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Online query and Help commands (2)

Man: Check for command help, and more complicated, info, but not often. Help: View help for Linux built-in commands, such as CD commands.Copy the code

File and directory operation commands (18)

Ls: lists the contents and attributes of a directory. CD: full change directory. The function is to switch from the current working directory to a specified working directory. Cp: full copy, which copies files or directories. Find: Used to find a directory and files in a directory. Mkdir: Make directories. It creates directories. Mv: full spell move, its function is to move or rename the file. PWD: print working Directory: displays the absolute path of the current working directory. Rename: Renames a file. Rm: full remove. It is used to delete one or more files or directories. Rmdir: Remove empty directories in full. Touch: Creates a new empty file and changes the timestamp properties of the existing file. Tree: Displays the contents of a directory in a tree structure. Basename: displays the file name or directory name. Dirname: displays the file or directory path. Chattr: changes the extended attributes of a file. Lsattr: displays the extended file properties. File: displays the file type. Md5sum: calculates and verifies the MD5 value of the file.Copy the code

View file and content processing commands (21)

Cat: full concatenate. It is used to concatenate multiple files and print them to the screen or redirect them to a specified file. Tac: is the reverse spelling of cat. Therefore, the command is used to display file contents in reverse order. More: displays file contents in pages. Less: displays file contents in pages. The reverse of the more command is used. Head: displays the header of the file content. Tail: displays the tail of the file content. Cut: Divides and outputs each line of the file with the specified delimiter. Split: Split a file into different pieces. Paste: merges file contents by row. Sort: sort the text content of a file. Uniq: Removes duplicate lines. Wc: counts the number of lines, words, or bytes of a file. Iconv: converts the encoding format of the file. Dos2unix: Convert files in DOS format to UNIX format. Diff: full difference: compares the difference between files, often used in text files. Vimdiff: command line visual file comparison tool, often used for text files. Rev: outputs the file content in reverse order. Grep /egrep: filters the character string, the third musketeer. Join: Join two files by the same field. Tr: Replace or delete characters. Vi /vim: command line text editor.Copy the code

File compression and decompression commands (4)

Tar: package compression. Unzip: Decompresses the file. Gzip: compression tool. Zip: compression tool.Copy the code

Information display commands (11)

Uname: displays information about the operating system. Hostname: displays or sets the hostname of the current system. Dmesg: displays startup information for system fault diagnosis. Uptime: displays the system running time and load. Stat: Displays the status of a file or file system. Du: calculates the disk space usage. Df: reports the disk space usage of the file system. Top: displays the system resource usage in real time. Free: Check the system memory. Date: Displays and sets the system time. CAL: Displays time information such as the calendar.Copy the code

Search file commands (4)

Which: finds binary commands by the PATH of the environment variable. Find: Traverses the disk to find files or directories. Whereis: Finds the binary command by the PATH of the environment variable. Locate: from the database (/ var/lib/mlocate/mlocate db) find command, and use updatedb update library.Copy the code

User management commands (10)

Useradd: Adds a user. Usermod: modifies the attributes of an existing user. Userdel: Deletes a user. Groupadd: Adds a user group. Passwd: changes the user password. Chage: Changes the validity period of a user password. Id: View the UID, GID, and owning user group of a user. Su: Switch the user identity. Visudo: Exclusive command for editing /etc/sudoers files. Sudo: Execute commands previously permitted in sudoers files as a different user (default root).Copy the code

Basic Network Operation commands (11)

Telnet: Remote login over Telnet. SSH: Use THE SSH encryption protocol for remote login. SCP: full secure Copy, used to copy files between different hosts. Wget: Command line to download files. Ping: Tests the network connectivity between hosts. Route: Displays and sets the routing table in Linux. Ifconfig: command to view, configure, enable, or disable a network interface. Ifup: starts the nic. Ifdown: Disables the nic. Netstat: Displays the network status. Ss: Check the network status.Copy the code

Deep network operation commands (9)

