Before we talk about soft skills, let’s make a distinction between soft skills and hard power. Usually we will own professional skill direction is defined as a “hard skills”, programmers, for example, our algorithm and computer knowledge and programming ability is belong to the “hard skills”, is the guy we eat, most of the people waiting for him to make money buy a car to buy a house a wife have children, but by the quality of life is often determined by the “soft skills”, from the point of the relationship between the two kind of skills, Soft skills are catalysts for hard skills.

Often said that the “soft skills” mainly includes the professional ability, productivity, learning ability, self marketing, etc., we mainly talk about some easy today lack of aspects, such as communication ability is not strong, no speech experience, hemming, people more easy to blush with shame, lack of influence and killing himself every day, but I feel the work efficiency is very low, but not made great contribution to the attention of the leadership. In view of these practical problems, from the following aspects to start our icebreaking journey.

1. Build a complete knowledge system

There is no end to learning. Of course, learning here not only refers to knowledge in books, but also in life and on the Internet. Knowledge can be broadly divided into five categories: data, information, knowledge, talent and wisdom. After data is sorted into information, information can solve a problem is knowledge, knowledge through repeated practice to form talent, can be integrated is wisdom, the construction of knowledge system can help us improve, in any case stable high-quality output, can solve the problems encountered more efficiently. Let us rely less on luck, and the higher our ability level, the less influence luck has and the more control we have over our performance.

For modular knowledge management, the best way is to use mind mapping to sort out these underlying theories or methodologies and form knowledge modules one after another. In this way, when facing problems of similar phenomenon level, corresponding knowledge modules can be moved out to solve, and when facing complex problems, multiple knowledge modules can be used.

Now access to knowledge is also a lot of ways, you can baidu search, consult in a certain aspect more familiar with colleagues, friends, buy some professional books, read official documents.

Each of us will have a lot of positions in the field, you can make a certain reading plan every year, at the beginning of the year to make a reading list according to the following four phenomena, make a certain proportion to understand their own unfamiliar field, broaden their horizons, do not sit in a well.

2. Manage your time wisely

1) Wake up an hour earlier each day

As the saying goes, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Get up an hour earlier to do some exercise, such as running, to keep your body strong; Or read a favorite book, remember a few words, grow 1% every day, even if it is a little growth, water becomes ice, after 365 days of accumulation will become great energy. As this chart shows:

2) Arrive 15 minutes early every day

A simple review of their own work yesterday, to find gaps, by the way look at today’s daily arrangements, the installation of important and urgent degree, arrange the processing of various things in sequence.

3) Take 15 minutes to wrap up at the end of the day

At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to review your work for the day, write down your work plan for the next day, and record any unfinished work and progress so that you can work better the next day.

4) Spend less time on your phone

Put your phone on do not disturb mode at work and concentrate on one task at a time. As the era of smartphone dominance has come, people spend more and more time on social networking apps such as QQ, wechat, Weibo and Zhihu every day (except for communication at work), accounting for about 24 percent of the total time. According to the data, the average person checks their phone every four minutes during non-sleep hours. A new term for this kind of imagination is “technology addiction”, which is derived from the desire to keep abreast of all kinds of entertainment and gossip, not to miss any information or status of friends around.

5) Cut time into small pieces

If there is a huge task that is overwhelming you, you can try breaking it up into small pieces to make it manageable and then schedule your time accordingly. To make your schedule more defensive, it is recommended to allow 20% of your time for emergencies.

6) Fragmentation of time utilization

You have to spend a lot of time on your way to and from work every day. The crowded subway and bus is not suitable for reading paper books or tablets. Download some audio books and use this time to your advantage. If the company has certain conditions to improve the canteen, you can watch some video courses earlier after dinner. Scientific research shows that the most productive free time for learning is half an hour before going to bed, right after waking up, and before going to work.

7) Make time for the rest of your life

With the rapid development of society, modern people are under great pressure both physically and psychologically. People are not machines, and they should also follow the law of conservation of energy. Blindly pursuing success leads to overdraft of physical energy, which is not worth the loss. In recent years, more and more cases of sudden death in the Internet industry have been reported online, basically caused by long hours of high intensity overtime, “the dead have long been, the living are often relatives”, leaving parents, wives and children forever pain. If you don’t get a good rest tonight, you won’t have the energy to achieve more success tomorrow.

