Robert Whiteley translate by Grace

Microservices-based architectures are the trend of the future, but there are many difficulties in implementing them. Modern application architectures are far more complex than those of the past, so implementing a microservice architecture presents a unique set of challenges, many of which can be addressed by a service grid.

More recently, managers have moved away from debugging individual application servers. Instead, modern systems are like a herd of cattle, and studying the behavior of the whole is far more meaningful than studying the behavior of individual servers, such as distributed systems.

Microservices are a decentralized architecture that constantly ADAPTS itself to changes in current traffic conditions, for example, a set of containers that process routing of client requests. Changing the set of containers, in turn, means that the routing table is constantly changing, reflecting the changing location of application endpoints. At the same time, there are vestiges of the past in any architectural architecture, from applications that must use a single large database server to legacy systems that bundle apis to make it look service-focused.

Service grid is the most advanced microservice mode at present. It is built on top of the container and its orchestration, with a dedicated control surface for handling internal service communication. It is responsible for coordinating the security, routing, authentication, authorization, and similar functions required by the microservices of a distributed grid, which the service grid strips out of the application (or the application’s service components) as the foundation of a programmable design. While not all companies need such a complex service grid (although most of these companies perform hundreds or thousands of services), service grids are fast becoming the default architecture for companies that want to implement production-level microservices.

Here are eight ways to implement a service grid to help smooth the transition to microservices

1. Improve the message processing mechanism of microservices. The service grid ensures that you can monitor the entire architecture, not only to the server addresses in the network, but also to the messages that convey server address information. For example, you might want to keep track of “failure” messages, which are often lost in traditional cloud architectures. The benefit of the service grid is that it both ensures the delivery of messages and returns error messages if they do not reach their destination.

2. Use the same operations and maintenance as traditional applications. For enterprise – class networks, customizability and flexibility are Paramount. Service grids are designed to accommodate modern distributed applications. But the underlying technologies such as entry controllers, load balancers, and agents are the same data level technologies as traditional singleton applications. In implementing a service grid, organizations can leverage the same techniques and skills they use to operate a modern, software-based application delivery infrastructure.

3. Flexible use of multiple cloud services. Service grid solves cloud network problems for modern applications. The technologies that support the data plane and control plane of the service grid are independent of any particular architecture, so they can be executed on public or private architectures, whether bare metal, container, or virtual machines. This flexibility even allows the service grid to address future application architectures, taking advantage of its scale, global replication, and deep performance tuning. Your service grid will be the guarantee of all the potential benefits of operating in a patterned cloud architecture scenario.

4. Improve visibility into microservices. Grid services give us a way to look deeper into the metrics of a decentralized system, which is a black box to us. It collects performance indicators over time to provide the team with long-term indicators of service availability. This provides operators with a way to observe the reliability and efficiency of the service, enabling them to gradually optimize the system.

5, more efficient operation and maintenance and more effective implementation of SLA (service level agreement). The tracing capabilities provided by the service grid are critical for debugging and troubleshooting, as well as ensuring that services comply with service level agreements (SLAs). The service grid does a lot of work, including enforcing policies and tracking to see if those policies are being met. It provides managers with a place to implement cloud application management and policy at the network layer.

6. Simplify microservice implementations. Another advantage of service grids is that they can be easily deployed. Past solutions required developers to code in-service functionality into each microservice. This requires rewriting the application and maintaining various libraries in different programming languages. The service grid helps developers abstract these transactions. Developers can easily deploy them by simply calling the necessary messaging and service discovery functions, while the microservice source code only contains the code relevant to the business logic.

7. Accelerate the launch time of new services. Past library solutions, such as Finagle, Hystrix, and Stubby, required lengthy developer involvement and forced developers to code redundant functionality into each service. An easier approach is to place a Sidecar agent in each microservice and wire them together, which is what the service grid is good at, so more cloud applications will choose the service grid architecture in the future. In short, the service grid keeps developers productive, enabling them to bring more services to market faster.

8. Ensure the communication security between services. Services that communicate across clouds, data centers, or continents are secured by the service grid, which encapsulates all communications and coordinates them at the controller level, addressing security issues through in-pipe encryption, contact policies, and service permissions.

To read more

  • Service Mesh: What and why
  • Rainbond ServiceMesh Microservice Architecture – Open Source PaaS Rainbond

PaaS Rainbond supports Service Mesh in a non-invasive and transparent way to solve microservice architecture problems such as Service discovery and registration, elastic scaling and load balancing, fault tolerance (circuit breakers and current limiting), monitoring and alarm, data storage and sharing, log analysis and so on. Provide a simple and powerful microservice experience right out of the box.

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