Nmap: network scan command. Lsof: Full name List Open Files, that is, lists the files that have been opened in the system. Mail: Sends and receives mails. Mutt: mail management command. Nslookup: indicates the command to query the Internet DNS server interactively. Dig: Find the DNS resolution process. Host: indicates the command for querying DNS. Traceroute: Tracing data transmission routes. Tcpdump: command line packet capture tool.Copy the code

Disk and file system commands (16)

Mount: Mounts a file system. Umount: unmounts the file system. FSCK: Check and repair the Linux file system. Dd: converts or copies files. Dumpe2fs: export information about ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems. Dumpe: xt2 /3/4File system backup tool. Fdisk: disk partition command, applicable to2The disk partition size is less than TB. Parted: the parted disk partition command is used without disk size limitation2The disk partition size is less than TB. MKFS: format create Linux file system. Partprobe: Updates the disk partition table of the kernel. E2fsck: Check the ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems. Mkswap: creates a Linux swap partition. Swapon: Enables swap partitions. Swapoff: Disables the switch partition. Sync: Writes the data in the memory buffer to the disk. Resize2fs: Resizes the ext2/ext3/ext4 file system size. System permissions and user authorization commands (4Chmod: changes file or directory permissions. Chown: changes the owner and owner group of a file or directory. CHGRP: Changes the file user group. Umask: displays or sets the permission mask.Copy the code

Commands for system user login information (7 commands)

Whoami: displays the current valid user name, equivalent to running the id -un command. Who: displays information about current users. W: Displays the list of users who have logged in to the system and the commands that the user is executing. Last: displays the user who logged in to the system. Lastlog: displays the last login information of all users in the system. Users: displays the user list of all users who log in to the system. Finger: Searches for and displays user information.Copy the code

Built-in commands and others (19)

Echo: prints variables, or directly prints the specified string printf: formats the result to standard output. RPM: command used to manage RPM packages. Yum: Automated commands that simplify the management of RPM packages. Watch: Periodically executes a given command and displays the command output in full screen mode. Alias: Sets the system alias. Unalias: cancels the system alias. Date: View or set the system time. Clear: Clear the screen. History: Displays the history of command execution. Eject: Ejects the CD-ROM drive. Time: calculates the execution time of a command. Nc: a powerful network tool. Xargs: Converts standard input to command line arguments. Exec: command that invokes and executes instructions.export: Sets or displays environment variables. Unset: Deletes variables or functions. Type: Used to determine whether another command is a built-in command. BC: Command line scientific calculator.Copy the code

System Management and Performance Monitoring Commands (9)

Chkconfig: manages Linux startup options. Vmstat: indicates virtual memory statistics. Mpstat: displays statistics on the status of available cpus. Iostat: collects system I/O statistics. SAR: Comprehensively captures system performance data such as CPU, run queue, disk I/O, paging (swap area), memory, CPU outages, and network. Ipcs: Used to report the status of interprocess communication facilities in Linux, displaying information including message lists, shared memory, and semaphore information. Ipcrm: Used to remove one or more message queues, semaphore sets, or shared memory identifiers. Strace: Used to diagnose and debug Linux user-space trackers. We use it to monitor interactions between user-space processes and the kernel, such as system calls, signaling, process state changes, and so on. Ltrace: The ltrace command traces the library function calls of the process, showing which library function was called. Shutdown/restart/logout and view system information commands (6Shutdown the computer. Halt: Power off. Poweroff: poweroff. Logout: Exits the currently logged Shell. Exit: Exits the current Shell. Ctrl+ D: Shortcut key for exiting the Shell that you are currently logging in to.Copy the code

Commands related to process management (15)

Bg: Change a command paused in the background to continue (executed in the background). Fg: Moves the command in the background to the foreground to continue running. Jobs: Views how many commands are currently running in the background. Kill: Terminates a process. Killall: Terminates a process by its name. Pkill: Terminates a process by its name. Crontab: scheduled task command. Ps: Displays process snapshots. Pstree: Displays processes in a tree. Nice/Renice: Adjust the running priority of the program. Nohup: Runs the specified command ignoring the pending signal. Pgrep: searches for matching conditions. Runlevel: View the current running level of the system. Init: Changes the running level. Service: Starts, stops, restarts, and shuts down system services. It also displays the current status of all system services.Copy the code

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