
As the saying goes: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The building can be built as high as the foundation. Several big factory front pen test questions, their topics are quite good.

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From Bilibili

1. What is the output of the following code?

var a = {};
var b = { key: 'b' }; var c = { key: 'c' }
a[b] = 'b';
a[c] = 'c';
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  • {key: 'b'}
  • {key: 'c'}
  • b
  • c
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All keys in square brackets will be converted to string type, because objects in JavaScript can only use string and Symbol as key types. In the code above, when keys B, c are added to a, JavaScript calls the obj.toString() method and uses the resulting string as the new key.

A [b] is equal to a[b.tostring ()] is equal to a['[object Object]'A [c] = a[c] = a[c. tostring ()] = a['[object Object]']
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There will eventually be an overlay relationship, resulting in an output of: c

2. What are the following run outputs?

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  • [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]
  • [10, 10, 10, 10, 10]
  • [NaN, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • [10, NaN, 2, 3, 4]
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ParseInt, as a callback to a map, takes all of the map’s parameters, namely the first item: the value of the item in the loop, and the index in the loop.

// parseInt two arguments
// 1: To whom parseInt?
// 2: What base is this number in? The base is between 2 and 36

parseInt('10'.0) 10  // 0 will be converted to base 10
parseInt('10'.1) NaN
parseInt('10'.2) 2(2 ^ 0 + 2 ^ 1)
parseInt('10'.3) 3^0 + 3^1
parseInt('10'.4) 4^0 + 4^1
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Output: [10, NaN, 2, 3, 4]

3. What is the output of the following code?

var age = 100;
let years = 6;
if (age > 12) {
  let age = 10;
  var years = age * 3;
console.log(`${years} years`)
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  • 6
  • 30
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘age’ has already been declared
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘years’ has already been declared
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Var age: global age;

Let yeas: global yeas;

if (age > 12) {
  let age = 10;
  var years = age * 3;
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Block-level age,

Because the var variable promotion produces one: global years.

If two years exist in the global scope at the same time,

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘years’ has already been declared

4. What is wrong with the cross-domain statement?

  • Cookies, LocalStorage, and IndexedDB are all restricted by the same origin policy
  • PostMessage, JSONP, and WebSocket are all common cross-domain solutions
  • The cross-domain resource sharing specification specifies that for HTTP requests other than GET, or with some POST requests of type MINE, the browser must first issue an OPTIONS request
  • and HTTPS:// is the same domain name and belongs to the same source
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A. protocol b. domain C. port D. protocol

5. What is correct about Canvas and SVG?

  • Canvas supports event handlers
  • Canvas does not depend on resolution, and scaling does not distort
  • SVG does not depend on resolution, and scaling does not distort
  • SVG is suitable for graphics-intensive games
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The click of an element inside the canvas needs to be handled by itself according to the click coordinates. Event processing is not supported. SVG is a vector graph (not distorted by scaling)

6. What is true about DOMContentLoaded and load?

  • The DOMContentLoaded event executes earlier than the Load event
  • The Load event executes earlier than the DOMContentLoaded event
  • Execute from top to bottom by listening code
  • The LOAD event is executed after the DOM document is fully loaded
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The DOMContentLoaded event is fired after the initial HTML document has been fully loaded and parsed, without waiting for the stylesheet, image, and subframe to complete loading. A different event, LOAD, should only be used to detect a fully loaded page.



7. What is the output of the following code?

[1 < 2 < 3.3 < 2 < 1]
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  • [true, true]
  • [true, false]
  • [false, true]
  • [false, false]
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Equal precedence operator, from left to right,

After comparing 1 < 2 to true, a type conversion is performed where true is converted to the number 1 and false to 0. So we end up comparing 1 < 3 and that’s true. Likewise, 3 < 2 < 1 is true

8. What is the output of the following code?

function setname(name){ = name
setname.prototype.printName = function(){ console.log( }
let a = new setname("cc") = "dd" = "ee"

a.__proto__.printName()  // ?
a.printName() // ?
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  • ee dd
  • cc dd
  • ee cc
  • ee Error
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An objective: Who calls where.

