Tweakpane Parameter control panel

The API of TWeakPane is really super simple. I just tested it in person today, which caused great comfort and made me feel super interesting. As shown below, you really only need an htmlElement, instantiate a Pane, and directly add several variables as parameters, achieve bidirectional binding, and modify the parameters in your program directly through the GUI.

For details, refer to the official documentation of TWeakPane, a typescript inspired by Dat. GUI, an old parameter controller

Hand-drawn wind chart… This adorable hand-drawn style is more lovely than the accurate chart library on the market. You can make some hand-painted works for the children

The author also created a Star History project, which can be used to retrieve the history of github’s star growth based on the chart library above. If you are interested, you can check the star growth of your project

Project address:…

Generate the README through the q&A…

In addition, I recently made a Canvas Line demo

It was simple, but it was fun with the addition of TWeakPane, and the color scheme and style were selected by me. Gradient matching I can contribute to the online experience address. Netlify’s resources may have to wait a bit