There are four main members in RxSwift:

  • Observable sequence –Observable
  • Observer –Observer
  • The caller –Scheduler
  • Destroyed –Dispose

If you can figure out those four, then you can say that you can figure out RxSwift as a whole. This article specifically analyzes Scheduler – Scheduler

What is a scheduler

OperationQueue (qos:.userinitiated).async { (qos:.userinitiated).async {let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url)
    DispatchQueue.main.async { = data
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If implemented with RxSwift, it looks something like this:

let rxData: Observable<Data> = ...

    .subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .userInitiated))
    .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] data inself? .data = data }) .disposed(by: disposeBag)Copy the code

After we get a feel for the Scheduler, let’s see how it works.

An introduction to several schedulers in RxSwift


  • Represents the current thread, which is present by default.
public class CurrentThreadScheduler : ImmediateSchedulerType {
    typealias ScheduleQueue = RxMutableBox<Queue<ScheduledItemType>>

    /// The singleton instance of the current thread scheduler.
    public static let instance = CurrentThreadScheduler()

    private static var isScheduleRequiredKey: pthread_key_t = { () -> pthread_key_t in
        let key = UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_key_t>.allocate(capacity: 1)
        defer { key.deallocate() }
        guard pthread_key_create(key, nil) == 0 else {
            rxFatalError("isScheduleRequired key creation failed")}return key.pointee

    private static var scheduleInProgressSentinel: UnsafeRawPointer = { () -> UnsafeRawPointer in
        return UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>.allocate(capacity: 1))

    static var queue : ScheduleQueue? {
        get {
            return Thread.getThreadLocalStorageValueForKey(CurrentThreadSchedulerQueueKey.instance)
        set {
            Thread.setThreadLocalStorageValue(newValue, forKey: CurrentThreadSchedulerQueueKey.instance)

    /// Gets a value that indicates whether the caller must call a `schedule` method.
    public static fileprivate(set) var isScheduleRequired: Bool {
        get {
            return pthread_getspecific(CurrentThreadScheduler.isScheduleRequiredKey) == nil
        set(isScheduleRequired) {
            ifpthread_setspecific(CurrentThreadScheduler.isScheduleRequiredKey, isScheduleRequired ? nil : scheduleInProgressSentinel) ! = 0 { rxFatalError("pthread_setspecific failed")}}}...... }Copy the code
  • isScheduleRequiredUsed to indicate whether a call must be madescheduleMethod, use rightqueueSet,get method observation, bind our current queue with static string, realize the same thread data sharing.


  • SerialDispatchQueueSchedulerAbstract serialDispatchQueue. Switch to this if you need to perform some serial tasksSchedulerRun.


  • ConcurrentDispatchQueueSchedulerAbstracted parallelismDispatchQueue. Switch to this if you need to perform some concurrent tasksSchedulerRun.


  • OperationQueueSchedulerAbstract theNSOperationQueue. It hasNSOperationQueueSome features, for example, you can set bymaxConcurrentOperationCountTo control the maximum number of concurrent tasks that can be executed simultaneously.
public class OperationQueueScheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType {
    public let operationQueue: OperationQueue
    public letqueuePriority: Operation.QueuePriority /// Constructs new instance of `OperationQueueScheduler` that performs work on `operationQueue`.  /// /// - parameter operationQueue: Operation queue targeted to perform work on. /// - parameter queuePriority: Queue prioritywhich will be assigned to new operations.
    public init(operationQueue: OperationQueue, queuePriority: Operation.QueuePriority = .normal) {
        self.operationQueue = operationQueue
        self.queuePriority = queuePriority
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  • In the initializationOperationQueueSchedulerObject, you need to pass inOperationQueueAnd priorityqueuePriority, as the initialization parameter.


  • MainSchedulerRepresents the main thread. Switch to this if you need to perform some UI-related tasksSchedulerRun.
public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {

    private let _mainQueue: DispatchQueue

    let numberEnqueued = AtomicInt(0)
    public init() {
        self._mainQueue = DispatchQueue.main
        super.init(serialQueue: self._mainQueue)
    public static let instance = MainScheduler()
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  • Through the source code can be seenMainSchedulerinheritedSerialDispatchQueueSchedulerSerial queue, because the main queue is inherently a special serial queue. The queue type is then determined as the primary queue when the object is initializedself._mainQueue = DispatchQueue.main.


According to the previous example to analyze the specific implementation of subscribeOn and observeOn using subscribeOn