A.__proto__.printname (): This points to a.proto and prints its name as ee

A.prinname (): this points to a and prints its name as dd

9. What is the output of the following code?

- 1 >>> 32
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>>> Unsigned move right

Steps to solve the problem:

digital binary
1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
1 the radix-minus-one complement 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110
-1 (complement of 1: inverse + 1) 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111

I get minus one binary, and I start to shift to the right, how many bits to the right. The problem is 32 bits (for >= 32 bits, % 32 is required) to get 0. The result of -1 >>> 32 is 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111.

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 + 1 = 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 2 ^ 32-1

10. There are n steps, and each step can take one or two steps. How many ways are there

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Classic jump step problem: can refer to: jump step detailed solution

11. Matching parentheses

Check whether the string consisting of six parentheses “()[]{}” is valid

  1. All parentheses must be closed
  2. The left parenthesis must be closed in the correct position
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The classic parenthesis matching problem: refer to my previous recording in Bilibili: parenthesis matching in detail

12. Flip linked lists in groups of K

You are given a linked list, each k nodes in a group of flipped, please return to the flipped list. If the total number of nodes is not an integer multiple of k, keep the last remaining nodes in the same order.

Example: given the linked list: 1 – > 2 – > 3 – > when k = 2, 4 – > 5, should return: 4 – > 2 – > 1 – > 3 – > 5 when k = 3, should return: 3 – > 2 – > 1 – > 4 – > 5

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The classic list inversion problem: refer to the list inversion problem I recorded in Bilibili

From ali

13. The following statements are incorrect:

  • In Blink and WebKit browsers, an element with a CSS property of 3D or Perspective Transform causes the browser to create a separate layer.
  • We would normally use the left and top attributes to change the position of an element, but left and top trigger a relayout. A better option is to use Translate instead, which does not trigger a relayout.
  • For smooth animation performance on mobile, 3D hardware acceleration should be used, so it’s best to add translate3D or translateZ(0) to elements on the page as much as possible to trigger 3D hardware acceleration.
  • When addressing performance issues with browser rendering, the primary goal is to avoid redrawing and rearranging layers.
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Layer creation conditions:

  • video
  • There are 3 d transform
  • Backface – visibility is hidden
  • Animation or transition is applied to opacity, Transform, fliter, and backdropfilter (animation or transition must be active, The animation or Transition layer fails before the animation or Transition effect starts or ends.
  • Will-change is set to opacity, transform, top, left, bottom, and right (top, left, etc., should be set with clear positioning attributes, such as relative, etc.)
  • Overlapping reasons

See more layers articles: Browser Layer Composition and Page Performance Optimization

The more layers the better? Of course not. Upgrading the composition layer also consumes additional memory and management resources, so do not optimize ahead of time.

As MDN says: If your page has no performance issues, don’t add will-change attributes to squeeze a little speed. Will-change was designed as a last resort optimization to try to solve existing performance problems.


14. Add the following styles to node #box: what is the top distance between node #box and body?

  • If you set position to static; Then the top distance is? px // 20
  • If you set position: relative; Then the top distance is? px
  • If position is set to absolute; Then the top distance is? px
  • If set position: sticky; If I scroll, the top distance is? px
    <body style="Margin: 0; Padding: 0">
     <div id="Box" style="Top: 10 px; margin:20px 10px;" >
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Position-1:20-2:20 + 10-3: the parent of the first non-static 10 + 20-4:10

15. We need to dynamically load a JavaScript resource, but we don’t know how to handle it. We need your help to complete this work.

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var script = documentThe createElement method (" script ");var head = documentThe getElementsByTagName (" head ") [0]; Script. Type = "text/javascript"; Script. The SRC ="/ / ";
// Bind resource loading success event
script.onLoad = function( ){
// Check whether the resource loading status is successful or complete

// Failed to load the binding resource
script.onError = function( ) {....};// If inserted into the page, the request will be made according to the SRC attribute.
head.insertBefore (script , head.firstChild)
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16. HTTP2 protocol has gradually become popular in the daily server, the following description of the HTTP2 protocol is correct:

  • All HTTP requests are based on a TCP request, which is multiplexed
  • Requests can be prioritized
  • server push
  • Thus reducing traffic transmission
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Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

