Harden your Linux server in seven simple steps.

This introductory article introduces you to the basics of Linux server security. Although it’s focused on Debian/Ubuntu, you can apply everything here to other Linux distributions. I also encourage you to study this material and expand where applicable.

1. Update your server

The first thing to do to secure your server is to update your local repository and upgrade your operating system and installed applications by applying the latest fixes.

On Ubuntu and Debian:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
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On Fedora, CentOS, or RHEL:

$ sudo dnf upgrade
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2. Create a new privileged user

Next, create a new user account. Never log in as root, instead create your own account (user), give it sudo privileges, and use it to log in to your server.

First create a new user:

$ adduser <username>
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Grant sudo privileges to the new user account by appending (-a) the sudo group (-g) to the user’s group membership:

$ usermod -a -G sudo <username>
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3. Upload your SSH key

You should log in to the new server using your SSH key. You can upload the pre-generated SSH key to your new server using the ssh-copy-id command:

$ ssh-copy-id <username>@ip_address
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You can now log in to the new server without entering a password.

4. Secure SSH

Next, make the following three changes:

  • SSH password authentication is disabled
  • Restrict root remote login
  • Access to IPv4 or IPv6 is restricted

Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config using the text editor of your choice and make sure the following lines:

PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitRootLogin yes
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Change it to this:

PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no
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Next, restrict the SSH service to IPv4 or IPv6 by modifying the AddressFamily option. To change it to IPv4 only (which should be fine for most people), make the following changes:

AddressFamily inet
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Restart the SSH service to enable your changes. Note that it is a good idea to establish two active connections to the server before restarting the SSH service. With these extra connections, you can fix everything in case of an error in restarting the SSH service.

On Ubuntu:

$ sudo service sshd restart
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On Fedora or CentOS or any system using Systemd:

$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
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5. Enable the firewall

Now you need to install the firewall, enable it, and configure it to allow only the network traffic you specify to pass through. Simple Firewall (UFW) is an easy-to-use Iptables interface that greatly simplifies firewall configuration.

You can install the UFW in the following ways:

$ sudo apt install ufw
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By default, the UFW rejects all incoming connections and allows all outgoing connections. This means that any application on the server can access the Internet, but any content that tries to access the server cannot be connected.

First, make sure you can log in by enabling access to SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS:

$ sudo ufw allow ssh
$ sudo ufw allow http
$ sudo ufw allow https
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Then enable the UFW:

$ sudo ufw enable
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You can see which services are allowed and denied by:

$ sudo ufw status
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If you want to disable the UFW, you can do so by typing:

$ sudo ufw disable
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You can also use firewall-cmd (on RHEL/CentOS), which is installed and integrated into some distributions.

6. Install Fail2ban

Fail2ban is an application that checks server logs for repeated or automated attacks. If it finds any attacks, it changes the firewall to block the attacker’s IP address permanently or for a specified period of time.

You can install Fail2ban by typing the following command:

$ sudo apt install fail2ban -y
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Then copy the attached configuration file:

$ sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
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Restart Fail2ban:

$ sudo service fail2ban restart
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That will do. The software constantly checks log files for attacks. Over time, the application will build up quite a list of banned IP addresses. You can view this list by querying the current status of SSH services:

$ sudo fail2ban-client status ssh
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7. Remove useless network services

Almost all Linux server operating systems have some network oriented services enabled. You may want to keep most of them, however, some you may want to delete. You can use the ss command to view all active network services (LCTT).

$ sudo ss -atpu
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The output of SS depends on your operating system. Here is an example that shows the SSH (SSHD) and Ngnix (Nginx) services listening on the network and ready to connect:

tcp LISTEN 0 128 *:http *:* users:(("nginx",pid=22563,fd=7))
tcp LISTEN 0 128 *:ssh *:* users:(("sshd",pid=685,fd=3))
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How you remove unused services varies depending on your operating system and the package manager you use.

To remove unused services on Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt purge <service_name>
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To delete unused services on Red Hat/CentOS:

$ sudo yum remove <service_name>
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Run SS-ATUP again to verify that these unused services are not installed and running.


This tutorial describes the minimum steps required to harden a Linux server. You should enable additional security layers depending on how the server is being used. These security layers can include things like individual application configurations, intrusion detection software (IDS), and enabling access control (for example, two-factor authentication).

Via: opensource.com/article/19/…

By Patrick h. Mullins (lujun9972

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China