A series of

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  2. Plan together according to official documents in Sentry For Go
  3. Snuba: Sentry’s new search infrastructure (based on ClickHouse)
  4. Sentry 10 K8S cloud native architecture exploration, fast access to Vue App in 1 minute
  5. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, play forward/back end monitoring and event log big data analysis, high performance + high availability + scalable + scalable cluster deployment
  6. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, Sentry JavaScript SDK three ways to install and load
  7. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, Sentry FOR JAVASCRIPT SDK configuration details
  8. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, Sentry FOR JAVASCRIPT manual capture of event basic usage
  9. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, Sentry FOR JAVASCRIPT Source Maps details
  10. Sentry(V20.12.1) K8S cloud native architecture exploration, Sentry FOR JAVASCRIPT troubleshooting

With performance monitoring, Sentry can track the performance of your software, measure things like throughput and latency, and show the impact of errors across multiple systems.

The installation

Installation tracking package:


# Using yarn
yarn add @sentry/tracing

# Using npm
npm install @sentry/tracing
Copy the code


    Note that `bundle.tracing.min.js` contains both` @sentry/browser` AND` @sentry/tracing`, and should therefore be used in place of` @sentry/browser` 's bundle rather than in addition to it.
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You can enable performance monitoring in your application in two ways:

  1. Use the SDK configurationtracesSampleRateOptions will alltransactionsThe uniform sampling rate is set to01Between the numbers. (For example, to send20%transactions, please sendtracesSampleRateSet to0.2).
  2. By providingtracesSamplerConfiguration options provide the ability to dynamically control the sampling rate based on the transaction itself and the context it captures.


// If you're using one of our integration packages, like `@sentry/react` or
// `@sentry/angular`, substitute its name for `@sentry/browser` here
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";

// If taking advantage of automatic instrumentation (highly recommended)
import { Integrations as TracingIntegrations } from "@sentry/tracing";
// Or, if only manually tracing
// import * as _ from "@sentry/tracing"
// Note: You MUST import the package in some way for tracing to work

  dsn: "https://[email protected]/0".// This enables automatic instrumentation (highly recommended), but is not
  // necessary for purely manual usage
  integrations: [new TracingIntegrations.BrowserTracing()],

  // To set a uniform sample rate
  tracesSampleRate: 0.2

  // Alternatively, to control sampling dynamically
  tracesSampler: samplingContext= >{... }});Copy the code


  dsn: "https://[email protected]/0".// This enables automatic instrumentation (highly recommended), but is not
  // necessary for purely manual usage
  integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.BrowserTracing()],

  // To set a uniform sample rate
  tracesSampleRate: 0.2

  // Alternatively, to control sampling dynamically
  tracesSampler: samplingContext= >{... }});Copy the code

If one of these options is set, tracing will be enabled in your application. Although these options are mutually exclusive, tracesSampler takes precedence if you set both options. You can learn more about how they work in Sampling Transactions.


When tracing is first enabled, verify that it is working by setting tracesSampleRate to 1.0, as this ensures that each transaction is sent to Sentry.

Once testing is complete, we recommend lowering this value in production by lowering your tracesSampleRate value or switching to using tracesSampler to dynamically sample and filter your transactions.

In the absence of sampling, our automated detection will send a transaction whenever any user loads any page or navigates anywhere in the application. That’s a lot of transactions! Sampling enables representative data to be achieved without occupying the system or Sentry Transaction quota.

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  • getsentry.hacker-linner.com
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