Just two months after Lu joined Baidu, chief scientist Andrew Ng announced his resignation.

This news immediately caused a great uproar, for Ng’s departure of the reasons are also different opinions, some view: a mountain can not be two tigers, Lu Qi joined Ng unhappy. Others believe: Ng was poached by Apple. Some people think that Ng is going to return to the movie industry and make another film with Stephen Chow. However, the editor got a surprising inside scoop via the PY trade: Ng’s departure stems from a book he is writing about machine learning. It is well known that Ng is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University with a great interest and mission in education and research. Ng has always wanted to share his experience with the public in order to advance artificial intelligence. The writing of the book began when He was working at Baidu, but his work at Baidu seriously affected the writing progress of the book. Ng’s obsession with writing led to the deterioration of his relationship with Robin, and Lu Qi gradually became dissatisfied with Ng. Under such circumstances, Ng decided to leave Baidu in order to focus on writing this book.

Most of the time, machine learning problems leave clues as to which solutions are worth trying and which are not. Reading these clues will save you months or even years. – Wu En da

Ten years ago, On this day on this day, Andrew Ng named the book Machine Learning Yearning. After each chapter, he sends a rough draft to readers who subscribe to his mailing list.

You can subscribe to the free mailing list at www.mlyearning.org and download the first 12 chapters that have been completed so far.

The book is based on Ng’s years of machine learning Research experience, as well as data and case studies accumulated by Baidu Research in the field of machine learning and deep learning. (These contents caused Robin and Wu’s relationship to cool to the point of freezing (>﹏<).)

Here is a letter ng wrote to readers of the book.

Dear friends,

How do you plan an AI project?

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are transforming industries. When you first start building a machine learning system, you need to consider a variety of issues:

Do you need to collect more training data?

Is end-to-end deep learning required?

What happens when a training set does not match a test set?

In the past, learning to define these “strategies” often required years of apprenticeship in college or a company. I wrote this book to help you acquire these skills quickly and become a better ai system expert.

The book is about 100 pages and contains many chapters. Each chapter consists of 1 or 2 pages of text that can be easily read. As soon as the first draft of a chapter is completed, I will send an article to the mailing list. If you would like to receive it, please subscribe to this mailing list.

Andrew Ng

Xiaobian recently contacted Dr. Wu and got the download address shared by Dr. Wu. Here we also share it with you: the first 12 chapters: pan.baidu.com/s/1cMN91c and the 13th chapter: pan.baidu.com/s/1c2iid12

I think we have all understood Dr. Wu’s intention. We can only repay him by studying hard. By the time I finished writing this article, I had already read one chapter.