Http2 features:

  • Multiple requests and responses: http1.reQ1 req2 resolves queue head blocking in HTTP 1.x
  • Request priority
  • All requests are based on a TCP request to achieve multiplexing
  • Server push
  • The first compression

17. Regular expressions/a+(bab)? (caac)*/Which of the following options is a subset of the regular expression?

  • /(bab)(caca)/ // babcaca
  • /a(bab){2}(caac)*/
  • /a{2}/ //
  • / a + (bab) {0, 1} + (ca)/(ca)
  • /a(^bab)+(caac){1,}/
  • /a+(babc){2,}(acc){1,}/
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Regular expression /a+(bab)? (CAAC) * / said.


  • 1: matches babcaca
  • 2: Can appear 0 times inconsistent with a
  • 3: Correct: A 1 / many times, BAB 1 /0 times, CAAC 0 / many times

Answer: C

From Xiaomi autumn 2019

18. There is a set of data “12,15,1,18,2,35,30,11”, sorted from small to large by selection method, and the data sequence after the second data exchange is ().

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Select sort: select one of the smallest or largest arrays to be sorted each time and swap them to form sorted arrays.

  • 1,15,12,18,2,35,30,11
  • 1,2,12,18,15,35,30,11

19. Which of the following sorting algorithms is not stable ()

  • merge
  • The bubbling
  • insert
  • Quick sort
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Not stable sort shorthand: writing code is too hard, quick (hill) select (select sort) a bunch of friends come chat

20. Design a function that passes in a serializable tree string and outputs an array of nodes with multiple child nodes.

Input description:

{ node: 'root'.next: [{node: 'second_root' }, { node: 'second_child'.next: [{ node: 'second_child_1'.next: { node: 'second_child_1_1'}}, {node: 'second_child_2'}]}, {node: 'third_root'.next: { node: 'third_child' , next: [{ node: 'third_child_1'.next: { node: 'third_child_1_1'}}, {node: 'third_child_2'}]}}Copy the code


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Find if there are multiple children at a node in a tree and traverse the tree once. Here readline module to deal with the input and output of niuke network.

const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout
let list = [];
function solution(obj) {
  if ( {
    if(! ( { solution( }else {
      for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
rl.on('line', (line) => {
  const obj = eval(`o = ${line}`);
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21. Design a function that takes two parameters, the first is an array of integers, the second is a benchmark, and takes any value in the array that matches the sum of the subscripts of two numbers added to the benchmark

Pass in a string (as shown in the following example), escape it as an array, remove the last digit of the array as the benchmark, take the subscripts of any two matching numbers in the array and add them to the benchmark, and print the sum of all matching subscripts.

Here’s the explanation:

Value: 3  6  8
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The output is 18

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Similar to leetcode’s first problem (two sums), violent enumeration of the sum of all two numbers in an array.

const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
function solution(input){
    var arr = input.split(",");
    var arrInt = > parseInt(e));
    var result = 0;
    var temp = arrInt.pop();
    for(let i=0; i<arrInt.length- 1; i++){for(let j=i+1; j<arrInt.length; j++){
            if(arrInt[i] + arrInt[j] == temp){
              // arrTemp.push(i,j);result += (i + j); }}}return result;
rl.on('line',(line) => {
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22. The page access sequence of a process is 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, and the system allocates 3 physical pages at most. LRU algorithm is adopted.

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
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(Least Recently Used (LRU)) If there are no idle pages in the operating system memory, the operating system must select a page to remove it from the memory

LRU: Replace pages that have not been used in the longest period of time.

Page replacement algorithm

  • 1 of 1
  • 3, 1 of 3
  • 2,3,1 2 missing
  • 4, 2, 3 of 4
  • 2, 3
  • 3, 4-trichlorobenzene
  • 31 the lack of 1
  • 2,1,3

Answer: 5

23. If the single linked list of length N is linked after the single linked list of length M, the time complexity of the algorithm can be expressed in the form of big O, which should be ().

  • O(1)
  • O(n)
  • O(m)
  • O(n+m)
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I need to go through m, find the end, order m.


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