
Maven is the most popular build system for projects and is indispensable for Java-related development. There is another module management tool, Grade, on the rise, but most companies still use Maven

  • Maven and Maven’s repository
  • Maven command and build life cycle
  • Maven project pom. XML file details
  • How does Maven transfer dependencies and remove dependencies
  • Aggregation and inheritance of Maven
  • MVN Example

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Maven and Maven’s repository

Maven repositories are used to store jars managed by Maven. There are two types: local warehouse and central warehouse

  • Local repository: Maven’s local repository of Jar packages
  • Maven central Repository: A remote repository officially provided by Maven. Maven central Repository is a repository provided by the Maven community that contains a large number of commonly used libraries. The central repository contains most of the popular open source Java artifacts
  • Remote repository: Maven also cannot find dependent files in the central repository, and it stops the build process and prints error messages to the console. To avoid this, Maven provides the concept of a remote repository, a developer’s custom repository that contains the required code base or jar files used in other projects

Maven command and build life cycle

phase To deal with describe
validate Verify the project Verify that the project is correct and that all necessary information is available
compile compiling Source code compilation is completed at this stage
test test Run the tests using an appropriate unit testing framework, such as JUnit.
package packaging Create JAR/WAR packages as mentioned in the pom.xml definition
verify check The results of integration tests are checked to ensure that quality is met
install The installation Install packaged items to a local repository for use by other projects
deploy The deployment of Copy the final project package to a remote repository to share with other developers and projects

  • When a phase is invoked through the Maven command, for examplemvn compile, and all phases before and including this phase are executed
  • Maven also has a clean command that removes all files generated during the last build
  • Often used in build environmentsmvn clean deployCommand to clear, build, and deploy items to a remote repository

Maven project pom. XML file details

<project xmlns=""     
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">     
        <artifactId/> <!--被继承的父项目的构件标识符-->    
        <groupId/>  <!--被继承的父项目的全球唯一标识符-->      
        <version/>  <!--被继承的父项目的版本-->    
        <!-- 父项目的pom.xml文件的相对路径-->    
    <!--项目的全球唯一标识符,通常使用全限定的包名区分该项目和其他项目。并且构建时生成的路径也是由此生成, 如com.ex.app生成的相对路径为:/com/ex/app-->     
    <!-- 构件的标识符,它和group ID一起唯一标识一个构件-->     
    <!--项目的名称, Maven产生的文档用-->     
    <!--项目主页的URL, Maven产生的文档用-->     
    <!-- 项目的详细描述-->     
    <description>A maven project to study maven.</description>     
    <!-- 描述了这个项目构建环境中的前提条件。 --> 
        <!-- 构建该项目或使用该插件所需要的Maven的最低版本 --> 
    <!--该元素描述了项目相关的所有依赖。 这些依赖组成了项目构建过程中的一个个环节。-->    
        <!--依赖的group ID-->    
        <!--依赖的artifact ID-->    
        <!--依赖的版本号。 在Maven 2里, 也可以配置成版本号的范围。-->    
        <!-- 依赖类型,默认类型是jar。它通常表示依赖的文件的扩展名,但也有例外。一个类型可以被映射成另外一个扩展名或分类器。类型经常和使用的打包方式对应, 尽管这也有例外。一些类型的例子:jar,war,ejb-client和test-jar。如果设置extensions为 true,就可以在 plugin里定义新的类型。所以前面的类型的例子不完整。-->    
            - compile :默认范围,用于编译      
            - provided:类似于编译,但支持你期待jdk或者容器提供,类似于classpath      
            - runtime: 在执行时需要使用      
            - test:    用于test任务时使用      
            - system: 需要外在提供相应的元素。通过systemPath来取得      
            - systemPath: 仅用于范围为system。提供相应的路径      
            - optional:   当项目自身被依赖时,标注依赖是否传递。用于连续依赖时使用-->     
        <!--当计算传递依赖时, 从依赖构件列表里,列出被排除的依赖构件-->    
      <scriptSourceDirectory/> <!--绝大多数情况下,该目录下的内容 会被拷贝到输出目录(因为脚本是被解释的,而不是被编译的)。-->      
      <testSourceDirectory/>   <!--该元素设置了项目单元测试使用的源码目录。该路径是相对于pom.xml的相对路径。-->     
      <outputDirectory/>     <!--被编译过的应用程序class文件存放的目录。--> 
      <testOutputDirectory/>  <!--被编译过的测试class文件存放的目录。-->       
           <extension>   <!--描述使用到的构建扩展。-->      
            <groupId/>   <!--构建扩展的groupId-->   
            <artifactId/> <!--构建扩展的artifactId-->  
            <version/> <!--构建扩展的版本-->       
      <!--当项目没有规定目标(Maven2 叫做阶段)时的默认值-->    
      <resources> <!--这个元素描述了项目相关或测试相关的所有资源路径-->    
          <resource>  <!-- 描述了资源的目标路径。该路径相对target/classes目录-->    
            <directory/>   <!--描述存放资源的目录,该路径相对POM路径-->   
            <includes/> <!--包含的模式列表,例如**/*.xml.-->    
            <excludes/> <!--排除的模式列表,例如**/*.xml-->     
      <directory/> <!--构建产生的所有文件存放的目录-->    
      <finalName/> <!--产生的构件的文件名,默认值是${artifactId}-${version}。-->    
        <plugin> </plugin>    
                  <groupId/>   <!--插件在仓库里的group ID--> 
                  <artifactId/> <!--插件在仓库里的artifact ID-->  
                  <executions> <!--在构建生命周期中执行一组目标的配置。每个目标可能有不同的配置。-->   
                    <execution> <!--execution元素包含了插件执行需要的信息--> 
                      <id/>  <!--执行目标的标识符,用于标识构建过程中的目标,或者匹配继承过程中需要合并的执行目标--> 
                      <phase/> <!--绑定了目标的构建生命周期阶段,如果省略,目标会被绑定到源数据里配置的默认阶段-->      
                      <goals/>  <!--配置的执行目标-->    
                      <inherited/>    <!--配置是否被传播到子POM-->    
                      <configuration/> <!--作为DOM对象的配置-->     
          <name>mavenVersion</name> <!--激活profile的属性的名称-->       
        <!--提供一个文件名,通过检测该文件的存在或不存在来激活profile。missing检查文件是否存在,如果不存在则激活 -->    
       <!--该元素描述了项目相关的所有依赖 -->    
    <!-- 聚合模块被构建成项目的一部分。列出的每个模块元素是指向该模块的目录的相对路径 --> 
    <repositories>  <!--发现依赖和扩展的远程仓库列表。-->      
         <releases> <!--如何处理远程仓库里发布版本的下载-->    
          <!--true或者false表示该仓库是否为下载某种类型构件(发布版,快照版)开启。 -->    
          <!-- 这里的选项是:always(一直),daily(默认,每日),interval:X(这里X是以分钟为单位的时间间隔),或者never(从不)。-->    
         <!-- 如何处理远程仓库里快照版本的下载。有了releases和snapshots这两组配置,POM就可以在每个单独的仓库中,为每种类型的构件采取不同的 策略-->    
    <!-- 继承自该项目的所有子项目的默认依赖信息。这部分的依赖信息不会被立即解析,而是当子项目声明一个依赖(必须描述group ID和 artifact ID信息),如果group ID和artifact ID以外的一些信息没有描述,则通过group ID和artifact ID 匹配到这里的依赖,并使用这里的依赖信息。-->    
    <!--项目分发信息,在执行mvn deploy后表示要发布的位置。有了这些信息就可以把网站部署到远程服务器或者把构件部署到远程仓库。-->     
         <name>banseon maven2</name>     
            <name>business api website</name>     
        <!-- 给出该构件在远程仓库的状态。不得在本地项目中设置该元素,因为这是工具自动更新的。有效的值有:none(默认),converted(仓库管理员从 Maven 1 POM转换过来),partner(直接从伙伴Maven 2仓库同步过来),deployed(从Maven 2实例部 署),verified(被核实时正确的和最终的)。-->    
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How does Maven transfer dependencies and remove dependencies

