The Spring Cloud is an ordered collection of frameworks. It takes advantage of the development convenience of Spring Boot to cleverly simplify the development of distributed system infrastructure, such as service discovery registration, configuration center, message bus, load balancing, circuit breaker, data monitoring, etc., and can be used to achieve one-button startup and deployment with the development style of Spring Boot. Free to share several Spring Boot development of good books, I hope to help you.

Spring Cloud microservices in action

Starting from the popular concept of micro-service architecture, “Spring Cloud Microservice Practics” introduces in detail the solutions and basic components of Spring Cloud for several core elements of micro-service architecture. For each component introduction, “Spring Cloud Microservices in Action” mainly uses examples and source code to help readers better understand how these components are used and how they work. At the same time, in the process of introduction, also contains the author encountered in the practice of some problems and solutions, for readers in practice as a reference.

“Spring Cloud Microservice Practics” is suitable for all Java developers, especially for the team who is doing the technical selection of microservice architecture or is implementing the microservice architecture to consult and reference. The book does reflect the author’s deep involvement over the years. On the one hand, it explains the practice, the process and the details. On the one hand, introduce the principle of the middle, will be the bottom to do some lead to read. After watching it, I have a relatively intuitive feeling about how to do the Spring Cloud project. I hope I can go back and have a look at the core practices in this book when I use it later. Thanks to the author.

Spring Cloud and Docker micro-service architecture practice

As a work to help people realize the implementation of micro-service architecture, Practical Practice of Spring Cloud and Docker Micro-service Architecture covers three themes: micro-service theory, micro-service development framework (Spring Cloud) and operating platform (Docker). The book can be divided into three parts. Chapter 1 gives a systematic introduction to the micro-service architecture. Chapter 2-11 uses the Spring Cloud development framework to write a “movie ticketing system”; Chapters 12-14 show you how to run a microservice application on top of Docker. The Demo of the book drives learning, and guides readers to learn relevant knowledge with coherent scenes and specific code examples. Finally, a specific technology stack is used to realize the implementation of micro-service architecture.

It comprehensively covers the knowledge points related to building micro-services through the Spring Cloud. Chapters 1 and 2 describe the microservices architecture and the Spring Cloud in detail. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the preparation for building microservices through the Spring Cloud. Chapters 5 ~ 14 take the case as the starting point to explain the basic components of building micro-services through Spring Cloud, including Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, Hystrix, Zuul, Gateway, Consul, Config, Sleuth, Admint and so on. Chapters 15-17 describe the knowledge of using Spring Cloud OAuth2 to protect microservice systems. Chapter 18 provides a comprehensive example of how to use the Spring Cloud to build microservices that can be used in real-world development.

The principle and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba micro-service

The Principle and Practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba Microservice comprehensively analyzes the technology components under the Spring Cloud Alibaba ecology from application to principle. The technology components involved include distributed service governance Dubbo, service configuration and service registry Nacos, distributed flow limiting and fusing Sentinel, distributed message communication RocketMQ, distributed transaction Seata, and micro-service Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway. Since all the technical components in the Spring Cloud are integrated based on the Spring Boot microservice framework, the core principle of Spring Boot is also analyzed in detail.

All of the technical components covered in this book are designed using the “scenario → requirement → solution → application → principle” efficient technical learning model, so that readers can know how and why. In the “principles” section, the author uses a large number of source code and graphical analysis to help readers to achieve the goal of deep learning and understanding of the technical components.

Redefine the Spring Cloud real-world

It explains in detail the important and difficult points of Spring Cloud for enterprise production in a simple way. It is full of dry materials, which is worth buying and reading for front-line developers and architects. Almost all the problems encountered in the generation, there are solutions in this book, with this book, the company’s senior leaders arranged for the old system split micro-service become bright. I highly praise the pure technology sharing community of Spring Cloud China, which not only brings the technology improvement to everyone, but also brings us an opportunity to learn, communicate and speak freely. We grow up in the process of learning, and the technology is improved very fast.

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