Real-time collaborative working has become the norm, especially this year’s epidemic, which makes colleagues in different office areas more dependent on collaborative working. This makes video chat, voice, and real-time editing of text and code more and more important and in demand.

In the past team development process, more use of git, SVN and other versions of tools. However, this requires a certain learning cost and tedious operation.

As technology gets better and better, it’s possible for teams to work together on a project in real time. In this article, we introduce you to six awesome tools that make collaborative development a breeze!

VS Code Live Share

VS Code[1] is one of the most popular development tools at present, becoming more and more popular in JS, Python, Java and other programming languages.

If you’re using VS Code, I highly recommend using Microsoft’s own VS Code Live Share plug-in. It is very useful and allows different people to work on the same project together.


The Pro version of Codepen [2] has collaborative mode, which allows real-time programming similar to Google Docs. Ideal for demonstration or teaching scenarios.


Like CodePen, JSFiddle [3] has a collaborative mode that lets you see live editing just like any other tool.

In addition, it has voice chat and regular chat.


If you’re not entirely happy with the aforementioned live collaboration platform created by others, togetherJs can help you build your own.

Togetherjs [4] does not provide real-time editing functionality, but it does provide the ability to quickly build a platform using WebRTC.

CodePen, for example, is built on the TogetherJS engine.

Repl. It [5] is a tool I covered last year, and I personally think it’s the most useful of the six, and my favorite.

Its unique design pattern allows it to integrate with GitHub for real-time collaboration. Very good, highly recommended!


Codesandbox [6] is another great online tool with many great features. For example, you can import directly from the GitHub code base, co-edit in real time, and even embed the results directly into your website.


Currently, most of my development tools are developed in VS Code first. I have to say that VS Code is getting better and better around development. For this reason, VS Code Live Share is a collaborative development tool THAT I often use. However, in terms of pure collaborative development, I think Repl. It is superior. It is a professional and leading tool focused on online collaborative development.

Dry recommended

In order to facilitate everyone, I spent half a month’s time to get over the years to collect all kinds of iso technical finishing together, content including but not limited to, Python, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, recommendation system, Linux, engineering, Java, content of up to 5 t +, I put all the resources download link to a document, The directory is as follows:

All dry goods to everyone, hope to be able to support it!… (Extraction code: 0000)