Destruct assignment of variables

An array of

Previously, to assign a value to a variable, you could only specify a value directly:

 let a = 1;
 let b = 2; ,,,,,,Copy the code

But now, ES6 allows us to write this:

 let [a,b] = [1.2];
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The above code shows that you can assign values to variables at their respective positions in an array. One thing to note, though, is that the pattern on both sides of the equality sign needs to be the same. Here are some examples

let [foo, [[bar], baz]] = [1The [[2].3]];
foo / / 1
bar / / 2
baz / / 3
let [ , , third] = ["foo"."bar"."baz"];
third // "baz"
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If the two sides of the equal sign have different modes and the structure is unsuccessful, the value of the variable is Undefined.

let [foo] = [];
let [bar, foo] = [1];
// Both assignments were unsuccessful; foo was undefined
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Values are very common in our programming, like taking values from object obj.

const obj = { a:1.b:2.c:3}; ,,,,const a = obj.a;
const b = obj.b;
const c = obj.c;
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But have you noticed that simply fetching the values of three variables in an object requires three lines of code? If we use structure assignment, we only need one line;

const {a,b,c} = obj;
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Object deconstruction differs from arrays in one important way. The elements of an array are arranged in order, and the value of a variable is determined by its position. The attributes of an object have no order, and variables must have the same name as the attributes to get the correct value. If the server returns a property name that I don’t want, isn’t the result assignment a hassle? Don’t worry, we can do that. If the server returns the property name a, we need to use the property name B. So we can define it like this:

 const {a:b} = obj;
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Deconstruction failed and the value of the variable is undefined.

let {foo} = {a:1};
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Data consolidation: Mainly the use of extended operators

An array of

Before merging two arrays, we usually use the following method:

const a = [1.2.3]; 
const b = [1.5.6]; 
const c = a.concat(b);/ /,2,3,1,5,6 [1]
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Using es6 syntax, we can implement this:

const c = [...a,...b];/ / [6]
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However, it should be noted that these two methods are only shallow copies, so be careful when using them.


For merging objects, we used to use the following methods:

Const obj1 = {a:1}; Const obj1 = {b:1}; const obj = Object.assgin({}, obj1, obj2); //{a:1,b:1}Copy the code

Using es6 syntax, we can implement this:

constobj = {... obj1,... obj2};//obj:{a:1,b:2}
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Template string

So here’s an example.

const name = 'ac'; 
const score = 79; 
let result = ' '; 
let desc = 'Exam results'
if(score > 60){ 
  result = `${name}${desc}Pass the `; 
  result = `${name}${desc}Fail `; 
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Doesn’t it look like a lot of trouble. Let’s look at another example.

const name = 'ac';
const score = 100;
const result = `${name}${score > 60? ${desc}'qualified':${desc}'Unqualified'}`;
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Doesn’t that look a lot easier. The use of template strings has been added in ES6. Inside {} you can put any JavaScript expression, perform operations, and reference object properties.

Common extension methods for arrays


This method returns a Boolean value indicating whether an array contains a given value.

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The second argument to this method represents the starting position of the search, which defaults to 0. If the second argument is negative, it represents the reciprocal position, and if it is greater than the array length (for example, if the second argument is -4, but the array length is 3), it is reset to start at 0.

[1.2.3].includes(3, -1); // true
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This method can be used to optimize the if statement. We often need to determine multiple values in a statement. We might do this:

    type == 1 || 
    type == 2 || 
    type == 3 || 
    type == 4) {/ /...
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Does this seem particularly troublesome? If you use the includes method, we can optimize it as follows:

let condition = [];
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The find method of an array instance, used to find the first array member that matches the criteria. Its argument is a callback function that is executed by all array members until the first member that returns true is found, and then returned. If there is no qualified member, undefined is returned.

const demo = [];
demo.find((n) = > n > 4);/ / 5
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About the use of find in projects. In the project, the search function of some unpaginated lists is realized by the front end, and the search is generally divided into precise search and fuzzy search. Search should also be called filtering, generally we can use filter to achieve.

const a = [];
const result = a.filter( item= >{ return item === 3})Copy the code

For the sake of performance optimization, we generally use find and don’t facilitate arrays once we find the data that matches the criteria.

const a = []; 
const result = a.find( item= >{ return item === 3})Copy the code


Let’s look at an example: a department JSON data, the attribute name is the department ID, the attribute value is the department member ID array collection, now we want to extract the department member IDS into an array collection. Are you still thinking about iterating and then iterating at the end?

const deps = {
'Business division': [1.2.3].'Personnel Department': [4.8.12].'Finance Department': [9.14.79]} 
let member = []; 
for (let item in deps){ 
  const value = deps[item]; 
    member = [...member,...value] } 
/ / member:,2,3,4,8,12,9,14,79 [1]
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But if we use the flat method to implement, it will be much more convenient;

const deps = {
'Business division': [1.2.3].'Personnel Department': [4.8.12]}const menber = Object.values(deps).flat();/ /,2,3,4,8,12 [1]
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The members of an array are sometimes arrays, and the flat() method is used to “flat10” a nested array into a one-dimensional array. This method returns a new array with no effect on the original data. The default flat() method flattens only one layer. To flatten multiple layers, pass in a specified argument. Such as flat (2);

let demo = [1The [[2.3].4];
demo.flat(2);/ / [1, 2, 3, 4]
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If you want to convert to a one-dimensional array regardless of the number of nesting levels, you can use the Infinity keyword as an argument.

[1, [2, [3]]].flat(Infinity)
// [1, 2, 3]
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Gets the object property value

To obtain the value of an object attribute, we first need to determine whether the object exists, and then fetch.

const name = obj &&;
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If there are too many levels of nesting, the corresponding judgment criteria will be too many to use and look up. We can do this using the optional chain operator in ES6.

constname = obj? .nameCopy the code

Object property name expression

There are two ways to define object properties:

const obj = {'ac'
obj.age = 25;/ / 1
obj['a' + 'b'] = '123';/ / 2
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If the property name changes dynamically, the first approach is obviously not possible. Object attribute name representation is very good for us to solve this problem.

let obj = {};
let index = 1; 
obj[`topic${index}`] = 'Here's the content';
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Null-value merge operator

When we deal with the business related to the input box, we often judge the scenario where the input box has no value.

if(value ! = =null&& value ! = =undefined&& value ! = =' ') {/ /... }
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Using null-value merge operators greatly reduces the writing of judgment conditions

if(value ?? ' '! = =' '){
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?? : Returns the right-hand operand if the left-hand operand is [null] or [undefined], otherwise returns the left-hand operand.

An asynchronous function

Asynchronous functions are common and are generally implemented with promises

const fn1 = () = >{ 
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > { 
  setTimeout(() = > { resolve(1); }, 300); }); 
const fn2 = () = >{ 
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > { 
  setTimeout(() = > { resolve(2); }, 600); }); } 
const fn = () = >{ 
  fn1().then(res1= >{ 
  console.log(res1);/ / 1
  fn2().then(res2= >{ 
  console.log(res2);/ / 2})})}Copy the code

It is also visually cumbersome to call asynchronous functions in this way. Improvement:

const fn = async() = > {const res1 = await fn1(); 
 const res2 = await fn2(); 
 console.log(res1);/ / 1
 console.log(res2);/ / 2
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