
It’s already chapter 6, and this is chapter 2 to the last, so you can share this book next week. This chapter is on fitness. I’m not a fan. For me it’s just about staying healthy.

As I get older, I find it more and more important to keep fit. I’ve been working for 5 years now, and I’ve been feeling worse and worse since the second year. Hair loss, headaches, tonsils. I went to the hospital almost every month in 2017. The body seems to collapse all of a sudden, often feel no spirit, the previous youth and vitality seems to have disappeared, the brain has become dull, a lot of things often can not remember.

In September this year, I went to climb Lushan Mountain and met a group of uncles and aunts when I was at the Five Old Peaks. When I was walking with them, one of them said to me, “Young man, you can’t do this. You can’t breathe like this after climbing a mountain. You can see that we don’t even breathe.” I was reminded that it is indeed so. I was huffing and puffing, but there was no movement from uncle and aunt. All I could do was smile awkwardly and slip away.

I always want to exercise, but either I’m too busy with work or I’m too lazy to take any action. Especially after reading some articles about how exercise is bad for your health and reduces your life expectancy. I became even less active. Later, I learned a little more that these articles were nonsense and that exercise was really important. Exercise really keeps you fit. And good health is really the capital of the revolution. No matter what you do, if you are not in good health, no matter how strong your willpower and interest are, you will not be able to stick to it. And we programmers are almost the breadwinner of our family, the main source of income. So we must not fall. So please make sure to keep fit.

As for me, I still don’t have time now, I’m too busy, but I changed from commuting by subway to commuting by bike, cycling for at least half an hour every day, which is also a kind of disguised exercise.

Other content is also quite wonderful, welcome to click.

The other chapters are wonderful, if you’re interested. Of course, if you can, I hope you can give me a like or follow, every week I will strive to share helpful career dry goods.

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 1

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code ii

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 3 (Self-Study)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 4 (Productivity)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 5 (Finances)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 6 (Fitness)

Soft Skills – Survival Guide Beyond Code 7 (Spirit)

Crack your health code

No healthy programmer is not a good programmer

Most software developers spend long hours at their desks, sitting all day. As software developers, we should firmly believe that we have a lot to gain from learning how to keep our bodies strong and healthy.

56.1 the self-confidence

Healthy eating and exercise can boost our self-confidence.

How can working out boost your confidence? Simply put, being in good shape makes you feel good about yourself and about achieving the goals you set for yourself. This confidence can show up in conversations and interactions with others. And here’s a less scientific explanation: When you look good, you feel good, too.

56.2 The power of the brain

But a recent Stanford university study showed that walking boosts creativity by a whopping 60 percent.

Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that the more I exercise, the healthier I get and the better I perform at work. I’ve noticed that when I’m physically at my best, I’m the most focused and productive.

56.3 fear

If you don’t exercise, you are in poor physical condition and you may die of heart disease or other injuries. Don’t let yourself wake up too late, take it seriously now. Don’t wait until you have a health problem to take care of your health.

Personal assessment: Being sick doesn’t just affect your health anymore. It affects everything you do, including the decisions you make. He who has not lost his health will never know how important it is.

57 Set your health standards

57.1 Pick a specific goal

There are many different fitness goals to choose from, but remember to pick one at a time.

Possible fitness goals

  • Lose weight (lose fat)
  • Build muscle (build muscle)
  • Increased strength (not necessarily muscle)
  • Increases muscular endurance (improves athletic performance)
  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Perform better in some sports

** Create milestones **

Six years ago, I weighed about 132 kilograms (290 pounds). I’m 192cm (6ft 3in) tall, which is about 41kg (90lb) more than I should be. I finally woke up and realized I had had enough of self-loathing and bloat, and I realized I needed to lose 90 pounds.

Losing 90 pounds may seem like an impossible goal, but it’s a goal that keeps people at bay. I had an idea. I set a small goal of losing five pounds every two weeks. Although the overall goal is still to lose 90 pounds. It took me a lot of “two-week weeks” and I actually lost 90 pounds.

Measure your progress

As you work toward your goals, it’s also important to measure your progress in the right way. At every interval, you need to know if you’re moving in the right direction.

I try to avoid using too many measurements, because it’s easy to get overwhelmed by too much data. I usually try to pick one major measure, use a chart to mark my progress, and then introduce other measures at longer intervals

If you use your weight as a measurement, I recommend measuring your weight every day, but only using your weekly measurements to create a schedule. So the error of one measurement is very large.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Achieve your fitness goals and you’ll feel great at first. But, very quickly, that feeling quickly turns to despair, depression, and then back to business as usual. Your battle to reach your fitness goals is far from over. If you don’t make real changes to your lifestyle, the progress you’ve made will quickly disappear.

