I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but despite all the talk about how the competition for jobs is getting fiercer, the salaries of recent college graduates have been rising every year. I remember when I graduated in 2016, 15K was already a very good offer. This year, more than 20 K offer everywhere, even 30K, 40K SP. Makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong time.

I remember clearly that the package price of Huawei was about 9K in 2016, and it went up to 15K in 2017. Meituan, too, was around 17K two or three years ago, but this year it has risen to over 20. Obviously, the salary adjustment within the company can’t keep up with such a drastic increase, so the inevitable problem is the upside down, that is, those who have been working for a year or two or three years will be upside down. On current trends, that may not change for another three or five years.

Speaking of reason, I myself of course have been upside down, nature is also very uncomfortable. But being grumpy doesn’t help. Companies don’t pay you more just because you’re grumpy. Therefore, in this situation, there are only two ways to put in front of us, or endure, or go.

So where do we go and how do we choose? Today, we will analyze and discuss this problem.

Job-hopping frequency

The first is the problem of job-hopping frequency.

Everybody should also know, unit of choose and employ persons still values this quite. If a candidate often changes jobs, the other party will always have a question mark in mind, thinking that this person is impetuous and impatient, and it is difficult to have long-term development. It will affect the HR or supervisor’s opinion of a person, so the seniors all suggest not to change jobs too often, generally every two or three years is reasonable.

However, this is only a theoretical case, and there is a lot of maneuvering room. For example, fresh graduates change jobs after a year on the job. Is this desirable?

Generally speaking, one year is a little short for job-hopping, but for new employees, the first job after graduation is both exercise and trial and error. If it is not suitable or not liked, there is no problem to stop loss and change the environment in time. In my personal experience, I don’t get too much blame from HR. There’s nothing wrong with me and many of my friends changing jobs within a year.

But it’s not without its problems, and the underlying problem is that one year is not enough time for us to grow dramatically in one area or another. Although we will accumulate some experience, but itself and fresh graduates compared with the gap is not too big. As a result, we still have to start again with a blank SLATE after job-hopping, returning to the same starting line with fresh graduates, which is quite awkward.

Just to be clear, it usually takes about two years for a rookie to graduate and become a senior, or P6 level. So when we change jobs within a year, it is actually difficult to get this level, and we may still have to find ways to wait for promotion in the new company, which is quite a loss. Of course, if you can change jobs within a year, it would be great to get a senior. However, if you change jobs within a year, you don’t have too much confidence. Even if you go to a new team, you still need to find opportunities to prove yourself and convince the team that you are a senior.

Job-hopping pay rise

Many people in the workplace say that it is useless to rely on seniority and need to job-hopping to get promoted and pay rise.

It makes sense to some extent, and it also conforms to the principle of minimizing costs for the employer. For employees already in the company, just need to steady, do not need to pay too much. For outside recruits, the need to compete with the market, so will be relatively generous. How to say this, although not very reasonable, but also understandable, in line with the law of economics.

But if you change jobs just for a raise, it’s a very bad thing. Let’s analyze it a little bit. For example, Zhang SAN just graduated with 12K, while Li Si ‘an got 15K better offer than Zhang SAN. After a year of work, the company adjusted the salary, Zhang SAN moved to 13, Li Si was 16.5, even Li Si was promoted, directly on the 20K. So obviously, what does it feel like to be Joe at this point?

Of course is very uncomfortable, I and Li Four come together, I came less than him that also calculate, but give him the opportunity to promote not give me the opportunity, this is not bullying honest people yao?

At this time, as Zhang SAN, he would obviously think that there is no place for him to stay. Since the company doesn’t like me, I don’t need to stay. It’s perfectly normal to feel this urge at a youthfest, and I understand it myself. However, when we did the calculation, we found that it was actually a loss to leave now, because the best job we could get would be 16 or 17K, which is not as good as Li Si’s and may not give you a senior. Even in the best case, it’s still a loss to give you senior.

Why is that? Because Zhang SAN consumes an opportunity to jump ship, this is also the potential cost. If Li Si also jumped ship at the moment, he must get more than Zhang SAN. So, you see, we’re trying so hard to jump ship, the best we can do is get even with Li Si. Even if we go to a sweatshop like PDD and get more than Li, it doesn’t mean anything, because Li Can get more if he’s willing to go.

This is very uncomfortable, not job-hopping has lost, job-hopping is actually a loss. So we don’t have a choice?

In fact, it is not completely without a way, think carefully or there is a way out.

Resolution strategy

Whether the salary is lower than others or being hung upside down, it is a very helpless situation. Especially for new employees in the workplace, there are too few elements to bid on, neither a great project experience, may not have accumulated strong technical strength, even if the accumulation of strength, it is difficult to prove. I have no outstanding title. When I introduce myself, I can only say that I am an engineer, not even a senior. It is embarrassing to me.

So what to do?

In fact, the whole problem is hard to solve because we are starting from the wrong point of view, we are all thinking in order to get a raise and not be upside down. We really need to change our thinking about what’s best for our long-term development.

First of all, we should relax a little bit about gaining and losing and keeping up with the joneses. It doesn’t really affect our own value if others take more or less. It’s meaningless to compare ourselves with others. I know it’s easy to say and hard to do, but that’s okay. There’s another way to think about it. Career development is a long-term thing, since it is a long-term thing, in fact, we can ensure that almost no one’s career is always smooth, more or less there will always be some ups and downs or bottlenecks. A bad start does not mean that the middle and late can not. On the other hand, a good start doesn’t mean a good start.

I myself was quite special. One year, I got senior when I was 23 years old. At that time, I was in high spirits and thought that at this rate, it would not be too difficult for me to get level 3 in the next 7 years. If so, I could get to P9 by the age of 30. But in practice, it hit a brick wall so quickly that three years later, not much has changed. In those days, I seemed to be left behind by the small partner, no matter the level or salary are also catching up.

So a weak start, less K, or a slow promotion is nothing, the development of a talented teenager will also encounter a bottleneck, the bottleneck is a few years is very normal things. As long as we keep learning and working on improving ourselves, there will always be moments of brilliance.

Secondly, we should clarify our goals, that is, if we stay or change jobs, what is our core purpose? What are we trying to achieve? This problem may be a lot of people have not thought about, may feel less money, may be cheated by headhunters, especially just graduated rookie, more difficult to think of this layer.

From my current perspective, I personally think that a better job-hopping should be a bottleneck, and it is not possible to break through on the existing platform. That is to say, only when you have got what you should get, will you consider job-hopping. In fact, this is easy to judge, let’s just look at the company every year when promotion, from what level there are few nominations for promotion to know. For example, Ali said that P7 is a barrier, from 7 to 8 is very rare. There are a lot of people who haven’t been promoted for years.

It can be as simple as taking a quick assessment of yourself or talking to your manager to get his or her thoughts. See if this is possible and how you can do it. Like when to go up to 6, what you need to do to go up to 6, how to go up to 7 when you go up to 6. Is P7 your bottleneck? If the large probability is, might as well try to go for it, so rise up after job-hopping, competitiveness is stronger.

If you evaluate and find it is very difficult to get 6, for example, the boss does not give you a chance, the team performance is not good, there are many old people in front of the line and so on. In that case, job-hopping is a good option, even the sooner the better.

Of course, hierarchy is only one aspect, but there are many other points we can start with, such as ability, vision, option stock and so on. Are there any potential improvements or benefits in these areas? If so, consider taking them before you go. This is not only more confident when job-hopping, but also conducive to our future development.

That’s all for today’s article. I sincerely wish you all a fruitful day. If you still like today’s content, please join us in a three-way support.

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