Rust is a relatively new programming language in the software industry. It is very similar to C++ syntactically, but Rust provides many features more efficiently to ensure performance and security. Furthermore, Rust can secure memory without the need for a traditional garbage collection system.

! Since I had tasted Rust, Java suddenly not sweet] (

The Rust language was originally a private project of Mozilla employee Graydon Hoare, then an experienced IT scientist in Mozilla’s research department. Mozilla began sponsoring the project in 2009 and first revealed its existence in 2010.

As more designers joined, they built a browser engine for the programming language and designed the Rust compiler. The Rust compiler is a free and open source programming software protected by the MIT and Apache licenses. Since 2016, the Rust language has been in the spotlight as many developers have started to choose Rust over Java for Stack overflow development.

Why is Rust so popular with many developers?

Rust is a perfect choice for stack overflow development because of its greater concurrency and security. Rust is a performance-oriented programming language because of its excellent control of functions and perfect use of memory layout. With Rust, you can maintain system integrity and security with less effort, and Rust also has some impressive syntax, memory security, and memory management.

To learn grammar

Rust’s similarity to C++, the most popular language in the software industry, and its simple syntax make it very easy to learn and understand, even for beginners. The syntax of Rust has many similarities with C and C++ programming, such as the use of if-else, while, for, return keywords, and the use of pattern-matching techniques for some of the keywords in Rust, which makes the language easier to learn.

Although the syntax is very similar, Rust is much broader and deeper in terms of functions and functionality. The “breadth” of the programming language is that you can find that almost all of the parts contained in each function body, including the control-flow operators, are themselves represented as expressions. In short, Rust helps you get more done if you already know C or C++ by the standard of common understanding of those programming languages, so that makes Rust a very cost-effective and attractive choice.

Memory safety

Speaking of Rust’s security features, it is specifically designed to secure memory, and it does not allow null Pointers, dangling Pointers, and data contention in secure code. If you need to initialize a data value, this can only be done through a fixed set of forms that require all inputs to be initialized before the function starts. Almost all other languages allow Pointers to exist in valid or Null form, but Rust provides an additional set of features to test whether Pointers have values.

Unconventional characteristics

Rust also introduces additional syntax and features to manage the life cycle of functions themselves. On the other hand, Unsafe code can be restricted using the Unsafe Rust feature, while the ownership feature works on all values, allowing only one unique owner for each value. The valid range of the value is the same as the valid range of the unique owner. Values can be passed by the immutable reference keyword &T, or by the mutable reference keyword &mut T. The Rust compiler executes these rules at compile time and tracks the validity of all references simultaneously.

Memory management

Rust does not use traditional automated garbage collection systems like programming languages such as Java or.NET, nor does Rust use automatic reference systems like programming languages such as Swift or C. Rust manages memory and other resources through its unique RAII (Resource fetch as initialization) specification approach. In addition, Rust uses an optimal reference counting method to optimize memory allocation, and it supports stack allocation of values rather than implicit boxing conversion.

Implemented based on Traits and structured types

Rust’s system is implemented based on Traits and structured types. In Rust, classes are defined with the keyword IMPl. Inheritance and polymorphism are provided by characteristics and allow developers to use methods and hybrid implementations. In addition, structured types are used to define different types of fields. Implementations and characteristics are not self-defining; they only provide inherited data. Rust also supports interface inheritance, but only allows the use of composite integration in place of implementation inheritance.

Rust code example

1. Hello World function

fn main() { println! ("Hello World!" ); }Copy the code

2. Recursive functions

	 fn factorial(i: u64) -> u64 {match i {0 => 1,n => n * factorial(n-1)}}
Copy the code

3. Iterate over functions

fn factorial(i: u64) -> u64 {let mut acc = 1; for num in 2.. =i {acc *= num; }acc}Copy the code

Mainstream projects using Rust today

If you know what software and applications are developed in Rust these days, you probably trust the programming language more than ever before. Rust has been used to develop many high-profile mainstream applications, There’s Mozilla Firefox, Discord (a gaming voice chat app), Gecko, Tor, GNOME Fractal (an instant messaging client), Google’s Fuchsia operating system, Redox OS, Rocket Web Framework, Servo, Terminus DB, Libra, OpenDNS, to name a few.

Unique features of Rust

  • Very close to basic C and C++ programming languages and syntax;
  • When doing code analysis, you can easily parse the semantics referenced even by a third-party code reader.
  • The ownership system is well designed, which makes Rust distinctive;
  • Cargo, Rust’s built-in package manager, is powerful because of features such as logical memory allocation, reference handling, and memory management.
  • Rust’s compiler is amazing on its own

How is Rust better than Java?

Even for an intermediate programmer, switching from Java to Rust is a snap. You’ll feel familiar with the concepts and syntax from the start, which makes learning and programming much easier. So while Rust is certainly a big step forward in technology, programmers don’t need to make big changes in their programming habits. With Rust, you can feel free to explore new types of complex projects that you might otherwise have been afraid to do because of the complexity of the Java language. For indie developers, perfect resource allocation and good memory management are a must, which is one of the biggest advantages of Rust.

On the other hand, every industry today is built on IT, and whether you’re a professional programmer or not, software programming is needed in any technical area where creativity is needed. As a result, complex coding languages make it difficult for non-professional programmers to easily write the code they need, and Rust is a solution for them. Even amateur programmers and beginners can easily learn and logically understand the language to hone their skills and maximize their creativity in all walks of life.


Switching from Java to Rust is simple and logical, requiring only a few tweaks in the programming language. And it doesn’t make you forget all the Java skills you already have, so you can always switch back to Java if you need to. However, if you stick with Rust, you will be more productive, resource utilization will be optimized, code security will be better, and most importantly, you will be able to take advantage of many additional features and functions that Rust offers.

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