Be engaged in IT to teach 7 years, often have classmate private letter me: what language should zero foundation entry IT learn? My answer is always: Learn Python.

Why should you learn Python with zero basics?

1. Easy to learn, simple grammar

For starters, learning Python leads to a faster job search and a higher input/output ratio. In a 45-minute interview, Python saves 10 minutes of Coding time compared to Java. And that early sense of accomplishment is a very important factor in learning to program.

Simple doesn’t work. Python’s many tools make machine learning easy. With the rise of data science and artificial intelligence, many libraries for machine learning are written in Python.

2. Wide application range

Python can be used to build websites, develop GUIs, analyze data, and “glue” other languages together, meaning that you need only one language for all your development needs.

3. Demand exceeds supply

There are currently 23 million developers in the world. That number is expected to grow to 27.7 million by 2030. There is no exact number of Python developers worldwide, as the number is growing.

However, as the TIOBE study notes, Python developers make up 5.761% of all developers worldwide. (So about 13.25 million people)

Source: TIOBE Index for June 2018

Python developers are now limited, most of them already working. So high quality Python developers are in short supply in the job market right now.

4. High salary

First look at the Python job salary ~

Statistics from:

Average salary: $100k – $130,000

5. National policies

Since 2018, Python has been included in the information technology college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province, and the latest edition of primary school textbooks in Shandong province has also included Python content.

Elementary school students are starting to learn Python! Keep up with the national policy!

How to learn Python?

Don’t start with a big book. You’re learning Python to get a job.

You can listen to “How to prepare for CS Job with Zero Foundation”. You can save more than 50% of the preparation time by first understanding the interview content, learning path and basic introduction of Python.

Here are some Python online courses and books.

Python Tutorial for Beginners (For Absolute Beginners)

The Python video tutorials for beginners on YouTube focus on the basics in language.

Chapter 9 Basic Algorithms Class (Python3)

The course has a good reputation and many people recommend it. It will be taught by zhang sanfeng, senior algorithm engineer, FLAG interviewer and gold medal winner of ACM algorithm competition, who graduated from Top1 universities.

Now big factory interview more and more popular face algorithm, this course Python and algorithm can cover, very suitable for small white entry-level or have the need to change major to find a job partners.

Python tutorial by Liao Xuefeng

From the history of Python to the use of Python in various aspects, the simple, step-by-step. However, some basic knowledge of computers and programming languages is required.

Introduction to Scripting in Python Specialization

Python tutorials on Coursera will introduce some basic Python theories at the beginning and gradually lead to the application of Python in practical cases. This will help you gradually gain a deeper understanding of Python and enhance your application ability of Python content step by step.


The induction phase

Python Programming: Getting Started to Practice

A Python primer for Python users at all levels, covering many of the basics of Python and supplemented with exercises. The first part is theoretical and the second part is practical, which will lead the readers to further study the language with the explanation of practical development projects.

Father and son’s programming journey

Is a programming book created by a father and son, suitable for parents and children to learn together, from the basic content to the later implementation of the game programming, in order to increase the fun and add a lot of cartoon images. Because of the relatively basic explanation of the content, it is also suitable for ordinary beginners to learn.

Stupid way to write Python

It is suitable for readers who do not know much about computer and programming to learn, and guide readers to learn programming step by step through simple exercises, so that readers can start from simple programming technology and slowly experience the complete process of software development. This series has a very wide audience base overseas.

The advanced stage

Smooth the Python

It aims to make Python programmers write more fluent code and reduce repetitive work, and will cover some advanced Python usage to help many middle and advanced programmers to further understand and use the language.

Python Cookbook

It is a useful tool reference book for those who have some experience in Python programming. The book contains plenty of practical programming tips and sample code, tested in a Python 3.3 environment, that can be easily applied to real-world projects.

Effective Python

The subtitle is 59 Effective Ways to Write High Quality Python Code, which covers many practical examples of Python code and provides solutions to avoid the problems of writing code.

Practical application

Use Python for data analysis

Through a large number of detailed case studies, using a variety of Python databases to explain Python in data analysis to solve practical problems, suitable for Python analysts and Python programmers just exposed to scientific computing.

Python 3 Web crawler development hands-on

Crawler is also a very extensive application of Python, many big data products are using Python to crawler. This book belongs to the last two years in the domestic reptilian aspect to write a very excellent book.

Python Deep Learning

The author is the publisher of Keras, one of the most widely used deep learning frameworks in the world, so his authority is assured. This book does not require a particularly deep knowledge of machine learning, and readers will gain the ability to build their own deep learning environment after learning this book.