Want to meet the brains of the age at the world’s top tech conference?

Want to one-stop experience of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other booming science and technology ecology panorama?

Want to feel jack Ma and other big shots of the golden speech?

You can’t miss the 2018 Hangzhou Computing Conference from September 19 to 22!

As a well-known domestic Cloud service provider, Qiuniuyun was invited to participate in this event. It will not only present the latest technology and application of the industry at the booth, but also launch a special forum for Qiuniuyun with the theme of “When Cloud meets AI”, offering a feast of technology and industry.

Highlights reveal the plot

Cool booths to explore the infinite possibilities in the cloud

The seven Niuyun booth will be futuristic, the overall image of the wind of science and technology, for the conference to add a bright blue. 

At the same time, the booth with full sense of science and technology also provides a variety of experience activities and exquisite prizes such as short video SDK, real-time audio and video, VR games, etc., waiting for you to play and take a look in person!

Special Forum “When Cloud Meets AI”

With the continuous development of technology, “artificial intelligence” and “cloud computing” provide more possibilities for our technological development trends and blueprints. So, what kind of spark will AI and Cloud have together?

This special forum of Seven Niuyun will be held on September 20 with the theme of “When Cloud meets AI”, centering on two key words of “Cloud” and “artificial intelligence”, inviting a number of industry masters to bring us wonderful speeches.

Introduction of guests and agenda

Topic: How to create a new generation of intelligent video cloud above with edge computing + edge storage

Topic: Using machine vision and deep learning to easily cope with new challenges of content security

Time: 14:50-15:30 Roundtable guests: Yang Fan, deputy General Manager of network Security Business Department of IFLYTEK Political and Legal Business Group, and other roundtable topics: multi-dimensional content audit to build zero-risk operation system

Guest: (left) Li Tianfeng, Duda English Partner (right) Xu Jing, Qiliuyun Education industry product R&D Director Topic: Live streaming 3.0 era, the fission and reconstruction of online education industry

Time: 16:15-16:55 Guest: Xu Yan Dahua, Vice President

Topic: Video big data practice in security industry

In addition, Chen Chaohui, technical director of Qiniuyun, gave a wonderful speech entitled “Design and Practice of Qiniuyun Intelligent Log Management Platform” at 11:40 on September 21 in the “Product Data Special” forum.


Our booth is located at booth C606 in Hall C. The special forum of “When Cloud meets AI” was held in area E e1-3, where the map could not be lost