Facing the development of the Internet big data, many small and medium-sized enterprises of the traditional business has been hit and new business boom, at this point, before the small and medium-sized enterprise to use a single virtual host has been unable to meet the needs of business development, strong data exchange and storage on the properties of IDC products demand is higher and higher, the safety is a huge challenge; In order to break through the limitations of virtual host itself in all aspects, high performance and high security server has become the first choice of customers, so far, the server market has been vigorously developed.

Although the development of the domestic server market matures, but small and medium enterprises still need to be careful when buying foreign server, there are some illegal operators using the client to the server the lack of knowledge, unlimited create multiple VPS hosting on a server, falsely claimed to be independent server to sell to customers to earn high profits; In fact, set up a number of virtual host server own load has exceeded, its performance security is very large, at the same time, each virtual host will be restricted by the harm of mutual influence, so in the choice of foreign servers, to go through a variety of investigation to determine their own server products. Following wuju technology from seven aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises to choose foreign servers for attention.Copy the code

1. Location of the server

Usually said server location, that is, the location of the computer room; When buying a server, the first should start from its own business scope, reasonable choice of domestic or foreign server, if the user is the main body of the domestic choose domestic server access speed, with overseas business customers should choose the best foreign server access; Generally speaking, the choice of domestic server to prefer to close to their own cities, foreign servers can choose the United States and Hong Kong, where data center technology is developed, its price and service technology advantages are more obvious.

Second, access speed

The importance of the access speed does not need to say more, believe that you already know, but the influence factors of access speed is not so for many users understand detailed, in addition to its own factors of the web page content, the server performance will impact on the access speed is very large, including the server line, adopted by the allocation, bandwidth, etc should be controlled, Make sure that the opening speed of the website is not affected by server problems. If the enterprise has abundant funds, it can also consider using CDN to accelerate the access speed of the website and let the website visitors have a good browsing experience.

Three, server stability

As mentioned above, when purchasing a server, the experience of accessing speed should be assessed to remove the harm of not being able to access or slow; And practice, there will be such a situation: frequently, unable to access, access is very fast but the phenomenon of poor stability, this phenomenon not only disgust visitors and search engines also hate such sites, while the site drop right, or site was baidu K off directly, so the optimization of the work done before will be overnight.

The network line and bandwidth used by the server

As we all know, the engine room server USES the network line and bandwidth for website access speed and stability has a direct relationship, due to the particularity of the domestic network, customers choose telecom or netcom have to be decided according to their own website user groups, here the author suggest it is best to use double line server, because the user group is constant change, It is better to look ahead and make a more reasonable choice in advance than to change with the group in the future. If it is to choose a foreign server, the Us server is a good first choice, the US server uses a number of high-quality lines, can realize intelligent switching lines, to ensure that the server line stability reaches 99%; In addition to the bandwidth of the server access size also want to know, foreign server bandwidth resources are very abundant, are generally above 100 m, but the bandwidth is exclusive or Shared, want to choose according to the needs of their business, in fact the whole bandwidth for server performance influence is bigger, exclusive performance higher than sharing, its price is relatively high, In a word, customers only need to choose according to their own business, which will not affect business operation due to lack of bandwidth and will not cause a waste of funds.

Five, IIS connection number size

For THE NUMBER of IIS connections, perhaps some customers do not understand what is meant, here can be simply understood as the server can support the number of access to the site at the same time, the number of IIS connections to the server is much larger than the virtual host, that is to say, the server can support the number of users online at the same time than the virtual host, Sites are less likely to be inaccessible due to the number of IIS connections; Usually 100 IIS links can meet the needs of a small business or personal website.

Vi. Server hardware configuration

After purchasing a server, customers should obtain the detailed parameters of the server and know whether the hardware configuration of the server can meet the operation of the service. The server processor, hardware, and memory are all important data that cannot be ignored. They provide guarantee for the stable operation of the service but also may be a potential hazard. Only careful selection can ensure that the server itself does not run into problems; Generally, the server hardware can be compared to learn about the performance of the server, but also one of the effective methods to identify the authenticity of the server.

Vii. Scalability of server configuration performance

Above the first talked about the importance of server hardware configuration, at six the next had to mention is that the server can expand sex, with the development of the industry, the enterprise’s own business will also change, or need to increase or decrease the server can fully meet the needs of its stable operation, the scalability of the server itself is very important, Expanding strong server to set up can be used again, but expand poor server will be eliminated, enterprises need to purchase a new server to meet the requirements of business development, therefore, the purchase of foreign server should focus on small and medium-sized enterprise development in the future, option to expand sex is the root of the server as a business with strong and stable operation.