  • Pass dependencies: If our project references a Jar package that in turn references another Jar package, Maven downloads both the directly referenced and concisely-referenced JARS locally by default when the project is compiled
  • Dependency exclusion: If we only want to download directly referenced Jar packages, we need to do the following configuration in pom.xml
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  • Dependency conflicts: Dependency conflicts can occur when multiple jars in a project reference the same Jar at the same time, but Maven uses two strategies to avoid conflicts, so there are no dependency conflicts in Maven
    • Short circuit priority, for exampleA.jar -- > B.jar -- > X.jar; SAN Antonio ar - > X.j ar, the short-path x. jar is preferred
    • Declaration priority; If the reference path is of the same length, who is declared first in pom.xml

Aggregation and inheritance of Maven

  • Configuring multiple running projects at the same time is called aggregation. The aggregated projects have a parent pom.xml file, and each project has its own pom.xml
  • When aggregating multiple projects, if the same JARS need to be introduced in the aggregated projects, these jars can be written to the parent POM.xml, from which each child project inherits
  • Father pom. XML
<! -- Aggregate multiple items --> <modules> <module>.. Module A</module> <module>.. /module B</module> <module>.. /module C</module> </modules> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.shiro</groupId> <artifactId>shiro-spring</artifactId> <version>1.2.2</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencies> </dependencies>Copy the code
  • Son of pom. The XML configuration
<! <parent> <groupId> </groupId> <artifactId> artifactId</artifactId> <version> Version number of the project where the parent POM resides </version> </parent>Copy the code

MVN Example

MVN archetype: create-dgroupid =packageName -DartifactId=projectName MVN test-railcraft compile-railcraft test-compile // Run the test MVN test // clear the generated project MVN clean // Install jar MVN in the local Repository MVN clean install // Clean the old project, generate the new JAR and upload the remote repository MVN clean install deployCopy the code

Corrections are welcome

Refer to the article

  • Maven tutorial
  • Maven’s pom.xml file is the most comprehensive overview ever
  • Maven usage details
  • Maven common commands set