
Time of the Hbase cluster server is not synchronized, causing HRegionServer to fail to start

Run the command to start the hbase cluster on the active node. The active nodes node01 and node02 are displayed.

Nodes node02, Node03, and Node04 are successfully started

Using a browser to access //node01:60010, the secondary node and backup are not started successfully

Using the JPS command, the HRegionServer process exits immediately after it starts

Check the log: Master Rejected startup because clock is out of sync

The cause of the problem is time out of sync

Run the date -s “2017-07-04 17:21:00” command to synchronize time to start the Hbase cluster again

Successful startup


The preceding problems are caused by time inconsistency. The default Hbase tolerance interval is 30s. RegionServerStartup: regionServerStartup: regionServerStartup: regionServerStartup: regionServerStartup

RegionServerStartup is invoked when RegionServer is reporting to Master reportForDuty, and the interval is also checked.


Method 1: Modify the default Settings


Whatever value you think is appropriate

Method 2:

Change the time interval of each server to within 30 seconds or synchronize the time of each server with that of the same server.

Causes of time synchronization:

If the virtual machine is suspended, it will be out of sync with other machines