In SAP CRM, we created a Survey using the transaction code CRM_SURVEY_SUITE:

The questions and answers of the questionnaire can be assigned the Rate, and the total score of the questionnaire is equal to the weight of each question multiplied by the weight of the customer’s answer selection and then summed up.

For example, in my following questionnaire model, the first question: “When did you buy our product last time?” I set the weight to 0.

The weight value of the second question “service staff friendly attitude and conscientious work” is 2, and the weight value of the five answers is as follows:

Very satisfied: 5

Satisfaction: 4

General: 3

Less satisfied: 1

Very dissatisfied: 0

The answer weights for questions 3 to 6 are the same as those for questions 2, except that the weight of the question itself is changed from 2 to 1.

So in theory, the maximum score you can get for an answer paper is:

2 × 5 (very satisfied with second question) + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 (very satisfied with third to sixth question) = 30 points

答 案 : You have reached 30 of a maximum of 30 attainable points, this is equivalent to 100 %

Details of each problem can be seen here:

Each Survey model can choose whether to allow Survey results to be viewed directly in CRM without going through the Business Warehouse system:

If checked above, you can view the Survey results in chart form by clicking the Evaluation button on the CRM UI:

Suppose I have the following questionnaire distribution:

Display statistical graphs according to Question categories

The resulting graph shows how many different answers each question actually has. From my test data above, each question has two different types of answers. But the statistics don’t take into account the exact number of occurrences of each answer.

Display statistics according to the classification of Answer

The second column is actually considered:

Display statistics by Number

Number 3 and Number 4 appear 6 times each:

Because THE Survey model of CRM supports various types of answers, these answers eventually form an unstructured data feature, and the positioning of CRM is only to provide the Survey model and input, as for the analysis and processing of these unstructured data, IT is still recommended to use SAP Business Warehouse.

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