String inversion

344. Reverse the string

List inversion

Sword finger Offer 24. Reverse the linked list

Ordered array merge

88. Merge two ordered arrays

The hash algorithm

The sword refers to Offer 50. The first character that appears only once

Find the common parent of two child views

Find the median of an unordered array



1. Frame diagram

2. Main class diagram

3, AFURLSessionManager

  • Create and manage NSURLSession and NSURLSessionTask
  • Implement NSURLSessionDelegate and other protocol proxy methods
  • AFSecurityPolicy is introduced to secure requests
  • Introducing AFNetworkReachabilityManager monitor network status


1. Frame diagram

2. Image loading process

Reactive Cocoa

1, the signal


1. Mainly deal with problems

2. Fundamentals

  • Changes and commits to asNodes are wrapped and submitted to a global container
  • ASDK also registers a class Observer in RunLoop
  • Before RunLoop goes to sleep, ASDK executes all tasks submitted within the loop