Important note: According to CIP-37 (Conflux Improvement Proposal), Conflux will use base32 address (starting with network identifier, such as CFX :). This update is compatible version update. The consensus layer of the public chain has not changed. The old and new address formats are only converted once, and the original private key and mnemonic can be logged into the Conflux wallet account normally, without any impact on personal assets.

Related link: CIP-37 (Conflux-rust V1.1.1) upgrade notification

1 prepare

Before learning ETH and cETH conversion, please install MetaMask and ConfluxPortal. The download address of ConfluxPortal is: click download, and the download address of MetaMask is: click download. After the installation, log in to the corresponding wallet account. In the transfer process we demonstrated this time, we need to change the network of ConfluxPortal to Conflux Tethys network and MetaMask network to Ethereum main network, as shown in the figure below.

Above, the preparatory work has been completed. Now let’s introduce the conversion process of ETH and cETH. If you do not know ShuttleFlow’s address, please click here. If you log in to this page, you will be automatically authorized to log in to ConfluxPortal. Select the wallet you need to log in to. After entering the ShuttleFlow page, you can perform the corresponding operations.

2 enter

Taking ETH as an example, the entry process of other tokens is similar. Leap-in is the process of converting ETH into cETH, which is as follows:

1) Connect the ConfluxPortal wallet

Click Conflux Wallet to connect to the Conflux Portal Wallet.

2) Go to the inbound page and select ETH/Conflux.

3) Select the token to be entered and click OK.

Click Shuttle In on the home page to enter the inbound page, and then click Select token.

Here we choose ETH. Then click to select the token.

4) Perform the inbound operation

After selecting the Token, click “Connect MetaMask” below to Connect the wallet.

Enter the inbound amount and the address of the inbound Conflux wallet, confirm the transaction in the MetaMask pop-up box, and then transfer ETH to the ConfluxPortal wallet to realize the inbound ETH to the ConfluxPortal.

Please note that this address needs to be filled in with the Conflux wallet address, not the contract address.

Note: There is no transfer fee

5) At this point, the entry has been successful, so let’s add the cETH token to the Conflux wallet. Click Step out on ShuttleFlow’s main page, and then click “Select token” to enter the following page. Then click the green arrow in the picture to view the contract address.

Then copy the contract address.

Finally, add cETH to the Conflux wallet, and the cETH balance will be displayed, which means that the cETH balance is successfully added. If the balance is zero at this time, don’t worry, just wait for a while.

3 across the

Crossover is the process of converting cETH into ETH, similar to other tokens.

Select the step out page, select the token, then enter the amount you need to withdraw, and finally enter your Ethernet wallet address to confirm the transaction, you can complete the step out process.

Note that if you step out of the Ether wallet, you need to fill in the ether wallet address. If it’s a Bitcoin wallet, it should be a Bitcoin wallet address. If you make a mistake, the token will be lost.

4 Transaction History

Click on trade history to view inbound and outbound records.

Green means the deal is done.

Gray indicates that the transaction is in progress.

Above, this is how to convert ETH and cETH using ShuttleFlow. Other tokens are similar.