
As a front-end development, it is an essential step to initiate a request to the server. Through the request, the server will return us the corresponding data, and we can make the corresponding operation according to the data. In general, many front-end developers now use third-party libraries to make requests, such as Axios, jQuery libraries, and so on.

Implement ajax requests using native JavaScript

The XMLHttpRequest object

The original use of a XMLHttpRequest object background and server data exchange, currently all browsers support XMLHttpRequest, specific code can refer to the following:

function initOption(options) { options.type = options.type.toUpperCase() || 'GET'; options.async = options.async || true; = || {}; options.dataType = options.dataType || 'JSON'; options.timeout = options.timeout || 10000; options.complete = options.complete || function(){}; options.success = options.success || function(){}; options.error = options.error || function(){}; return options } function formatParams(data) { if (typeof data === 'object') { const arr = []; for (var key in data) { arr.push(key + "=" + data[key]); } return arr.join("&"); } return data; } function ajaxXhr(url, options = {}) {// Initialize parameters, Add default value options = initOption(options) // Initialize the asynchronous object const XHR = new XMLHttpRequest(); Const data = formatParams(; If (options.type === 'get ') {// Open the request, if (url.indexof ('? ')! == -1) {, url + '&' + data); } else {, url + '? ' + data); } xhr.send(); } if (options.type === 'POST') {, url); Xhr. setRequestHeader(' content-type ', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); // setRequestHeader xhr.setRequestHeader(' content-type ', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.send(data); } xhr.onreadyStatechange = function() {// readyState five states // 0: Uninitialized. The open() method has not been called. // 1: Open. The open() method has been called; the send() method has not been called. // 2: Sent. The send() method has been called but no response has been received. // 3: Receiving Receiving. Partial responses have been received. // 4: Complete. All responses have been received and are ready to use. if (xhr.readyState === 4) { options.complete(); if (xhr.status === 200) { options.success(xhr.responseText); } else { options.error(xhr, xhr.status, xhr.statusText); }}}}Copy the code
The method of describe
abort() Stop the current request
getAllResponseHeaders() Return all response headers of the HTTP request as key/value pairs
getResponseHeader(“header”) Returns the string value of the specified header
open(“method”,”URL”,[asyncFlag],[“userName”],[“password”]) Establish calls to the server. The method parameter can be GET, POST, or PUT. The URL parameter can be a relative OR absolute URL. This method also includes three optional parameters, asynchronous or not, username, and password
send(content) Send a request to the server
setRequestHeader(“header”, “value”) Sets the specified header to the supplied value. You must call open() before setting any headers. Set the header and send it with the request (the ‘post’ method must be)


The Fetch API provides a JavaScript interface for accessing and manipulating specific parts of the HTTP pipeline, such as requests and responses. It also provides a global fetch() method, which provides a simple, reasonable way to asynchronously fetch resources across the network.

function initOption(options) { options.type = options.type.toUpperCase() || 'GET'; options.headers = options.headers || {}; = || {}; options.mode = options.mode || 'cors'; options.credentials = options.credentials || 'manual'; options.cache = options.cache || 'default'; return options } function formatParams(data) { if (typeof data === 'object') { const arr = []; for (var key in data) { arr.push(key + "=" + data[key]); } return arr.join("&"); } return data; } function ajaxFetch(url, options) {// Initialize parameters, Options = initOption(options) // Const data = formatParams(; let fetchBody = null if (options.type === 'GET') { if (url.indexOf('? ')! == -1) { url = `${url}&${data}` } else { url = `${url}? ${data}` } } if (options.type === 'POST') { fetchBody = data } fetch(url, Object.assign({ body: fetchBody }, options)).then((res) => { console.log('res', res) }).catch((err) => { console.log('err', err) }) }Copy the code

Reference documentation

Advanced Programming in JavaScript (4th edition)

Using the Fetch ()