colors.

This year’s theme is going grey to the finish. We recently published a “scientific” survey showing a “compelling” set of statistics:

A lot of people were dumbstruck when we asked such meaningless questions. Look, designers around the world prefer Grey to Gray. If you’re still using Gray this year, you might want to change careers. No one wants it.

Scrollbars in virtual reality

Remember when you had to look back at the big shark behind you? Not anymore. Just focus your eyes on the scroll bar and scroll left/right. Shake your head to do a parallax roll. Just don’t scroll the entire screen on someone’s VR head: it could cause permanent damage.

Origami prototype

If you learn to draw prototypes on paper in school, it may still be useful to talk about at parties. But today, you stood outside starbucks have to “test” a boccia live the application paper prototype will cause the evil eye 🙄 (note: boccia is a severe spasm, cerebral palsy or severe physical disabilities to participate in sports, concrete is play ball on the ground, according to throw the ball away from the goal of total distance to determine the outcome). This is where origami prototypes come in. If you really want to test prototypes off-screen, you need to become an origami expert and use origami shapes to simulate soft drop shadows you want. If you want to use materials in your materialized design, rough parchment is the best choice.

Hot New Job

Everyone likes a professional title. We spent a lot of time talking about it when we weren’t busy. Or write a lot of articles about them. Here are a few new phrases that are guaranteed to bring you a big paycheck and that you can try out in your next job interview!

Chief architect of design systems

In the past, designers focused on screens or user flows. Sometimes they use a “high-fidelity” model, which is then converted into a program to help build the software. And now? Spicy chicken. You can design a script to do all kinds of boring work for you.

In 2017, the best designers use design systems. The pages, the control pages, the colors, the magic grid all show how it should be designed, not how it actually is designed.

Principle Designer

This often misspelled title is now real. Yes, it means that as a true Principal designer, you don’t correct others. Anyway, you’re being accused of being the conscience of your design team. You know… The basic law. You don’t criticize design. Instead, you ask hypothetical questions that send other designers into endless thinking about how your work “fits in with corporate values.” And you’re like, “Guys, we have a bigger mission here! It goes beyond the value of pixels and RGB. We are changing the world!” Mouth artillery.

Associate Eye Trackers

The field of eye tracking is too damn important to dabble in. You often don’t succeed as Amy Adams did in Arrival.

You can start by simply tracking people’s gestures. Did the user give the finger? Did the user slam the keyboard in a frenzy? These are just a few of the things that junior Associate Eye Trackers need to learn in their long journey to become Senior Eye Trackers.

Drones + Everything

Young man, this thing is so hot. We might have to write a long article about what they can’t do… The first thing I need to cross off this list is “make a flying Lady Gaga backdrop.” I thought for sure they wouldn’t do it. Dude, I was wrong.

Think about the things you want to design this year, and then imagine them with drones. Here are some bonus ones for guys who still don’t see the great value drones offer:

  • A Facebook drone is circling you, live-streaming your life. Praise.
  • A Twitter drone accurately followed the people around it. In the new version, the drone can question people’s political views and then blame them, so you don’t have to do it yourself (because you probably won’t).
  • Uber drones. It can’t give you a ride, but it can give you a little something else. Like the car keys you left in your room.

That’s all I can think of. Use your imagination.

Design development trend

Megatrends are really new. This is a trend of trends. But this year’s big trend seems to be bigger than big. By the end of the year, we needed another adjective to describe them. Without further ado, here are the big trends of 2017. Use these and others to cope with the endless reviews on Dribble.

Oblique configuration design

Forget parallel lines. And any sense of order. There are no right angles in 2017! Otherwise, people will mutter about how unimaginative and “creative” you are. You have to use more angles of different degrees, and fewer colors.

Flat virtual reality design

Remember all those simplifications and projection techniques that tried to make the real thing look bad? That’s right. Obviously. Shortcomings. Now everything is flat. Virtual reality will be more Like South Park than Legend of the Strings. You’ll eventually see design helping people escape the ugly three-dimensional reality that we’re forced to live in every day.

Cruel design

It’s a brutalist design, but uglier. It’s like a Sylda Swinton biopic of Stallone. How can you do that?! Color is only for ornament. No padding, no color blocks. Random splashes of color are like trendy “color runs”. These awesome millennials can’t stop pretending they’re enjoying a healthy lifestyle.

Real scene dialogue UI

It’s when you talk to another human in person.

When I’m not writing, I work on sketching design Tools like UX Power Tools to make you a more powerful designer. All the best graphic designers use it, and I’m sure you like it. Poke and witness the miracle!

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