It has been three years since I started front-end work in my junior year. My undergraduate major is GIS (Geographic Information Science, undergraduate in 2017), and the only thing related to front-end is WebGIS. There is only a little knowledge about front-end in professional courses. The school curriculum is also the most basic web development courses, so learning is not very good. Fortunately, I saw the word front-end when I was browsing the web, which was the first time I touched the front-end. At that time, it was also the time when the front-end exploded. Later, THROUGH self-study, I also entered the door.

From 2016 to 2017, we caught up with the front-end bubble era, and various technologies and solutions emerged one after another. During this year, I learned a lot and felt very mixed, and the technology stack also changed from JQ to NG and then to React. After mastering react stack, I began to write component library by myself. During this period, I read ant Design component library of Ant Financial, learned how others wrote components, learned experience from it, and considered why they wrote in this way. I also submitted several issues to Ant Design. In retrospect, some of the issues were really childish, but it also trained my ability to ask questions.

In a word, this year is my fastest growing year, basically did these things:

  • masterreact,webpack,nodejsAnd other related technology stack
  • Understand common design patterns
  • Look at the open source code, learn from the experience, and try writing components
  • Do the project
  • Check out some front-end sites, follow some cool blogs, tweets, etc., and learn about new technologies and solutions

Basically, I realized the following points:

  • To learn new technology, you need to read more documents. What knowledge points are in the documents
  • Think before you ask questions, do your own experiments, search the Internet, and don’t be a pusher (especially, hate pusher)
  • Having time to write more notes and blogs is a kind of gentle experience, much like sharing with your classmates in a college class
  • To learn English well, the minimum requirement is to be able to read English documents
  • To have a phased plan, a certain stage of what to learn, what to do

So far in 2017, the technology stack is still react, but close to the full stack engineer, and the proportion of NodeJS is basically 46. This year, compared with 2016, the cost of learning is lower, and it is relatively easy to learn new things. During this period, I spent most of my time doing middleware services, mainly doing the following:

  • Render intermediate services, such as usingnext.jsdossr
  • Rights management infrastructure products, such asCAS,SSO
  • Internet of Things data communication framework
  • Continue to learnreactRelated technology stacks, such asredux,immutable.js,reselectEtc.
  • Learn big data visualization techniques, such asd3.js

However, IN the year of 2018, I am a little confused, mainly confused in the following two points:

  • There are too many new career directions, such as big data, artificial intelligence, block chain and so on, whether to change direction.
  • How can the front end continue to learn, deepen and improve itself

Every month I take some time to calm down and think about what I want to do, what my goals are and who I want to be. Every time AFTER thinking, I will think about my career development path, including writing this sentiment, which is a re-examination of myself. While writing this sentiment today, I have also determined my future development direction after measuring myself in many ways, that is, I will be a full-stack engineer based on the former end and not blindly follow the new trend.

Develop a personal development plan:

  • In 2018:

    • Keep learningreactFocus on front-end related technology to broaden knowledge
    • Continue to learnnodejsTo optimize existing products
    • Try to readreactRelated technology stack source code
  • In 2019:

    • Try to readnodejsThe source code
    • Move to architect

The above is some personal feeling, I hope I can adhere to the beginner’s mind, bless yourself! Also hope each big guy can help guide, thank you!


Making a blog