There’s been a lot of discussion about the father of Linux blasting C++ as junk for bad programmers. After all, we all know that Git, Linus Torvalds’ version control software for Linux kernel development, has attracted a lot of attention in the industry. Linus is the father of Linux, but if he dares to attack C++, what are his C++ skills and programming skills?

Even I got a little curious. After all, C++’s various ideas and techniques for aiding programming and design: From basic data encapsulation (which C does), RAII resource management, the powerful STL/Boost library to Smart Pointer, Lambda/closure, function/bind, auto type inference in modern C++? This is not a strict classification, I hope you don’t get tangled up.

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Here are some answers that I think are better:

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I think each language has its own limitations, and each language has its own strengths and uses. Today’s software projects are becoming more multilingual, so instead of spending your energy fighting each other’s languages, learn more about them. The correct attitude should be to learn nutrition from the debate of the masters, improve and deepen their understanding of the relevant language, combined with their own actual environment, think about how to learn, how to use. As Andy Hunt and David Thomas, authors of The Programmer’s Path, teach us, to succeed in software development, “learn a new language every year.”

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Thank you for reading. That’s how Linus summed up his critique of C++. Any programming language has its charm, and you need to pick a language you like and cater to it.

Well, more C/C++ related content in C language /C++ learning penguin circle 686521686, please pay attention to!