Hello, I’m Yifan, a programmer

First, LET me introduce myself. I have been engaged in the software testing industry for 10 years and have been engaged in the software testing industry since graduation. I was lucky to catch up with the Wave of Internet when I graduated, and then I have been working in an Internet company. Although the development of software testing technology at that time was relatively chaotic, I also did hardware testing, functional testing, performance testing and automated testing due to the development of the company’s business.

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Because I got in touch with software testing relatively early, there was no relatively comprehensive and in-depth training system or learning approach at that time. I could only improve myself through the guidance of some seniors and self-learning and summary. This way of ascension is undoubtedly very slow and painful, so now I have summarized these contents, hoping to help all those who want to ascend.

First, a person’s testing ability includes both hard and soft power:

Let’s talk about hard skills. Hard skills are technical skills, thinking skills, business skills. Let’s start with the first one, technology. In any case, software testing is a technical position. If you want to have a long-term development in this industry, or want to have a more lucrative income, you must have good professional skills in line with the industry or market, such as Python automation, performance testing, testing tools and so on.

I’ve summarized some of the key competencies and I’ll talk about them briefly

First, a person’s testing ability includes both hard and soft power:

First: * * * * under the stage of manual test, you must learn to seize the key, don’t waste valuable testing time figuring out the details on the way to return to a few times than kung fu core main process, the second point to learn to deal with system framework and the business process, the BUG not only in what you are responsible for the test module, are also likely to exist in dependent module. Then, the earlier you get involved in testing, the earlier you find the problem, and the better you can guarantee the quality of the system.

** second: ** you must master some major testing tools, such as Jmeter and Postman for interface automation, robotframework for UI automation, airtest, and appium for app automation. It will be easier for you to carry out your work. Remember, the application of these tools must be practical work, not simple learning. Only when you get to work can you become more proficient and add more value to your work. Number three: Python is a must. By far the most widely used programming language in the testing industry is Python. And for automation technology, we must master programming automation, this ability for the future development of testers is very critical. High-paying jobs in this industry is now, more than 90% basic are need to have Python test automation relevant skills, so if you want to let oneself as soon as possible breakthrough the bottleneck of the salary and the skill is too critical, but need additional way, these ability are also must be born to work, only by constantly accumulation and optimization in the work, you will be able to better forward development. Many of our students can pay to 16 K, 18 K and 20 K, get offers many large enterprises, a large part of the reason is because have complete test automation technology, and can be seamless docking enterprise application requirements, so don’t go to believe that those who preach automation useless articles or video, Automation is now highly valued in this industry.

I have also uploaded some technical explanations related to Python automatic testing on B site. These are the most concerned and mainstream technical contents in the market now. If you are interested, you can search “Testing Wang Daniu” on B site to pay attention and understand.

And thinking, just like development always talks about development thinking, testing also needs to have testing thinking, to do testing well, this is also a key hard power. First of all, for the content of the work, we need to multi-dimensional thinking about how to better the quality control software, like user experience, user actual usage scenarios, business used in the actual application, user, and so on and so on, because the system is not just functional defects, there are a lot of is a function of the defects, which requires us to multi-dimensional thinking can better to guarantee the quality, In addition, software testing is a technical industry, and the technology we use is constantly updated, so you need to have good learning ability and be able to learn the new technology in the shortest time, so as to show your value. As for the ability to say business, nothing to say, nothing more than peace of mind is familiar with.

! [](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/24361498-b5c124cbd7ad1461.jpeg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip|imageView2 /2/w/1200/format/webp)

Then soft power, which includes communication skills, responsibility, professionalism, emotional intelligence, etc. If hard power is the basis of your foothold in this industry, then soft power is the necessary condition for your promotion and salary increase.

Firstly, communication skills. Due to the nature of our work, we need to constantly communicate with other colleagues. In this process, communication skills are particularly important. It is often said that development and testing are enemies of nature, but in fact, it is just a lack of communication. I’ll give you two tips:

The first is communication with a purpose, each communication is with a purpose, to communicate around this purpose, after reaching an agreement, remember to form a conclusion and record it.

The second is to pay attention to the way, our communication is to solve problems, not to create problems, so pay attention to their own communication when the mood, tone, wording. Combine that with the first rule of purposeful communication. We can deal with problems more efficiently.

Moreover, is the sense of responsibility, all say do test must have the sense of responsibility, but in fact as long as a person should have the sense of responsibility, to be able to assume their own responsibilities, for their own work should be responsible. Make yourself reliable and you’ll be open to more opportunities at work and in the workplace.

Then there is the professional quality. We often see that enterprises are recruiting people with work experience, and many fresh graduates often joke that how can they have experience after graduation? Without experience, they can’t find a job, falling into a strange circle. In fact, the reason why enterprises emphasize work experience is to value professional quality. Good professional quality can integrate into the company environment faster, carry out work as soon as possible, and reduce the pre-training cost of the enterprise. After all, people with good professional qualities are easier to manage than young people.

Finally, emotional intelligence, which boils down to talking less and doing more. As a low-level employee, you should do the tasks handed to you by your superiors, instead of complaining all the time. The more you talk, the more likely you are to make mistakes. We often see elderly professionals communicating with each other about the problems of the company and the leadership, which is human nature. But if you learn to play dumb, shut up and do what you should do in such a scene, it is enough. After all, companies are places of work, not teahouses. No matter how many ideas you have in mind, do things well first, and naturally there will be opportunities for you to express yourself in moderation. Don’t talk about being able to fit in quickly. It’s not necessary.

Above is my software testing to give you some advice, I hope you can gain.

Fiction, I don’t have to be me, he doesn’t have to be him. Please do not take seats according to numbers. (Serious and funny face)


Welcome to the public number: Yifan, receive a 216 page PDF document of Python automation test engineer core knowledge summary!

These are some of the things that the interviewer should ask during the interview. It includes basic knowledge, Linux prerequisites, Shell, Principles of Internet programs, Mysql database, special topics of package capture tools, interface testing tools, advanced Python programming, Web automated testing, APP automated testing, interface automated testing, advanced continuous integration of testing, test framework development and test framework, and performance testing , safety test, etc.