Have to figure out how to incorporate healthy habits into your life so that regular exercise and healthy eating become part of your daily routine

Thermodynamics, heat and you

58.1 What is a calorie

A calorie is basically a measure of energy. Specifically, the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1℃ at 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa).

Losing weight is easy

If you want to lose weight, you have to make sure you consume fewer calories than you burn, and the size of the “energy deficit” determines how much weight you can lose. This means that if you want to lose weight, you have to figure out two things first: how many calories you’re eating and how many calories you’re burning.

58.2 How many calories you eat

It’s not too hard to count your calories. Most of the food we buy has a label listing how many calories it contains per serving. For unlabeled foods, check the Internet, which provides calorie values for many foods.

The more complex the food you eat, the harder it is to accurately measure calories. That’s why I try to eat more simple foods when I’m on a diet. I also try to eat the same foods often so I don’t have to check my calorie count all the time.

58.2 How many calories you burn

Whether you’re running or sleeping on the couch, your body is burning calories. Your body needs a certain amount of heat to survive. This portion of basal heat is called the basal metabolic rate, or BMR. You can combine your weight, height, age and sex to get an approximation of your basal metabolic rate.

This calculation tells you how many calories you need to stay alive, so it’s also a good starting point for calculating how many calories you need to burn in a day — you know at least how many calories you need to burn in a day.

Most of us don’t just sit around all day these days, so basal metabolic rate isn’t an accurate measure of how many calories you’re really burning. To get a more accurate estimate, I recommend using the Harris-Benedict formula listed in Table 58-1, which approximates the number of calories burned per day based on the level of exercise.

Activity levels The formula
Little exercise BMR * 1.2
Light exercise (1-3 days per week) BMR * 1.375
Moderate exercise (3-5 days per week) BMR * 1.55
Heavy exercise (6-7 days per week) BMR * 1.725
Extreme exercise (2 times per day) BMR * 1.9

58.3 Use calories to achieve your goals

Know how many calories you’re putting in and how many calories you’re burning, and if you can stick to a daily calorie deficit, you can achieve your weight loss goals.

Motivation: Get your butt out of the chair

If you can find a motivator for yourself to achieve your fitness goals, you can use it to help you get out of your chair and into the gym right away.

If you want to kill your motivation, you can make the mistake of rewarding yourself for “doing a good job” before you’ve done a good job.

I see it all the time: Buy yourself an expensive pair of premium running shoes or a brand new treadmill to motivate yourself to start an exercise program. But while you’re hoping that getting that new $400 blender will inspire you to eat healthier, you’re in for the exact opposite. Because you’ve already been rewarded, your motivation is gone forever.

In short, try to make sure you only get rewarded for your hard work, and you’ll be more likely to pursue your goals.

59.1 The practice of staying motivated

Even though you may have come up with the biggest motivator to start transforming yourself into a new, healthy you right away, it’s likely that motivation will eventually lose its power over time.

Ways to stay motivated:

  • Posting pictures everywhere to remind you of what you want to look like is a great way to stay motivated.
  • It’s also helpful to chart your progress and constantly remind yourself how far you’ve come
  • Another powerful way to stay motivated is gamification.

Other motivators to help you stay in shape

methods instructions
Listen to audio books I listen to audio books or podcasts all the time while running or lifting weights, and I find it worth looking forward to every day
Watch TV on the treadmill If you only allow yourself to watch TV while running on the treadmill, you may be more motivated to walk
Go out running If you love the outdoors, going for a run can be a great motivator for you
Get away from your kids for a while We all need to give ourselves a break, and many gyms have babysitting services that can keep an eye on your kids while you work out

59.2 A plan must be carried out

If you can keep yourself motivated, that’s great. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and stick to the plan, motivated or not. Be sure to make decisions in advance. This gives you the discipline to focus on the set of actions you want to take

Personal assessment: This is great. One mistake I often make is that I plan to do something, but I don’t do it because I’m in a bad mood or lazy. Waste a lot of time.

How to build muscle

The human body is surprisingly adaptable. If you grip something rough with your hands, calluses form on your palms to protect them; If you run a long distance, your cardiovascular system ADAPTS to make it easier; If you lift weights, your body will grow bigger muscles.

Increasing muscle size is one way to make muscles adaptable to work overload. Muscles are also improved in terms of strength and endurance. If you want to optimize muscle growth, or muscle size, you have to give the muscle the right amount of pressure.

Take weightlifting as an example.


Generally, if your goal is to build strength, you should do one to six repetitions per practice. But it’s not enough to limit the number of reps, you need to lift as much weight as you can in each reps. The way to tell is, if you’re aiming for four repetitions, your body won’t be able to lift that weight on the fifth.

