Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Syncfusion DataGrid (DataTable)

This package is used to display and edit data tables in tabular form. It’s built very efficiently (as is the case with every Syncfusion package) and offers many customization options.

Syncfusion Localizations

Syncfusion_loc A Lizations provides localized text for more than 77 cultures available in any Syncfusion plug-in. A complete list of all supported languages can be found on the packages page

Syncfusion OfficeChart

This package is used to create Excel charts (logically) from the data. As you can see from the example below, you can really create any type of chart. Applications that use a lot of statistics are highly recommended.

Syncfusion Charts

Well, the last package is relatively monotonous, just really good for Excel etc. But what if you want to create special, animated, and very beautiful charts based on data? So instead of using the Syncfusion OfficeChart pack,

Syncfusion Datepicker

Ok, we probably all know about Google’s Material Datapicker, but if you need new designs and features, what about the Date Range Picker? Ok, so you just use the package syncFusion_Flutter_datepicker.

Syncfusion Calendar

I think everyone should know about apps like Google Calendar. You can place events at specific times, on different dates, and so on. Now you may not be able to use this package to develop applications that replace Google Calendar, but in various applications, you usually need a calendar in which you must enter events. Well, who would have thought,

Syncfusion barcodes

You may rarely encounter this problem, but if you are developing a larger application, you may sometimes need to generate a QR code or bar code to make it easier for users to access a website.

The plug-in can create one-dimensional or two-dimensional bar codes. There are many different types, and you can find all of them on the packages page.

To easily solve this feature, you can use the syncFusion_Flutter_barcodes plug-in!

It’s very easy to use, as you can see from the following:

  value: ''), //Visit it ;)
Copy the code

Syncfusion Maps

Syncfusion SignaturePad

Ok, another rare use case, but you should never say never. You can use this package if you need areas in your application or website that you want users to sign. As the name suggests, it provides you with a signature board.

    minimumStrokeWidth: 1,
  maximumStrokeWidth: 3,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
Copy the code

Syncfusion PDF Viewer

Quite self-explanatory in fact, you can use this package to view the PDF. But the good news is that you also have a lot of functionality built in, such as the ability to jump to a page and the current page will be shown to you.

Like almost all Syncfusion packages, this one is very easy to use and requires only a few lines of code:
    '', //This website does not exist, but do visit
Copy the code
