WorkPlus is an enterprise-oriented “Mobile Internet plus” platform based on its years of technology accumulation and IT service experience for medium and large enterprises. IT aims to help enterprises upgrade and create new business formats by using Internet technology. The platform has three major features: enterprise instant Messaging (EIM), enterprise mobility management (EMM) and enterprise interconnection, helping enterprises to realize information transfer anytime and anywhere, fast and smooth business mobility, and maximum integration of ecological resources.

The features of WorkPlus open platform and Internet ecological thinking will help enterprises respond to the national call of “digital new infrastructure” and “Internet Plus”, accelerate the transformation of the Internet and break through the traditional business mode of enterprises. In the era of mobile Internet, it helps enterprises to innovate and create greater value.

The overall product blueprint is as follows:

Get to know WorkPlus in 9 sentences:

1) Firstly, it is a mobile office platform, similar to wechat and Dingding

Not sure what APP WorkPlus is? If you know about wechat and Dingding, WorkPlus is similar to them in terms of product form and basic functionality, but there are significant differences.

2) Biggest feature: private deployment

This is the biggest difference between enterprise wechat and Nail. At present, the enterprise wechat, Nail nail also launched a privatized version, the former force government wechat, the latter main cloud nail one. However, WorkPlus has been focused on the b-side of the private deployment market since its inception. On the one hand, product teams have To B genes. On the other hand, we also see that some companies with high requirements for information security are unwilling to leave their address books, internal business data and upstream and downstream ecosystem of the industry in the hands of “others”.

3) Help customers build “their own APP”

Large companies need to have their own APP as a gateway and face. WorkPlus can customize the APP’s LOGO, name, custom UI, dark mode, and we can even design our own set of emojis.

4) Cover all bases on security

Intranet login activation, screen capture prevention, in-app replication prevention, PC login restrictions, device login restrictions, chat file permissions, most of these are not available from SaaS vendors. WorkPlus is especially suitable for organizations and enterprises with strong security and secrecy. Each session is encrypted with a key. The key is dynamically changed for each session. The key is unique in the world and cannot be forged or reused

5) IM is almost the same as wechat

IM stands for instant messaging. IM capabilities (single chat and group chat) are just as powerful as wechat, and WorkPlus has all of wechat’s features. Including: translation, recall, voice input, favorites, references, merge operations, read unread, burn after reading and so on.

6) A more flexible address book

WorkPlus implements a number of features that meet organizational management needs, including view, executive, rank, organization weakening, and employee tagging, to ensure that employees can only see the organizations and people with the appropriate permissions. WorkPlus provides flexibility and privacy protection at the address book level.

7) Out of the box

Deploy in half a day and use in three days. WorkPlus itself is an out-of-the-box APP with a wealth of out-of-the-box gadgets: mobile attendance, service numbers, spreadsheets, mobile approvals, video conferencing, schedules, tasks, and more. At the same time, convenient H5 light application access makes enterprise information mobile quickly landing.

8) Customized personal services as required

We offer original factory service, which is a feature of the WorkPlus service. We don’t just sell WorkPlus products, we also offer professional, customized, personal service. In a word, “We make it what our customers want it to be.” It is difficult for SaaS vendors to do this, and they often hand it over to third parties.

9) Third-party ecology

WorkPlus has cooperated with well-known domestic enterprises in the fields of voice and video conferencing, CDN acceleration, face recognition, semantic recognition, reporting, code management, project management, AND OKR to build mobile office ecosystem.

WorkPlus Lite is an incubator based on WorkPlus, a free and open source enterprise mobile platform. WorkPlus Lite provides two core elements: a stable mobile base and powerful business scalability to meet the needs of enterprise mobile platforms.