  • We usesubscribeOnTo determine where the constructor of the data sequence is locatedSchedulerTo run on. In the above example, because it takes a long time to get the Data, usesubscribeOnGo to backgroundSchedulerTo get Data. This prevents the main thread from being blocked.
  • By default,ObservableCreating, applying operators, and sending notifications are all thereSubscribemethod-calledSchedulerThe execution.subscribeOnThe operator changes this behavior by specifying a differentSchedulerTo make theObservableThe execution.
  • Source code analysis
public func subscribeOn(_ scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType)
    -> Observable<Element> {
    return SubscribeOn(source: self, scheduler: scheduler)
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  • See that the return value type isObservableWe know thatsubscribeOnThe source sequence is encapsulated as a mid-tier sequenceSubscribeOn.
final private class SubscribeOn<Ob: ObservableType>: Producer<Ob.Element> {
    let source: Ob
    let scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType
    init(source: Ob, scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType) {
        self.source = source
        self.scheduler = scheduler
    override func run<Observer: ObserverType>(_ observer: Observer, cancel: Cancelable) -> (sink: Disposable, subscription: Disposable) where Observer.Element == Ob.Element {
        let sink = SubscribeOnSink(parent: self, observer: observer, cancel: cancel)
        let subscription =
        return (sink: sink, subscription: subscription)
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  • The source sequence and scheduler are saved at initialization.
  • Before passing yesRxSwiftWhen a sequence is subscribed, the code must be executedrunMethods. (Check out my previous article on the core logic of RxSwift if you are not familiar with it.SubscribeOnSink.runmethods
func run() -> Disposable {
    let disposeEverything = SerialDisposable()
    let cancelSchedule = SingleAssignmentDisposable()
    disposeEverything.disposable = cancelSchedule
    let disposeSchedule = self.parent.scheduler.schedule(()) { _ -> Disposable in
        let subscription = self.parent.source.subscribe(self)
        disposeEverything.disposable = ScheduledDisposable(scheduler: self.parent.scheduler, disposable: subscription)
        return Disposables.create()


    return disposeEverything
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  • You see a line of code about schedulingself.parent.scheduler.schedule().self.parent.schedulerIt is calledSubscribeOnMethod is passed as an argument to the queue and then executedscheduleMethods.
  • callself.scheduleInternal(state, action: action)
  • And then execute toself.configuration.schedule(state, action: action)
func schedule<StateType>(_ state: StateType, action: @escaping (StateType) -> Disposable) -> Disposable {
    let cancel = SingleAssignmentDisposable()

    self.queue.async {
        if cancel.isDisposed {

    return cancel
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  • See here finally understand, the original is to put the task in the set queue in the asynchronous execution
  • thisaction(state)It’s a trailing closure that comes in from the outside, so the code will start executing the closure, it will executelet subscription = self.parent.source.subscribe(self), subscribes to the source sequence, so must comeProducerthesubscribeMethods.
override func subscribe<Observer: ObserverType>(_ observer: Observer) -> Disposable where Observer.Element == Element {
    if! CurrentThreadScheduler.isScheduleRequired { // The returned disposable needs to release all references once it was disposed.let disposer = SinkDisposer()
        let sinkAndSubscription =, cancel: disposer)
        disposer.setSinkAndSubscription(sink: sinkAndSubscription.sink, subscription: sinkAndSubscription.subscription)

        return disposer
    else {
        return CurrentThreadScheduler.instance.schedule(()) { _ in
            let disposer = SinkDisposer()
            let sinkAndSubscription =, cancel: disposer)
            disposer.setSinkAndSubscription(sink: sinkAndSubscription.sink, subscription: sinkAndSubscription.subscription)

            return disposer
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  • So it’s going to decide which code to execute based on the current scheduling environment, so it’s going to go else first. Came toscheduleMethods the inside
  • deferIs a deferred call, guaranteed inreturnBefore the call
  • It’s going to executeaction(state), will be executed inside the closureObservableSequenceSink.runMethod, and finally the code comes back to thisscheduleMethod, because the last time I came inisScheduleRequiredSet to false, so the code executes block 3(shown)
  • Block 3 basically encapsulates the task into oneScheduledItemObject and join the queue
  • It then executes code block 2, which pulls out the previously queued tasks and executes them sequentially, starting the closure below
func schedule(_ state: State) {
    var scheduleState: ScheduleState = .initial

    let d = self._scheduler.schedule(state) { state -> Disposable in
        // best effort
        if self._group.isDisposed {
            returnDisposables. Create ()} // Here, because of the recursive environment, we have added a lock recursive lock to ensure safetylet action = self._lock.calculateLocked { () -> Action? in
            switch scheduleState {
            case let .added(removeKey):
                self._group.remove(for: removeKey)
            case .initial:
            case .done:

            scheduleState = .done

            return self._action
        if let action = action {
            action(state, self.schedule)
        return Disposables.create()
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  • First of all, to ensure thread safety, to ensure FIFO, we added a lock. That’s why RxSwift’s signal execution is sequential, right
  • Then performaction, which is the closure that the outside world passes to the recursive scheduler, followed by the normal flow of sending signalsself.forwardOn(.next(next)).
  • ps:RxSwiftThe code calls are cumbersome, deeply nested, and closed, so you need to slowly and repeatedly break points to carefully consider

Using observeOn

  • We useobserveOnTo decide which oneSchedulerListen for this data sequence. In the above example, by usingobserveOnMethod switches to the main thread to listen and process the results.
  • observeOnThe operator will specify a differentSchedulerTo make theObservableNotify the observer.
  • observeOnGeneral process and ideassubscribeOnAlmost. So I’m not going to break it down here.


  • The schedulerSchedulerInheritance diagram of
  • SchedulersRxThe core module of multithreading, which is mainly used to control which thread or queue the task runs in
  • subscribeOnTo determine where the constructor of the data sequence is locatedSchedulerRunning on the
  • observeOnTo decide which oneSchedulerListen for this data sequence
  • subscribeOnandobserveOnCreates a mid-tier sequence, so there’s also an internal process of subscribing to the response sequence, mid-tiersinkIt’s the observer of the source sequence

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