The size of the

Muscle enlargement is also known as muscle inflation. Muscle gain is achieved primarily through a moderately optimal number of repetitions of full-body exercises with moderate rest intervals. To maximize muscle mass, you should try 8 to 12 repetitions. Also, lift as much weight as you can during these repetitions.


If you’re interested in building muscle endurance. I’m sure you’ve already figured out how to do this — increase the number of reps even further, and in order to build muscle endurance, you need to increase the number of reps to more than 12.

60.1 Ready to go

I divide my weight lifting exercises into push, pull and leg exercises. To push is to push the barbell away from you. This exercise usually uses your chest muscles (pectoralis major), shoulder muscles (deltoids), and triceps. To pull is to pull the barbell toward you. This exercise usually uses your back muscles and biceps. Of course, leg exercises are all about working your leg muscles.

In the beginning, you may want to do all the push, pull and leg exercises in the same day. So just one movement per body part — we’ll decide which one we’ll do more of. After your first weight lifting exercise, your muscles may be very sore. The soreness, called delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, sets in the next day and usually lasts about a week. Don’t worry, if you keep exercising, the soreness will be relieved and will have fewer episodes.

After 2-3 weeks of full-body workouts, you can break up your workout plan into 2 days for upper and lower limbs, or 3 days for push, pull, and leg exercises.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
A beginner Push, pull and leg Push, pull and leg Push, pull and leg
The degree of Upper limb Lower limbs Upper limb
Medium to advanced push la The leg

The overall strategy for picking good moves is to do as many compound movements as possible. Compound exercises are exercises that involve multiple joints in the body. The more joints involved, the more muscles involved, and the better the results.

60.2 What to eat

Even if you lift weights really well, if you don’t eat right, you won’t see any effect. Fortunately, eating right isn’t that hard to do. You just need to make sure you’re eating more calories and getting enough protein.

I recommend 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight per day. If you weigh 200 pounds and are about 20% fat, your lean weight is 160 pounds, you should eat at least 160 grams of protein per day to make sure you’re eating enough to build muscle mass.

As for supplements, you don’t really need them. A high-protein shake after a workout can help. You can also try creatine if you like. Creatine is one of the only supplements I’ve found that really works.

How to get perfect abdominal muscles

The answer is just do sit-ups or crunches.

Most people think they can get abs by repeatedly training their abdominal muscles. Although you can build up your abs through progressive confrontational training, just like any other muscle, most people don’t have abs because they’re not big enough, they don’t see them.

Washboard abs are a serious problem for your body, indicating that you are only weeks away from starvation and death. You may be confident that there will be plenty to eat tomorrow, but your body prefers to prepare for a long-term disaster. That’s why the body stores fat — to be prepared.

What should you do? The answer is to follow a strict diet and stick to it for a long time.

62 running

I’ve been running 3 miles 3 times a week for 5 years. Even though I don’t like running, it has become a routine for me because I run regularly.

62.1 Why run?

The biggest reason I started running was for cardiovascular health. Obviously, running isn’t the only way to strengthen your heart and increase lung capacity. Any form of exercise can do this, but running is the easiest.

Running is also a great way to burn extra calories.

Running has been shown to suppress appetite, so killing two birds with one stone by running when you’re hungry can get you closer to your weight loss goals.

Running is a natural remedy for mild depression and can make you feel better about yourself.

Personal assessment: I also like running very much, but now I should be in the Imperial capital, work is busy, so I have no time to run. If you’re reading this, if you have time, go ahead and run. I also recommend two popular books on running, “What I Talk about When I Run” and “My Professional Novelist” by Haruki Murakami. Both books have detailed descriptions of running. After watching it, you will realize that running is an amazing thing.

63 Standing office and other tips

Standing office

Ever wonder if you could burn off a lot of those extra calories by walking on a treadmill while you work? I thought about it, and I actually acted on it. During the day, I often spend 1-2 hours walking on the treadmill while working.

Diet tips

To stay healthy, you should try to cook for yourself.

Eggs are an excellent ingredient because they are high in protein, and you can adjust your total calorie and fat intake by controlling how many whole eggs you eat and how many whites you eat.

Plain nonfat Greek yogurt is an easy-to-absorb, no-cooking source of protein.

Buy frozen, semi-cooked chicken, or even better, braised chicken legs.

High-tech fitness equipment

  • Walking counters and pedometers
  • Wireless scale
  • Combination device (can be used to measure blood pressure and oxygen levels)
  • Ear to ear (listening to books while moving)
  • Various apps (I personally recommend Yuehuanhuan)

Personal evaluation: the author gives us a lot of fitness advice, we can according to their own conditions to adopt. In principle, stick to it. My body shape is not much requirement, as long as the health is not fat. Let me just say it again, health is important, health is important, health is important. I hope you must cherish your body.