Small program

This is the most popular word in the circle of friends in the past two years.

Yesterday, Small program won a world award — as a new technology and application innovation, small program was selected as the world Internet Leading Technology achievement for the first time at the fifth World Internet Conference “World Internet Leading Science and Technology Achievement Release event” in Wuzhen.

This award also belongs to every developer of small programs.

The number of applets exceeds 1 million

Mini programs have been popular since their launch, and bring users a lot of convenience, such as bus codes, food store orders, city services and so on. Also brought a lot of business opportunities, in the Internet conference, Ma Huateng said: 1.5 million developers have joined the development of small programs, the number of applications more than 1 million to cover more than 200 industries, the launch of the new version will have more developers to improve small programs, small program functions will become more powerful.

Since the micro channel small program into the market, many people like to open the governor, suddenly feel that our mobile phone has become light, simple operation, life has become relaxed and happy. Later, domestic platforms (Baidu, Alipay, Toutiao,, Douyin, QQ, etc.) have launched their own mini programs, so mini programs suddenly became popular in China.

Applets: An app that doesn’t need to be downloaded and installed. It realizes the dream of an app being “at your fingertips”. Users can open an app by scanning or searching it. It also embodies the concept of “use it and go”, so users don’t have to worry about installing too many apps. Applications will be everywhere, ready to use, but not installed or uninstalled.

Jinsha River venture director zhu Xiaohu: at least there are tens of billions of funds will enter small program this year

Last year, the total investment disclosed by small program is 700 million, of course, this figure is a little underestimated, this year all investment is running into small program, this year until April, the amount of investment may be this number plus a zero, now it is almost 7 billion yuan, this year, at least tens of billions of investment in small program.

It is believed that the small program may become the new platform opportunity of “wechat Internet” after PC Internet and mobile Internet, and will copy most of the business opportunities of mobile Internet, even more extensive and deeper. At the same time, he said in his speech, small programs will further upgrade the native App ecosystem, and it has penetrated all industries, causing a capital frenzy.

“Small programs will give entrepreneurs the opportunity to subvert the PC Internet and mobile Internet giants,” he judged, “today to obtain the App at least dozens of, buy the App at least hundreds of yuan of cost, compared to the cost of small programs are very obvious dividend. However, the small program flow bonus is this year, if this year missed the bonus, this opportunity with you.” There’s a lot of room for small programs to pay dividends, but remember: whichever way you plan to get in, do it fast! Flash cloud technology small program agent to join the business must be straightforward, the earlier the better.