There are apps that you can use to better manage your time, such as the Wonderlist app

3 How to learn new skills

1) Be open to new things

We should believe that existence is rational dialectical materialism. We should not be prejudiced against technology that we do not understand, and we should not be afraid of technology that we are not familiar with. Jump out of the limitations of their own technology bureau, with an inclusive heart to explore the mystery of new technology.

2) A proactive attitude

Most of the time, when we go to learn some new knowledge, we are cramming at the last minute, because the project needs and no one in the company understands. The leader says it is good for young people to learn more knowledge, and then boldly goes to Baidu as soon as possible. Because time and experience are known and do not know why, understand only a superficial. It is best to take the initiative to use the aforementioned fragmentation time, active study, is the so-called art is not pressure body.

3) Read official documents

The best documentation for a technology must be its official documentation. For example, anyone developing an Android APP should be familiar with the Android API documentation. It introduces the function of each interface function and the meaning of each parameter in detail, and there are many cases to help us understand the practical application of each knowledge point.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth

With the above theoretical foundation, hands-on practice is very important. Only when you have experienced it yourself will you be most impressed. It’s best if you have a project that just uses these techniques, or you can write your own demo, starting with your familiarity with HelloWorld.

5) Read a hundred times since its meaning

Some of the knowledge you read may not be very understanding, because everyone’s foundation and understanding is not the same. Don’t be ashamed to ask, and don’t give up if you don’t understand. Experience tells us that as long as you work hard, iron pestle can be ground into a needle. Read it several times and you will get different results. Mind mapping software can be used to sort out knowledge points.

6) Learn to find shortcuts

I have seen such a sentence: the sign of a person getting old is not to become stable and taciturn, but not to try again, not to allow themselves to place themselves in an unfamiliar situation. When you stop learning, lock yourself in a cage of shiftlessness, you’ve taken a big step toward mediocrity.

If you want to get more technical expertise, you can follow me. I will also sort out more resources and share them later. By the way, I recommend an architecture exchange learning group: 650385180, which will share some videos recorded by senior architects: Spring, MyBatis, Netty source code analysis, high concurrency, high performance, distributed, microservice architecture principle, JVM performance optimization, concurrent programming these become architects essential knowledge system. You can also get free learning resources, the following knowledge brain map is also available in the group. I believe that for those who have worked and met technical bottlenecks, there must be something you need in this group.

4. Make an annual plan and plan your career reasonably

Programmers have always been labeled as youth. Many of them tend to be stable in life and work after writing code for three years. Many of them begin to prepare for marriage and have children, and stand at a crossroads in their life and enter a confused period. Start thinking about where you want to go.

We need to keep thinking about three things:

  • Am I cut out to be a programmer?
  • Should I be a programmer for the rest of my life?
  • If I don’t write code, what am I going to do?

Then do a comprehensive assessment of yourself to see which of the following paths suit you:

  • Programmer – System Analyst – Architect – Technical Manager – CTO;
  • Programmer — Project leader — Project Manager — Project Director — CTO;
  • Programmer — Product Designer — Product Manager — CTO
  • Programmer — Startup — CEO
  • Programmer — techie — book writer — freelance

Today, I saw a picture on the Internet, feeling thousands of words are in this kind of picture, you can look at the picture to design their own career.

Share your personal development experience and friends’ experience. Although frequent job changes can earn you a high salary, think carefully about whether it is worth it and what benefits it will bring to your career in the long run. I don’t know if you think there are a lot of executives who are not as good as you, but you work for them. Because in addition to paying attention to ability, executive ability and loyalty are also very important. If you want to make your own way can go further, it is best to find the right industry and suitable company before the age of 30, the current income may not be very high, but once your company IPO, the next multimillionaire is you, you can achieve financial freedom.

5. Build your personal brand

A “personal brand” is an impression or emotion that others have about you, describing the whole experience of forming a relationship with you!

Man is a special commodity and has different values according to his abilities. Raise awareness in certain circles by sharing what you’re good at or have experience with. Get involved in some professional circles that you are familiar with, so that more people can get to know you and meet more elites in different industries. At the same time, constantly improve their professional skills and professional quality. “Most people don’t work as hard as they can” and “10,000 hours of genius training theory, intensive practice — three hours a day at one thing for ten years”. Make yourself an expert in your field. At the same time, keep in touch with some professional headhunters, they will recommend more and better opportunities to you, everyone win-win.

