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Given a linked list and its two keys, swap the two nodes of the given key. Nodes should be swapped by changing links. When the data contains many fields, it can be expensive to swap the data for nodes in many cases.

You can assume that all keys in a linked list are different.


Input:10->15->12->13->20->14, x =12, y =20Output:10->15->20->13->12->14Input:10->15->12->13->20->14, x =10, y =20Output:20->15->12->13->10->14Input:10->15->12->13->20->14, x =12, y =13Output:10->15->13->12->20->14
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This may seem like a simple question, but it’s an interesting one because it has the following situations to deal with.

  1. X and y may or may not be adjacent.
  2. Either x or y can be a head node.
  3. X or y could be the last node.
  4. X and/or y may not exist in a linked list.

How to write clean working code that handles all of the above possibilities.

The idea is to first search for x and y in a given linked list. If any of them do not exist, return. Tracks current and previous Pointers when searching for x and y. First change the next of the previous pointer, and then change the next of the current pointer.

The following is an implementation of the above method.

class Node {
	int data;
	Node* next;

void swapNodes(Node** head_ref, int x, int y)
	if (x == y)

	Node *prevX = NULL, *currX = *head_ref;
	while(currX && currX->data ! = x) { prevX = currX; currX = currX->next; } Node *prevY =NULL, *currY = *head_ref;
	while(currY && currY->data ! = y) { prevY = currY; currY = currY->next; }if (currX == NULL || currY == NULL)

	if(prevX ! =NULL)
		prevX->next = currY;
		*head_ref = currY;

	if(prevY ! =NULL)
		prevY->next = currX;
		*head_ref = currX;

	Node* temp = currY->next;
	currY->next = currX->next;
	currX->next = temp;

void push(Node** head_ref, int new_data)
	Node* new_node = new Node(a); new_node->data = new_data; new_node->next = (*head_ref); (*head_ref) = new_node; }void printList(Node* node)
	while(node ! =NULL) {
		cout << node->data << ""; node = node->next; }}int main(a)
	Node* start = NULL;

	push(&start, 7);
	push(&start, 6);
	push(&start, 5);
	push(&start, 4);
	push(&start, 3);
	push(&start, 2);
	push(&start, 1);

	cout << "Linked list before calling swapNodes() ";

	swapNodes(&start, 4.3);

	cout << "\nLinked list after calling swapNodes() ";

	return 0;
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Optimization: The above code can be optimized to search for x and y in a single walk. Two loops are used to keep the program simple.

The easier way to do it

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Node {

	int data;
	class Node* next;

	Node(int val, Node* next)
		: data(val)
		, next(next)

	void printList(a)

		Node* node = this;

		while(node ! =NULL) {

			cout << node->data << ""; node = node->next; } cout << endl; }};void push(Node** head_ref, int new_data)

	(*head_ref) = new Node(new_data, *head_ref);

void swap(Node*& a, Node*& b)

	Node* temp = a;
	a = b;
	b = temp;

void swapNodes(Node** head_ref, int x, int y)

	if (x == y)

	Node **a = NULL, **b = NULL;

	while (*head_ref) {

		if ((*head_ref)->data == x) {
			a = head_ref;

		else if ((*head_ref)->data == y) {
			b = head_ref;

		head_ref = &((*head_ref)->next);

	if (a && b) {

		swap(*a, *b);
		swap(((*a)->next), ((*b)->next)); }}int main(a)

	Node* start = NULL;

	push(&start, 7);
	push(&start, 6);
	push(&start, 5);
	push(&start, 4);
	push(&start, 3);
	push(&start, 2);
	push(&start, 1);

	cout << "Linked list before calling swapNodes() ";
	start->printList(a);swapNodes(&start, 6.1);

	cout << "Linked list after calling swapNodes() ";
	start->printList(a); }Copy the code

The output

Linked list before calling swapNodes(a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Linked list after calling swapNodes(a)6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 7Copy the code

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📣 Endnote: For more information on data structures, you can follow me: Haiyong, I hope you found this article helpful.

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