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(I) Preface

A good plug-in can not only make the work more simple, sometimes also can make the work efficiency directly doubled, today to introduce my work after a year of collection of seven super easy to use Idea plug-in, welcome to add.

1. Alibaba Java Code Guidelines

Alibaba is a code specification tool. If the code does not meet the specification after opening, there will always be an unacceptable yellow line in the code. Although it has no impact on the program operation, ocD always forces us to modify according to the specification. Over time, the code habits will be modified to become more standardized.

Free Mybatis Plugin & mybatisGenerator

Very easy to use Mybatis generator, through a Database table directly generate the corresponding entity class, Mapper interface, mapper. XML file, after the plug-in installation is complete, only need to use the Idea built-in Database connection Database, and then right-click can see the generator.

JRebel and XRebel for Intellij

Be sure to use this plugin, it’s much more efficient. There are many specific online tutorials, so I won’t explain them here.

Once the project is started with JRebel, if there are changes to the class, you simply need Ctrl+ Shift +F9 to compile the modified class without having to restart the project. For some of the larger projects in the company, each reboot takes a minute, but JRebel cuts that time down to a second.

4, Lombok

This doesn’t even need to be introduced. Almost every Java developer uses it, eliminating the need for a series of get, set, and so on.

5, maven helper

Maven Helper is an efficient Dependency resolution plugin that can also be used to see all dependencies of the project. Click on Dependency Analyzer below in the POM file

After clicking, you can see three ways to display: the first way to show conflicting dependencies, the second way to show all dependencies in a list, and the third way to show all dependencies in a tree.

For dependencies you want to remove, simply right-click and select Remove.

6, Translation

A my personal favorite translation plug-in, no longer because I do not know how to name to Baidu search English translation, no longer because I do not understand English annotations open Baidu.

7, RestfulToolKit

When writing an interface, we usually encapsulate the incoming parameters of the interface into an object and request to be transmitted in Json format. To test the request, we need to manually write a string in Json format, which is troublesome. If you have a lot of fields, it’s easy to make mistakes. This plugin can generate Json strings directly for us.

Select Conver to JSON to convert the object directly to a JSON string, and then manually modify it yourself to initiate the call.

  "id": 1."name": "demoData"."address": "demoData"."sex": "demoData"."age": 1
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