6. Technical specialization

With expertise, we live in an Internet age of information explosion, long past the era when holding a technology or secret recipe can comfort several generations. However, in the face of so much knowledge, we should make a choice. Everyone’s time and experience are limited. Even if you hold on to the determination of lifelong learning, it can only ensure that you keep up with the trend of The Times and will not fall behind temporarily. Everyone needs to have a unique skill as his trump card, to do the porcelain work that others can’t do. And continue to upgrade their own technology, constantly expand the field of knowledge, not all proficient, but in the familiar field of comprehensive development. Only when the breadth of knowledge is accumulated enough, can it be transformed into the depth of knowledge. Everyone’s time and energy are limited, can not blindly pursue the breadth of technology, depth and breadth are mutually promoting, to grasp the degree, depth is more important than breadth.

Learn to speak and use language skills

In today’s society, people pay more and more attention to themselves. Therefore, even if you have strong technical ability, if you don’t like talking, don’t know how to communicate and are not good at expressing yourself, it is difficult to get recognition and attention from colleagues, leaders and subordinates. The sketch “a word of things” inside said is very reasonable: “a word of things, a word can accomplish, a word can be bad”. Speech is an important means for you to express yourself, defend yourself and reflect your value. If you can’t sell yourself well and tell others your advantages, the wine is also afraid of deep alley. There are not so many bole in the world, don’t feel that he is a swift horse there will always be bole appreciation. Internet industry like Sogou Wang Xiaochuan a lot of people, but not necessarily can meet appreciation of their Own Zhang Chaoyang. Proper learning of speech skills can help you express your ideas and ideas more clearly and reduce misunderstandings caused by poor communication. Programmer general personality will be relatively introverted point, every day to the computer code, the opportunity to express less. Practice 3 minutes of impromptu speaking on any topic and start in a private place. Slowly strive for some training opportunities in the company to share their experience to practice, but also let the leadership discover your advantages, get a better opportunity for promotion and salary increase.

What are the negotiating skills to get a high salary

Before going to the interview, it is best to go to the official website of the interview company, to have a simple understanding of the company’s development history, products and industry, to avoid the interview when asked whether they understand their company, leaving a bad impression. If you’ve ever been out for a job interview, you’ll know that companies are looking at you for the following: project experience + basic skills + potential.

HR is usually the first person to interview you, focusing on the following points:

  • Reasons for leaving the previous company;
  • Current company salary;
  • What kind of company do you expect to work for?
  • Plan your future development direction.

Don’t bring up the question of salary during the interview. The hiring manager will probably cut your salary. It’s best to wait until the interviewer asks you a question before answering, and don’t give a clear figure. By focusing on your values rather than your needs, you can list your experience, strengths, skills, etc., to convince the employer that you are valuable enough to make an offer. Do not be limited to the monthly salary, with the company’s salary structure is not the same, for example, we are more clear that the state-owned salary is not high, but all kinds of hidden benefits to crazy call. If HR give salary wasn’t up to your expectations, you can try to ask other company welfare, such as commercial insurance, welfare, education, vacation reimbursement, project bonus, quarterly award, year-end bonuses, stock, options, etc., if the company’s welfare attractive enough, add up all the benefits of digital is likely to be more objective, If the total annual income can achieve their expectations can also be considered.

Here’s one of the saddest salary cuts of 2017: AN HR woman talks to a candidate like a juicer. As a result, HR girl was successfully captured by our programmer brother a year later and became his daughter-in-law. She regretted when she did not spend her salary every month.

In the technical interview, it is usually the technical director of the other party or a more qualified engineer, according to your resume will ask some interesting project questions or their current technical problems, for you to answer. The main examination candidate’s communication ability and thinking ability and technical strength. Answer the interviewer’s questions without reserve. If you don’t know much, don’t be perturbed, because you may be exposed in the next question, rather than just say no, end the question, quickly switch to your familiar area.

Adding the following resources to your resume is a great way to add to your high salary:

  • Have their own original blog, such as nuggets, CSDN, jianshu and other commonly used platforms
  • Proficient in source code or architecture of well-known open source projects
  • I have a great open source project on GitHub
  • Participated in large well-known projects