The hash algorithm

  1. Plaintext corresponds to ciphertext (Abstract) Teacher Yang corresponds to YLS
  2. The avalanche effect small changes lead to great changes
  3. Ciphertext cannot be reversed
  4. Fixed-length key MD5 SHA1 SHA256

Add salt to salt

let password = '123456'
let salt = '@Key! @ # '
let lastPwd = md5(password + salt)
/ / save:Save salt and lastPwd together as a database/ / readSalt is passed into the query along with lastPwdCopy the code

Commonly used background encryption writing method

Egg encryption

const md5 = require('md5') 
const BaseController = require('./base')
const HashSalt = ':Kaikeba@good! @ 123 ' / / add salt
class UserController extends BaseController {

  async login() {
    // this.success('token')
    const { ctx, app } = this
    const { email, passwd } = ctx.request.body 
    // Query database by adding salt
    const user = await ctx.model.User.findOne({
      passwd: md5(passwd + HashSalt),
    if(! user) {return this.error('Wrong username and password')}...// this.success({ token, email, nickname: user.nickname })}}module.exports = UserController

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Encryption methods


const crypto = require('crypto')// Use the encrypted library
const hash = (type,str) = > crypto.createHash(type).update(str).digest('hex')
const md5 = str= > hash('md5',str)
const sha1 = str= > hash('sha1',str)
const encryptPassword = (salt,password) = > md5(salt + 'asdbe! @ # @ 432 ' + password)
const psw = '111111'
// console.log('md5',md5(psw))
// console.log('sha1',sha1(psw))
// console.log('encryptPssword',encryptPassword(psw))
module.exports = encryptPassword

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The test code


(async() = > {const query = require('./db')
    const encryptPassword = require('./password')
    let sql = ` SELECT * FROM test.user `
    const res = await query(sql)
    const saltDb = async record => {
        sql = ` update test.user set salt = ? , password = ? where username = ? `
        // Note that the salt is dynamically generated each time and recorded for the next query
        const salt = Math.random() * 999999 + ' ' + new Date().getTime()
        console.log('salt:', salt)
        console.log('username:', record.username)
        await query(sql, [salt, encryptPassword(salt, record.password), record.username])

    res.forEach(v= > saltDb(v))

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