Anyone who holds EOS now will encounter such a situation, when you open the exchange wallet and find some extra tokens in it for no reason, you may be confused, but more secretly happy. After all, it’s a good thing candy falls from heaven!

Many people are introduced to the coin circle for the first time, probably because of candy. Candy is like a free lunch in the blockchain world. You never know if the candy you accidentally receive at the moment will become the next hundred times coin.

In the early days of Bitcoin, there were free gifts when it was worthless, and xIPO, which soared 500 times last year, also had free airdrops for email accounts. Did you suddenly feel that you lost several hundred million yuan? At the beginning, this kind of pie in the sky will exist, in fact, and now mobile phone registration and red envelope is the same truth, are the project side in the early stage as to attract more users to use and spread marketing means.

Although it is not ruled out that some project parties may cut leeks by raising the price of candy and then cashing out part of the team’s position, as the beneficiaries of free candy, cashing out the candy after it has become valuable is a sure business. Taking candy is one of the best ways to maximize the value of EOS holdings.

During the launch of EOS main net, a large wave of candy airdrop emerged in the coin circle, including EON, CET, IQ, KARMA, HOR and other currencies that are still active. These currencies are presented in the way of candy airdrop. The advantage of this airdrop is that the project side does not circle the money, so there is almost no hidden danger. CoinWhiteBook, which will participate in the airdrop, uses this model to distribute candy.

There is no need for you to pick up the candy by air, let alone provide any personal information. When it comes to air drop time, the Token will automatically appear in your exchange wallet. Even if you own more EOS, you will get more air drop rewards.

Some people may ask, like this kind of business without capital, will the return be very low?

On the contrary, it is rumored that there are such a group of people in the coin circle, who hold 100,000 EOS tokens at every turn, and according to data analysis, they can net more than 1.2 million by candy alone. They are the leaders of the “Canon Gang”. Today we will pick a pick, how are the big holders of candy to achieve profit without capital?

Assuming that you have 100,000 EOS, you can get 100,000 EON tokens according to the airdrop ratio of 1EOS:1EON. The highest price of EON in history is about 3 yuan. In other words, the person who got 100,000 EOS airdrop at the beginning can get up to 300,000 YUAN of income. As a percentage of the cost of buying EOS, EON is about 4.12%.

CET, which has a strong momentum recently, has reached 3.9%. According to the calculation of receiving 100,000 CET, users who participated in the air drop can obtain 190,000 RMB income, from 29 cents at the beginning to more than 1 yuan now, and nearly 2 yuan at the peak, an increase of nearly 5 times.

For IQ coins on Chaince recently, the airdrop ratio is 1:5.1. Assuming 100,000 EOS, you will get 510,000 IQ coins, with a maximum profit of about 200,000 yuan.

In addition, there are other currencies that have seen significant gains, such as HORUS, EosDAC, ADD, KEOS, etc. Only by taking the above currency of candy, can create a value of 1.23 million yuan income! The amount of currency gain as a percentage of EOS purchase cost was 23.14%.

It has only been a month since EOS was launched. The candy is so sweet. BLOCKONE, the parent company of EOS, has 4 billion DOLLARS to invest in ecology.

As a zero-cost investment, the benefits of candy are huge. Just because of this, it has been warmly embraced by the industry, the community and individuals have gained rich returns from it, and the tokens of the project party have gained higher circulation value. It has realized a win-win situation and is conducive to the further development of the whole business as a whole. The user who has received the candy can either cash out the candy in his hands or follow the development of the project and expect the token to reach a higher value in the future.

So what free candy is on its way these days?

CoinWhiteBook, a distributed blockchain industry index platform, is expected to launch in August and be airlifted by October.

Plans to drop 1 billion CWBS as candy to users with more than 100 EOS in their accounts. ※ Rules and dates of airdrop are subject to change, subject to notice in the community group

The “pie in the sky” thing is still going on, said this must be the next hundred dollars?